Irene Dixon Bamford

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Pages That Mention Laura Babcock




Monday 9 January 1905

A cloudy stormy day. Maud cleaned pantry very nicely & cooked and done most all the house work. V and Sr started for the Island for wood but the storm turned them back. Bob Henderson here in the evening brought tobaco for V. Wal had been to the bay in cutter. Miss Maud, L Watson St Lawrence Island Wolfe Island Ont.

[random cost additions in pencil]

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu





Friday 3rd July 1908 Mr Lancaster came this p.m. We all sat out on veranda except Bob and Rachel are fishing. L was caught in a heavy shower of rain while driving through our big gate by the road.

Saturday 4 July 1908 A ball game at State Park. Wind blowing quite hard but Bob and Wallace Niles go across to the ball play Troll but got no fish.

Last edit 8 months ago by Khufu




1 Sept Thursday 1915

V and Reg went to K. Henry went on boat as far as his uncle Hanks which left no one home except Belle, Emma, Edith and I; the day passed away very pleasantly V carried 3 barrels of Oldenburghs to market one to Henderson and sold the others on the market. I think he got only $1,50 per barrel. Well they all came home Bob Sr. Sr., Robert Jr., Grace, Isabelle (Margaret staid home) Voltie and Henry which makes just 12 of us now in family now Isabelle Jr not very well so Rob Sr & Grace retire early and Ruth came down and Marion and they danced a little while.

2 September Friday Arose early; a fine day now hustle and bustle for breakfast for Grace and her family are going to Watertown. Bert Smith is going to meet them at Van's and now the picking up and packing up 5 or 6 valises and sent cases filled and too full. V goes to Niles and borrows their skiff & Reg rows Margaret and the Baggage across while V in his skiff takes the balance of the family across in his skiff. Bert didn't come till 1 pm. then Maud and kid Hubert was with him. Lib was scant for fear she would have to get their dinner and put it off as long as possible. Grace told Lib not to get dinner for them for she nor Bob nor one of their family would eat. She only wanted the privilege of stopping on their ground till some one came for them. L got dinner for them but they didn't eat. They all piled in the car and went to Will Dixons. Reg came back with Niles skiff. V went to corners bought coffee and tobacco and visited with Laura Beadle Hank came in his motor for Belle and Henry.

3rd September Saturday 1915 A very fine day. Emma cleans all the floors. Regginald helps V dig potatoes. They go fishing and gather plums down on the Frank place. Marrion comes down and they to. Emma & Marrion go out in skiff pretending to fish. The river is perfectly still all day. Reg quits tater diggin and goes in skiff too. Rachel comes over to visit Belle but she not here nor did she come staid all night at Hanks. Dora's boy got pneumonia awful sick

Last edit 4 months ago by Khufu




Sunday 9th September 1917 This dont look very favorable for crossing St Lawrence river & this is the day appointed for for [sic] Belles return home. Wind blows from south. Rachel came over. Then Dick and Lydia Halliday came visiting, brought their baby 14 months old Helen a mischievous busy body walking toddling around getting into every thing. A great time visiting and gossiping; wonder if Dora's ears burnt any. After they go Belle more determined to go but V dont like to go in N's skiff and dont go. Edith went visiting at Morgans; heavy rain showers in pm. E phoned to stay all night at Morgans but no she came home

Monday 10 September 1917 I did'nt sleep so very well. Kept thinking so often of how very anxious Belle is to go home and the wind may blow and she cant get across. But her prayrs [sic] were answered for the V couldnt cross in Niles little skiff Sheridan came over to hire out to V and bring Volties skiff across; he just took Belle and all her traps across in his motor leaving her at his ma's and came directly back Pierpont for Rachel heard that Ray King came for Belle in his car that same am. Voltie sent Rheridan [sic] to the corners for gasoline, cotton mits and caffe. Sheridan the second time brought R a 5 gallon Kerosene.

Tuesday 11 September 1917 A very cool day. lonesome since Belle went home. V & [Sheridan|S] digging potatoes, digging trench for Sheridan's motor. Emma done quite a washing of white clothes and hung them on the line. V and Edith gathered the plums down on lower place, 2 pails full. I wrote and sent a to no one.

Wednesday 12 Sept 1917 A very good day, tho the wind South and blew a half gale from South, much warmer than yesterday. V and S drawing stone and digging our few potatoes. Emma canned 17 cans of plums. Rachel came over for milk. Laura Babcock here in evening. Sheridan went home with her. I think that is what she came for. I finished writing to Nelly Brooks and mailed

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu


Saturday 26th May 1917 a very cool morning and cloudy. Nearly June and the weather is bad for making garden. Edith went to Rachels carrying her milk and my cosmopolitan. Howard here for Golden Bantom seed corn for his uncle Jack and helped Emma saw wood. Emma carrying the butter down cellar. V plowing for corn. Emma cleaning wood work in kitchen. Edith helping her. Irene washes a double portion of dishes, last night supper dishes and breakfast dishes also dinner dishes 46 knives, forks, spoons, plates, platters, cups, saucers, pans, pots, kettles, pitcher, frying pans, baking pans, sauce dishes, porrige dishes. Emma & Edith lugged a bag of flour up stairs, but the routine of usual Saturday work completely knocked out. Things look pretty rough around here. Sheridan came over and went with Voltie, Joe, Sam, spearing for fish, speared 16 eels and other kinds of fish. This is Seridan's first lesson in spearing.

Sunday 27th May 1917 Sun bright, but weather very cool; wind blowing from N.W. quite briskly. Cows have got out and gone over on Niles; V gone for them. E & E feeding calves. Emma soon cleaned things up and now the dining room looks quite respectable for Sunday. Edith cleans herself up and goes visiting to Jim Morgans, stays till near sunset. Excepting Laura Babcock no one here to day. Joe Woodman in the house a few minutes; didn't sit down. Edith came home with her head & heart completely filled with her visit. Jimmy had taken them all to Howe Island in motor tour he went to take Alden and young Duseol back to home. Alden working on Howe Island.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu
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