Irene Dixon Bamford

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Pages That Mention Jim Kehoe





Saturday 10 April 1915 A cloudy morning. No rain. This certainly is the dirtiest, filthiest house I ever saw and every thing in disorder. V got wall paper for my bedroom but it never will be put on. I suppose Emma does all she can but that other long legged trollop that stops while wiping a few dishes to play with and feel of the cats! oh every thing goes wrong this spring. But that other dear little girl Emma. I am sorry for Emma.

Monday 19th April 1915 nine days ago since I wrote in this diary since then Rachel came home last Wednesday morning. Van & Lib brought her home in Rob Percys old leaky skiff, and last Monday Sylve Woodman and Eddie McDermott were married at the villiage by the Episcopal service. A very foolish marriage I think; she is 21 and he is 19. V went to Kingston last Thursday on the boat, carried 30 lbs butter at ,30 cts per lb. Eggs 18 per doz. Friday night a dance at Jim Kehoes. V went to take Emma, they came home at 12 midnight.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu



Friday 23rd April 1915 A cloudy morning no rain but looks very much like rain, hope it will. Edith went over to feed R hens this morning. V sowing oats working alone, no one to help him. Rachel cooking beans for dinner. Edith separated the mornings milk & cleaned the lamps and filled them, her mind is constantly filled with Mary-belle and Madeline and Mort. I sent a letter to the Family Herald and weekly Star. Read letters from John & Grace and happy to get them.

Saturday 24th April 1915 A misty morning, no rain since the 11th but the farmers are hustling in their grain. Voltie has sowed wheat, barley, oats. Rain, Rain, the warm rain is falling but it proved to be only a good sun shower but it was of great benefit to the Earth. Voltie and Jimy Kehoe went to Corners rowed to Vans in V's skiff. Van told V to take his rig which V did. They came at midnight. V bought shirts, scribbler, olives, kerosine, gum and a pencil.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu



our preacher Mr Sager calling at Rachels and talking with Voltie on the road near where V was plowing another new calf at the barn. Jimy Kehoe and Rupert Davis borrowed V's skiff to go over the river. They are going to corners for something to cure the cow itch on Rupert. They will have a very dark time crossing the river it is so very cloudy.

Sunday 2nd May 1915 A cool sprinkly morning. Edith is expecting the Morgan youngsters but dont think they will come. After dinner Emma calls on Sylve. Mag comes down here. Mrs Niles came too Not a very pleasant day. Harold Dignum here in the evening

Monday 3rd May Not a very pleasant day, chilly. Voltie gone to field to plow this morning. Edith contrary dont want to do any thing

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu



Wednesday 5 May 1915 A fine cool day. Voltie began plowing the last home field back of the barn. Rachel came over to gather and cook greens. We had a big mess of greens for dinner. Edith at school. V got the field and quarter plowed. Sylvia Anne and Sarah Anne Mcdermot here in the evening also Mag Magee. Jimy Kehoe gave V two fine pike. George Niles took Louise to Clayton in motor. She going from there to Watertown Sanatarium. I sent a letter to Lippencott for flower seeds.

Thursday 6th May 1915 A cool bright morning. V plowing. Edith at School. Sarah McDermott gone home. Sylve drove to the dock with her this morning. She is coming back to attend the sugar party to be held at Jane Niles Friday evening for the benefit of the "Ladies Aid". We had fish for dinner & as a present from Jimie Kehoe. V has half the field plowed. Rachel came over for milk. V planted potatoes 9 rows.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu




[random addition]

Wednesday 18th October 1916 This is butchering day. V with the help of Rodney Pike, Joe Woodman, Jim Kehoe butchered and dressed for market 8 pigs average weight 150 lbs. The men or helpers are here to dinner. V sold the pork for 15 cts per lb. Our portion was liver, hearts and tongues and 10 lbs lard. No washing done here in long time

Thursday 14 Oct 1916 A fine morning. V and Emma went to Kingston. V carried his pork to market which came to over a $150 dollars. Joe Woodman drove them to the dock and went for them at evening time when the boat came in. Aunt Rachel here and helped drive the work. Mrs Herbert Essford here to dinner, she came from Sawmill bay where she had been visiting for two weeks. R phoned for Essford and he came for her about 3 pm. Joe drove. Well they came at last, tired and hungry and Emma much dissatisfied and disapointed because she didn't get the things she wanted which she could have done as well as not when she had the money in her purse $25 dol but she met with to many congenial companions. Lizzie Woodman, Madeline Halliday &c

Last edit 10 months ago by Khufu
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