Pages That Mention Lizzy Woodman
Tuesday 24 October 1916 A very fine morning rather cool. Edith after breakfast goes over to R's to help her wash. She carried R's wash board. Emma is hustling now, for we are expecting that same old party here this evening. Emma phoned to John and Saidie Murray and this pm a man came from Cornwell [sic] to reletter [sic] the moment.. His name is Barbour. A fat jolly sort of a man weighs 112. The pm not very favourable for the coming of evening guests but they came, if not all. Sinclair Michea, Harold Dignum, Mr and Mrs Kehoe and little daughter Lizzie, Mr and Mrs Jack Niles, and little daughter Lois. Three school teachers, Misses Moore, Langley and Glenn & our teacher Mrs Langley the lower one, Miss Moore the upper one, Miss Glenn, Orville McDermot, Samy Woodman, Joe Woodman, Martin OBrien, John & Sadie Murray, Mary Barrie and her kid husband. She big fat & 44 he 19 and can dance, call the quardrilles and is a gay young lad, o what an ill assorted pair. I went to bed at 1 am (after supper). The party left for home at 4 am all saying they had a lovely time and I guess they did if dancing and a noisy racket was any proof. I nearly forget Lizzy Woodman and Bob Jackson (Cheesemaker) were here also.
Sunday 8 January 1917 A half cloudy wind south, river rough and rolling and dark. A new litter of pigs at the barn from 9 only 5 living. Will N & Wallace N called here enroute to George N. Edith getting dinner while Emma is on the rampage visiting Lizzy Woodman. Went down with Jen in cutter came back with Joe in time to get supper. Will came home to supper.
Voltie came in saying new pigs at the barn then hustle to separate the sows, move an old stove into the pen. 9 pigs but in spite of percaution [sic] 5 died only saved 4. V up late looking after pigs. Edith birthday she is fifteen years old to day.
Monday 9th January 1917 A soft day. V big help of Will N, John Niles Jr, Joe Woodman butchered and dressed 8 pigs for market. All the helpers here to dinner. But dont know how V will get the pork to market. Boat jammed in the ice in Kingston harbor, ice 16 feet deep. If North wind should blow ice may move out. V drove over to R's brought her and Turk for she has no coal only a two kettles full. Will N went to Georg, W's with Wallace. Came back early, played cards till late. more pigs at the pen 10. R didnt play. V sat up nearly all night with the new pigs.
Tuesday 10 January 1917 A dark cloudy rainy day. R went home early this morn after breakfast taking Edith with her. Edith didnt want to go and I couldnt blame her. V and W draw hay from the lower barn through the rain. Such a load to dishes to wash this pm, crockery, glass, cutting spoons, pots, pans, jars, kettles, frying pans, basins and 10 other knives.
Saturday 12 May 1917 A very cool morning but clear sun trying to warm up. Wind west and not blowing much. E work and packed the butter then fixed the churn. Every one takes a hand at the churn. R washes dishes. V gone to the field to work leaving R here. She washed breakfast dishes and milk pails. Edith washed separator and it is to be put away for the summer. Emma dug dandelions for dinner. R goes home after dinner on wagon. V finishes up over there, used the separator again. V got rheumatism yet. Emma worked all day like a heroine. Edith drove home the cows.
Sunday 13 May 1917 A very cool morning and somewhat cloudy. The clouds clear away and the day proves fine. Emma and Edith go to church after dinner. Lib and Van come over. Lib goes directly to Rachels. Delavan stops here. When E & E return from church, they are accompanied by Lizzy Woodman Woodman and Miss Langley therefore we had music all pm till supper time. Lib came over from Rachels. Rachel came also. Emma was so late about the tea, that Van and Lib wouldn't stay. Will Niles and Tom Maloney came too and staid awhile. After supper more music. Then Emma goes out to help Voltie milk. and then after dark all go part way home with Lizzie as far as Rachels to carry her some milk. After they return Miss Langley goes home alone. Lib came over to Rs for hens but went home without them. V troubled a bad as ever with rheumatism