Irene Dixon Bamford

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Found the roads very rough. Mrs Morgan requested to come down in buggy, but could not accomdate her brought milk pails for Welly & sugar, brought 10 yds toweling, 8 spools white thread and groceries, sold the eggs for 11 cts per doz at Bakers.

Wednesday 23 March 1898 A cloudy day after wind & rain all night, a quiet morning. Mart & Volty went the fish nets found no fish, wind sprung up and had to come home without bringing the net. V plowing with the new mare. She rather friskey before the plow with old Jim for pard. The te he ing going on in the kitchen again this afternoon. Mart making good bye calls at Will, Wellies & Franks. Maud, Volty and Edna gathering roots and barks for beer. E scraped the bark off and threw the bark in the stove thinking the wood was the part to make beer. The day cold bleak cloudy & cheerless. Wind North. Evening Mart goes home with Wallace to make a good bye visit.

Thursday 24th March 1898 Arose at 4 am got breakfast and V drives over to the dock with Mart & his father. Mart going to Chicago. W Sr

Last edit 10 months ago by Khufu


hires 25 dollars for Mart payable in three months. V plows all day. Rachel comes over & stays all day, froze last night. 3 pails of sap is the result. Wells Sr bought a two wheeled Vehicle & a tank for the shop store.

Friday 25 March 1898 A very fine Morning. Froze last night more sap to day. V plowed all day. Wells Sr drove out in his new dog cart drawn by old Jim gone till 4 Oclock at the foot of island. Misses Mable Morgan & Laura Sauve honored with a visit, stayed till nine pm. George came for them. Frank here too, sang and played on piano. no letters only Whig.

Saturday 26 March 1898 looks like rain. V plows till 3 pm then V & Frank start for Marysville dont return till 2 am. cook and do Saturday's work. Will didn't go. Jim wanted to go but no way to go. Anne Horn, Hattie Joslin here. more sap, one perch 22 eggs.

Sunday 27th 1898 A cloudy day begins to rain toward night. V and Edna go to the net but no fish, 28 eggs Sr goes to Wellies. E and M go to church. Wellie here for tack pullers.

Last edit 10 months ago by Khufu


1898 Continued from this page in April - October 1898 book

Monday 28 March 1898 A rainy day and rained in the night. Expected Lizzy but she didnt come.

Tuesday 29 March 1898 A chilly day after the rain to wet to plow. A sugar party at A Joslins this evening. Maud and Edna visiting at Evelines this afternoon. Volty set out bushes. Grace washed. Wells Sr brought in the clothes after dark, wind blowing hard.

Wednesday 30 March 1898 A very good day, dressed 3 roosters for market. Lizzie Horn here sewing for Grace, walked home at sunset. Volty and to Marysville. Will goes up with Frank come home at 1/2 past 2 am. Edna visits Shell. Maud visits at Wills. V plowed till starting for Marysville.

Thursday 31 March 1898 A very good day rather chilly. Wells Sr, Grace and Edna go to Kingston. Maud and I worked all day. V plowed they came home all right. Volty drove to the dock for them in the evening. Jimmie came and Volty went with him to Franks to practice where they met. Will D, Mr and Mrs Woodman are keeper

Last edit 10 months ago by Khufu


Tuesday 7 Nov

Wednesday 8 Nov

Thursday 9 Nov arose at 3 am. V going to Kingston on Pierpont, walked to wharf and carried a basket of fowls and shats to be barn dried, 4 lengths of stove pipe & the baritone cornett. Irene fed hogs but Jr came up and done the chores. Grace is better. V came home at nearly 8 pm. J Morgan here in eve and after supper they go down to Franks to blow horns. V come back at 11 pm at last the house is quiet and all is well. Geo Niles came home to day, came on Pierpont.

Friday 10 Nov 1897 A cloudy day, sun shining out now and then. V plowing but drove to dock for wheat from Rosedale wreck. A dance at Horn's. Moved the stove coal again. Callers WmD-W.N.-FW.-WmR -J Morgan Ed W. & P Burnham. No letters only from Hannah

Last edit 10 months ago by Khufu


Wednesday 15 December 1897 Get out early this morning. V does the chores at the barn & milks the cows. After breakfast V goes to Uncle Sams for big kettle and the mail [illegible] for wood toward the dock. Knockee out [illegible] old stumps, enough to heat water for butchering and also keep the kitchen stove going two days. Butchered 5 hogs—helpers were Will and Frank & Jimmie and Wellie. Evening visitors were Will and Jen. Jimmie came back stayed all night, and helped V do the chores. A very fine day for out door work.

Thursday 16 th Out of bed at 4 am. Jim helped V do chores and load the hogs for waggon for market. V gone to K & Jim gone to K and Niles gone to K. Will & Charley here, gave Charley a pumpkin. Wellie came up & done chores. A cloudy day all mud. Wind S. The wreck of the Rosedale was towed down by here to day in charge of three tugs, was towed stern first constantly pumping. Volty came 1/2 past 7 pm. Expected the father but he did not come.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu
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