Irene Dixon Bamford

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be home before night if he comes to day for the wind blows and the air is freezing cold. Frost on the North window. Wells came in time for his supper. Says the Lidy buisness [sic] is all right and he has to leave home tomorrow morning for Chicago. Will and Charley here in the evening. Charley came over this afternoon and brought some Syrup, he said "For uncle Wells". Which is a treat for us all.

Tuesday 27 March 1894 Wells built a fire at 1/2 past 3 O'clock. Welly came and they got started at 5 Oclock AM for Kingston. Wells anxious to get the 8 Oclock boat. A clear bright frozen morning, very quiet. Wells gave me a hundred dollars towards building the new barn. I took a nap in afternoon near party at WG Woodman's. Grace & V go with Frank Woodman and WP. Jim Morgan here.
Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu



Wednesday 28 March 1894 A cold day, wind N, snow falling furiously for a while, ground white then sun comes out again and before night there is no snow. I called V and G.D.B. up in time for breakfast. They came home at 3 AM—came near staying all night. Welly here, I gave him $20.00 to get lumber & grass seed &c. Voltie working on a jumper. Mart drawing the banking from the house. Evening visitors Will Dixon, Jim Morgan & Frank Woodman. John Morgan went to uncle Smiths.

Thursday 29 March 1894 This morning the ground covered with snow about 4 inches deep. The Pierpont made her first trip to our wharf arriving last night and lying there till this morning. Welly and Will Dixon, Laura Smith went up. Laura carried 50 lbs of butter to market. John Morgan stayed with uncle Smith all day. Laura brought home with her a boy from the orphans home.
Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu




Thursday Dec 10th Almond Joslin here to dinner. Will came over and helped put up the stove pipe.

Friday 11 December 1896 A fine day. Arose at four a.m., routed the family, got breakfast early and V gets on the road at half past six a.m. enroute for Kingston with the cattle which he sold Burnside Wednesday. Welling & Perley & Percy Gillespie also drive cattle and they all go in company to Marysville. Devers wanted the boys to drive his cattle but "got left". Maud quite sick with tonsilitis quinsey. School teacher came after school to make a visit. Jim Morgan came for his tea. Frank here too in evening. V came after dark.

Saturday 12 December 1896 A warm day, very fine for December. Maude better to day. Grace scoured pantry floor with brush, made cookies. I worked all day except showing Alice the mistery [sic] of lace knitting. Jim Morgan rowed down with a skiff for his basket of groceries and V helped him carry the basket to the river. V plowed in afternoon. Uncle Samy plowing with 2 teams all day.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu


Wednesday 2 September 96 Churned and made 45 lbs of butter for market. Charlie came over for butter print. Voltie gone to Kingston: started horse back borrowed Cavalry's covered buggy, returned just after dark. Jim Morgan here: bought some beef of him. Jess Reid drove up the cows and Jess and Leatherland milked all the cows which was a kindness indeed. V paid the 2.50 R.V.R.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu



Frank stays for supper, just as we were going to eat, D Mahoney came so we waited and he took tea with us, stayed the evening. F W went home, a lot of cider found it way down the boys throat and so on & so forth.

Monday 25 1896 Oct. Wind South. Sun bright a very nice day. Maud gone to school. V drawing manure. Grace churns, make cookies and all kinds of work. Alice Foley came home with Maud from school. Alice helps M wash dishes while G milks after supper. Jim Morgan comes to play Pedro & drink cider. Grace pops corn

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu
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