Irene Dixon Bamford

Pages That Mention Johny OBrien


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Monday 14 Jan 1890 A stormy day snowing and blowing all day to day & all last night drifting into cattle and horses stay in stables. Mr Woodman's driving their cattle through the blinding storm to the river to water. Will D has no coal for their stove. Would like to have grandmother over if she could get here. Grace sewing a quilt. I sew and cut carpet rags.

Tuesday 15 Jan 1895 A stormy day snowing and blowing. Very doubtful if OBrien goes for the mail. Ought to write a letter but not get time, cannot wash no soap. Voltie went in evening to Mr Niles for tobaco. Mart folowed [sic] him under pretence of going to post office. OBrien drove down on ice with mail (or Soban) J OBrien gone to a weding. Miss Dee married to a Brown. Snowed all day; cold medium. Morgan's boys at J Niles; played cards
Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu


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factory this morning 196 lbs Looks very much like rain all pm V & E & E set 450 tomato plants. John OBrien here for gasoline. V wouldnt get it for him by lamp light - might explode. Thunder and lightning in Evening put calves in barn for fear of wire fence and lightning lost one cow that way dont want to lose more. Rained when we went to bed

Saturday 7 June 1913 Rained all night and part of a.m. Everything growing, weeds and grain. This week we have churned twice and are now churning again. We made the dandelion wine, fried and packed the ham, preserved 5 cans of rhubarb set 450 tomato plants, set onions and made garden, cleaned V's bedroom. Sr not well but very growling cross &

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu


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Saturday 27 Feb 1915 Froze again last night. A dim sunlight. Emma cleaned floors. Sam W here again to get that same shoe set over again. The horse overeaches and pulled his shoe off. Edith washing dishes. John went over to R to feed her hens. John and Voltie went to school house to fix the double windows, didnt return till 1,30 Oclock, baked potatoes which were much over baked 3 times more. will finish the chair tidy which I I will do Monday. Our teacher Miss Kelly & Johny Obrien skated over to Maloneys. Edna McFaden very sick. Dr Buchanan was pushed across in cutter by Geo & Jack & Wal Niles.

Monday 28 February 1915 A cold morning; froze last night so I suppose the skating will go on again to day. No church service to day. Emma talking to her sister Ethel this morning. This is a bright clear day but cold. Not extremely cold, great skating time this evening. V & Em out with the ice. Maggie Magee in the dumps because no one would play tag with her on the ice, so sulked and squat on the ice. Edith staid in house with me, John & I reading.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu


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Wednesday 7 February 1917 I guess this pen is worn out. Another nasty day. Will Woodman here to get horse shoeing done. Will Woodman here to dinner, talking War and Canadian politics. No sand to day and only 13 loads all told. Our pump out of business since Tuesday morning. Edith at school

Thursday 8 February Nasty day. Wind South. No one here except Joe W; he came to bring R's hen feed, oats that she bought off Will H Woodman.

Friday 9th February 1917

Friday 9th February 1917 A blustering snow day. The wind gathers up the snow and drives it swirling through the air. no mail to day for the roads are drifted. V has to chop open water holes for water for every purpose to water horses, cattle, hens, sheep, hogs, and for the house. Joe here helping Voltie. V phoned to Johny OBrien to go to McFarlands for hog feed while [Johny OBrien|[John]] is in town tomorrow. John could get only 200 lbs. Great talk of going to Depauville to a masquerade next Friday and a dance here a week from tomorrow night. I dont mind the Masquerade but the dance out. Joe here to dinner. Joe went to Bob Busks to a dance. Henry phoned that he is there.

Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu
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about 3 pm having walked every step of the way and nothing to eat since breakfast. I think it was a long walk for a 8 1/2 year old yonker with short legs.

Thursday 8 March 1917 A cloudy not very cold day. Voltie started for Kingston at 7 1/2 Oclock am together with George Woodman, Joe Woodman and John OBrien, all going to draw material for building V's barn. Will Niles came over quite early. Delavson & Frank drove in here to just make us a little visit. They staid till V came home; have not seen Frank Bamford before in many years.

Friday 9th March 1917 Another cloudy morning not very cold. V preparing to go to Kingston again this morn. Voltie brought in a lamb came yesterday which needs nursing. I think the lamb will die and it died witch [sic] is three. Voltie came home early. Will brought in an egg, the first this year. V is much better. The afternoon very bright and warm. Voltie said he wouldnt go again to Kingston till Monday V had a bowl of bread and milk in Kingston for his dinner. Emma cleaned and pollished [sic] all the mekle on the stove

Last edit 10 months ago by Khufu
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