Irene Dixon Bamford

Pages That Mention Brophy point


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Monday July 1st 1918 Dominion Day

Wind blowing hard from South this morn rained heavily in the night. Rain came in under the veranda door. The weather clears tho the wind continues to blows and the waves are rolling high and beating against the shore. The clouds are running to the North this morning, and the swaying bowing bending of the trees all in motion. V can't work on the barn this day on account of wind tho he did work some after Jim came. Jim didn't go home this eve a picnic Brophy's point Samy went accompanied by Miss Langley a dance at night.

Tuesday 2nd July 1918

A very good day all day. V & Jim worked on barn all day JD turned the cows in the orchard after milking in morning. V and I watch them to keep them out from the door yard and destroying Emmas flower bed. Edith has to trot after them nearly every ten minutes. After dinner Edith goes visiting to Louise Niles then Emma has to trot every time I say "There the cows are eating your dahlias. Edgar Niles came over for Emma to go to their house visiting and tomorrow pm they are going to Allen's St Lawrence corners to a dance. Emma went. Jim Morgan goes home after he ate supper

Last edit 4 months ago by Khufu


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Saturday 30 June 1917 A very fine day only a shower now and then. Emma came home at day light, weary sleepy and a sore throat sleeps awhile. Voltie got a cold too. Will Gillespie and Maurice here and that is all. W Dixon came over and you may believe we were glad to see them. Will says Lena & Louise are coming Monday. Emma cleaned floors etc, cooked meals etc

Sunday 2nd 1917 A fine day. Louise hired girl here nearly all day; a big fat coarse girl, bold and forward not at all bashful nor shy. Emma goes out driving with the cheesemaker Mr Clarence Ogle when they return V puts Ogle's horde in stable and Mr Ogle stays to supper. They all adjourn to the music room and play piano and phonograph till I'm sick of it all. The Babcock stays till long after dark then Ogle drives down to Louise with her.

Monday 3rd July 1917 A beautiful day, breezy wind South Will D and Will N and Will G, Dick Keslar, A Brown and A. Goslin fellows working here at Barn. Mrs Will Ranous drove in here to dinner. she brought a letter from Belle, three Cosmopolitans from Beny Watson, two letters from K for V and some Poultry Books from Experimental farm Ottawa. A picknic up the Island on Brophy's point and the Maloneys attended the picnic. Miss Maude Gillespie sent me this day by her father 4 books. I will look for books for her - from my wee collection.

Last edit 8 months ago by Khufu
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