Irene Dixon Bamford

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Monday 17th March 1902 A dirty windy morning. Wind S.W. Maud and Marjorie washed. Tom reading all day. Wells as usual went over to see about wood "Over there". I write a letter to Grace and in the evening we have visitors. Shell Niles, Wallace Niles, Dave Reid so we have quite a party in the parlor when we include Voltie, Tom, Chattertown, Maude and Marjorie. You understand Voltie did not go to Hickory although he arose early, by his father routing him out and he went off down the shore, valise in hand, and just after dinner he came back and reported no crossing between the foot and Hickory on account of ice have up and jamed in on shore. I gave him dinner and then V and T cleaned the sand out the bottom of Voltie's skiff and Voltie went up to Mrs Niles and bought each (ie V & I) a lb of butter and he gave me 27 cts in change for postage.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu


Tuesday 18th March 1902 A froze up morning, wind North. Voltie arose early didnot stop to breakfast but took his hammer hand which he made yesterday and his lb of butter and Tom started to drive him to the foot but went no farther than Snub's, for the roads are so rough and hard frozen. Maud went to post 2 letters one I sent to Grace and one to Pugsley's for book. Bessie McDonnel came home with her and staid till mail time. The girls had a great visit with Bessie who is quite a "piano player" for never has taken any music lessons. I washed the under garments belonging to our men folks. Evening mail Whig, American woman, Flower seeds from Briggs Toronto. Marine record, account Book from Dr Pierce Buffalo. Evening visitors Dave Reid, Len Patterson, they occupied the parlor again together with Marian, Maud & Chatterton There is an organ in the parlor, and your are welcome every evening to Maggies Murphys home. May Ranous came here for mission money. I gave her 25 cts of V's money. I did not like too, gave it in V name but I'll pay it back again.

Last edit 8 months ago by Khufu


Friday 21 March 1902 A mild day. Tom got headache again this morning but I doctor him with various remedies and he chops more wood & splits. Sent Maud to post office with letter for Pansy seed free then sent her to Niles for buttermilk and to get a dollar changed so I could send for seeds. I sent to Park for vegetable seed. 4 cts for this day's postage; looks like going to rain. We got a lot of work to do this spring. 3 dresses to make, house cleaning to do.

Friday eve 21st March Maud & Marjorie went to Mrs Niles making an afternoon visit and staying till nearly 11 Oclock pm. There were Len & Nellie Patterson & Bob and Dave Reid and Marjorie. Wells & Tom chopping splitting and sawing wood at the door. Wall and his father went across

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu


Saturday 22 March 1902 A beautiful bright warm day. The river is nearly covered with great masses of ice which is rapidly melting away beneath the fierce rays of the sun. Wells & Tom chopping & sawing wood. The wood pile is constantly growing larger every minute. Marjorie reading & making cushion. Maud cleaned all the floors, Marjorie polished the lamps. I made bread, cookies, baked beans, got the meals and washed dishes, and washed V's under shirt & two towels and popped a pan full of corn. Wells Sr drove down to foot for Voltie. Evening visitors Shell Niles, Wall Niles, Bob Reid, Dave Reid, Len Patterson & Nellie Patterson are all in the Parlor with Voltie and Marjorie and Maud & Tom Chat. Lenard brought his fiddle.

Last edit 9 months ago by Khufu


Irene baked two pies (currant) and another pan of cookies (molasses). Evening visitors Mrs Niles & Inez, Dave Reid & Lennie Patterson. Mrs N stays till nine pm, then she and Inez go home, all our young people in the parlor. Voltie, Marjorie, Maud, Patterson, Reid, & Tom. Will Snub boils sap all day if it is Sunday. Bobolo and Leonardo have appointed their sugar party down to Rob Ranous Wednesday evening I dont believe they will have any for I dont believe they have money enough among them all to buy the sugar. Any way they didn't leave the parlor till Voltie told them to go home for it was bed time.

Last edit 8 months ago by Khufu
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