Pages That Mention Bob Weir
Wednesday July 3rd 1918 A very cool morning and clouding up fast, very strange weather for 3rd July. V turned the cows in again this morning. pm I watch cows pick over beans. Edith getting dinner. phoned to Weir for Tea & Coffee. Jim Samy & V working on barn E ran to post box with letters to Bernie Watson. Edith drove the cows back twice before nine Oclock and has to find wood to get dinner with. O such work!
Letting the Tea & Coffee be all used up and say nothing and she going to St Lawrence store.
Thursday 4th July 1918 A fine day. Grace, Margaret, Robert, Isabel, Bert, Maud and Hubert came this a.m.
and to dinner. Emma & Maggie after washing the dinner dishes walk up to Jack Niles to see the baby Lois. Found Geo & Louise there besides Old Horn and Lizzie, Mr and Mrs Kesler. Edith goes up to visit Maggie Magee. She is alone. Sylvia gone to English church. Ed, Joe & Sam gone to Howe Island to a bass [sic] ball play. About 4 pm V motors to Micheas with Margaret Joslin; she is working for her granny Anne Michea, Mag Magee came home with Edith and they go sauntering along the shore. The day ends in quiet peacefulness
Monday 14 Sept 1914 Another beautiful day. A brilliant sun and a cloudless sky & warm tho the evenings are cool. V fixing line fence between himself and Geo Niles. Emma washed and hung the clothes on the line by 10 pm. Edith picked beans for dinner. I shelled them. Then Edith went to school; has row with the Morgans, Madeline tore Ediths new apron. V finished cobbling the fence, picked lot of tomatoes for home canning and for Joslin's family beside a pail of cucumbers for Weir. Edith went for the cows gone a long time. Emma called on Sylvie 2 hours. Edith came home early. Edith washing supper dishes. A beautiful sunset and the river so still it reflects every color of sky.
V went to plow but had too stop to help John McDonald move the hay press from the barn over to Weirs for they are going to press hay. Voltie managed to hire old Bill York to chop the wood for the school house. We milk the cows once a day now. I read a story to V and Edith & Emma in evening. The wind is howling from the west and the sea is running high
Tuesday 17 Nov 1914 The West wind howling all night fearfully and still continues with increasing force. The river presents a picture of millions of white crested waves forever in in motion rising in great white capped billows vanishing for a second only to rise again instantly magnificently grand but wearing to soul and eye. "Cease rude Boreas cease thy" "railing" . Voltie rung up again the Obriens about the wood for the school. E washing breakfast dishes. Emma shelling corn for dinner. Volty making stanchions for stable calves. forgot to say Weir paid V 2 dollars for tomatoes & cucumbers which V paid to Joe Woodman.
Continued on opposite page 8th February 1914
Thursday 17th June 1915 Another fine day. Wind South. V finished planting potatoes. Edith dropped potatoes, then Edith got dinner while V cultivated the Early potatoes. Emma cleaned dining room floor, then went to pick strawberries for customers. I finish crocheting the last yd of thread No 12. Wish I had another spool. Sylve gone to town. Afternoon V worked on the road with team. Weir's hired boy came to help V on the road. Emma picked berries all pm. Irene washing breakfast, dinner & supper dishes. Roy Rat here in evening for 2 boxes of berries for Annie Niles. V put two supers on bee hives.
Friday 18 June 1915 A very fine day and cool morning. V working on the road again this day. Goldstein helping V work on road. I wash breakfast and dinner dishes. A hot day. Emma picked strawberries. I received a letter from Grace, she said Maud, Bert & babe just arrived. The hotute hen with one duckling scratching up the potatoes. V says we will have a pot pie of that old white leghorn. Rundalls linament agent here; bought a bottle of linament of him .78 cts. R came over too got sourkrout, milk & a dollar. Roy here again for berries 6 boxes but grass wet and no berries picked.
Tuesday 28th Sept 1915 A clear cool breezy day. North wind Snub's family gathering apples in Sylvia's orchard. I can see a wagon load of bags filled with apples. Sylve and two of her sisters in law came down last night Marion and Lena. V trying the corn again this morning. Weir has 12 acres of corn lying flat on the ground. Maud Gillespie here inviting Emma to a party at Dick Halliday & brought me 4 books. I lent her one Woodstock by Sir Walter Scott.
Wednesday 29 Sept 1915 A very fine day. Received a letter from Charlotte Gibson also a letter from Grace
Thursday 30 Sept 1915 A very fine day. Voltie & Emma went to the Kingston. R came over and staid with me all day. Emma and Maggie Joslin and Roy Rattray and a Holland fellow all went to Portsmouth where Maggie and Roy Rattray were married. Emma