Irene Dixon Bamford

Pages That Mention Mrs Taggart


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Monday 7 September 1908 No Rain. A beautiful day wind West and cool. Volty drove to factory this morning enroute for Boltons threshing. Sr, after getting an armful of sweet corn has bonet at his told trade weeding strawberry vines. Says "there is no profit in strawberries. I ask him what there could be made more profitable on this small place, "Potatoes'. Maud & I canned 9 cealers of tomatoes. I finish writing a letter to Beatrice. Maude made a tea cake with maple filling. Merrit Daily here for a bag of oats. Nearly sundown and Voltie not yet come with the unwashed milk can; his father filling the pails with milk. nothing to strain it into. Voltie just now come, can washed and every thing, all all right. Will and Harrold Dignum gone over to Buchanan. Harold got a very bad hand where he dug a pimple open with his jacknife. It is terribly swolen [sic: swollen] and painful.

Tuesday morning 8 September No Rain. V stays home to day and pulls beans. machine gone to Montgomerys from Boltons. Mrs Taggart came down bringing Stella. Tag staid to dinner a great talker a good visitors. Irene came down with the mail enroute for Marjories to help her cook for thresh, dry weather, no rain. Sr needs strawberry vines, Maud sick all day with head ache. Harold D gone to Kingston to Hotel Dieu.

Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu
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