Pages That Mention Miss Healey
Jan 22nd Tuesday 1895 Rained all night but frozen. Go to Kingston but a blinding blizzard of a snow storm set in from S.E. so they unhitched the horses from the sleigh and posponed [sic] going. Woodmans went, J Niles went. Storming all day but not cold. Voltie working in shop all day. Wells Sr covering an old umbrella. Mail; the White, Yankee, letters from Miss Healey, John Bamford, Voltie potatoe outfit & a letter for me from Dick Brown. Mart lost Wellies paper, Kingston News - coming home.
Jan 23rd Wednesday 1896 A beautiful bright day. Wind South West. Wellie and Will gone to Kingston, Ed Bates came over stoped at Wellie's awhile then came up here and stayed till Wellie & Will came home from Kingston. Duneau Juire drove down inviting to a dance at Will Dixon's to be given Friday evening. Frank Woodman here. Will D, Frank W & J.D.B. went to Griffens River View to a dance walked across the ice. Martin gone over to stay all night with Jen and the children. Henry Halliday & Matilda Niles married this morning