Pages That Mention Wellington Smith
Jan 20 Sunday A mild day Wind S. Wells Sr, Maud and I went over to Belle's in sleigh found roads very good. Had a fine visit only the children went out playing in the snow and came in covered with snow from head to foot. Came home again just at dark, found R here. Grandmother did not go home, found her here too. Voltie and Charley Woodman|Chas Woodman]] drove to corners saw Buchanan about lung complaint. Dont believe any thing ails either of them. A cloudy day, looks like a thaw. Wellington Smith here - gone home now away across the ice & away, away, away.
Jan 21st 1895 Monday A mild soft cloudy day. Voltie gone with Rachel to Carleton Island. Will D and Charley over here came for their oil. GD gave young C a reprimand for striking his sister Flora. Well tis 20 minutes past 11 AM, supose I will have to look around about the dinner. Heard this day that Frank Woodman has got the best head and most brains of any shote on the Island. So his brother Charles says. Supose his brother Charles knocked some sence [sic: sense] into him when when he got him out in the field and laugh when he used to give him a pounding every day so as to make an M.D. of Frankie by swan going to rain.
Friday 15 March. Rather a coldd day growing cloudy towards eve. I mended stockings and Grace went for the mail, received the "New York Recorder", Yankee, Blade, Whig, News, churned. Uncle Smith drove across the river with Wellington Smith taking him to Rosier.