Pages That Mention Prudence Joy
in the eve. A warm lovely night like May. I never before saw anything like it in March. The young moon shining brightly. Laura Smith went to Mr Niles to get Wallace to help do the chores for White has hoisted the piratical flag and gone home. Laura called at our veranda and talked awhile, said she must hurry for she had left Bill alone. Wells and R Percy crossed the open river in a boat from Burnhams this morning March 12 1894 Monday
Tuesday 13 day of March 1894 Prudence Joy very sick. A warm cloudy day, wind N veering around to South at three Oclock PM, commenced raining. Volty and Mart drew hay on waggon, drew four loads from the old barn. Wellie came up for milk and went to Sam's to post a letter. Will stoped here on his way to J Niles. War declared all ground between Will & Smith and White, the breach is widening and the feud progressing. Wells not home yet. La ra ra ra boom de aye Our old man has gone away You bet your boots he's gone to stay.
Thursday 15 March Froze hard last night, very still, no wind, freezing a little all day. Prudence Joy buried to day. Wells, Grace and Mart went to the funeral. Will stoped [sic] here on his way to Niles to buy potatoes, bought 3 bushels. Voltie and Wellie hewed timber after dinner. I finished the blocks for the log cabin. Evening cloudy and cold.
Friday 16th March 1894 A cloudy cool morning clears up bright PM. Wells ought to have gone to Marysville for groceries but put off till tomorrow. He is going up on the milk waggon in the morning. Voltie went down to Wellies to hew but didn't hew much. Voltie came for milk said E had this morning been buying two lbs butter from Shira B. Voltie and Mart drawing stone all PM. Grace finish sewing blocks on the log cabin. I bake beans.