Gold Rush Era Collections

Pages That Mention Belmond, Wright Co. Iowa

Josephine J. Crawford

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It seems Cousin Oscar's little Son has gone to join the dear ones gone before. I rec'd [received] the paper with his, and Albert Pease death. We shall soon follow – and the "places that Know us shall Know us no more". The 3d of next Sept I shall be 60 years of age I have nearly reached three score. How much I wish I could see you and dear Uncle once more in this life, but I do not expect to, but hope to meet you beyond the grave.

I often think of you and our dear friends east – but few are yet left – and I presume if we were to meet we would not recognize each other, all so changed, nothing the same but memory, and undying affection of the next. Dear Aunt Calista do write me very soon My last letter to you is still unanswered I am longing to hear from you again.

Aunt Mary Brayton celebrated her Golden Wedding last Oct. They had a grand time – Both Uncle and Aunt Broyton are very Smart for people of their years – My bro-B is living in Chicago. He writes Uncle Dr. Don's Fred Pond has finally married – He or Carrie both live in Chicago Ella has lost her husband but is left with plenty of this world's wealth – Bro Gulian is still living in Belmond, Wright Co. Iowa. Is your bro Oromel living in Castleton where you can some times meet. I would like to see my brothers again, but we are a long way apart – Please write about all my old friends – that you can call to mind. What became of Melissa Brown, who married a Dewey. Is Sallie still living. I could fill another Sheet with questions I wish to ask. Where is Cousins Flora & Asahel, Thornton Is cous [cousin] Julia Ann still living in Castleton. I hear from none of my old friends except you and Cornelia Fuller and seldom from her. Aunt Sarah lives in Joliet, Ill. Is a smart old lady. Much love to Cousin Oscar and wife – and dear Uncle and Aunt Calista.

Lovingly yours – Josephine J. Crawford

Last edit 7 months ago by California State Library
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with us children -- I do think you must have been sorely tried with us -- Hope you will be recompensed for it -- You have our grateful remembrance for your many kindnesses to us

Alphonsine has a large nice home about 32 miles from here -- She has a large family of Summer boarders at present, who go out into the country for a change from the noise of the Cities -- She has some from San Jose, Oakland and San Francisco -- She keeps two girls -- Her daughter is here being treated for kidney trouble Is able to be up around but is in bad health Their youngest son was lately married and is living in a new house, built near his father's He will continue to work his father's farm -- They have all kinds of fruit and berries, grown here, vegetables and their own milk, cream and butter -- So they live well --

Gulian .V. Pond lives in Belmond, Wright Co. Iowa He has only a Son and daughter left -- The son is married and lives near him -- He has one child The daughter is at home -- I hear she is a lovely girl a very sweet singer -- They are all well and getting along well -- Gulian has a nice home there -- Brayton and family are in Chicago -- He has a son and daughter married, and son and daughter at home single -- Uncle, Dr. Don's Carrie and Fred also live there --

We have had an unusually cool Spring with late showers -- Some of the hay that was cut has been damaged and some of the cherries, but their [there] is plenty that have not, and fruit of all kinds have had to be thinned on the trees, they were so over-loaded. Mr. Crawford has today been thinning our apples, pears, plums apricots, our orange trees are not over-loaded -- This city is situated in the very rich beautiful Santa Clara Valley. I wish you could see it -- and our lovely roses and other flowers -- They are beyond description of my poor pen -- Allie would write to you if she did not have so much work and care -- I hope I shall be more ready to write in the future --

Last edit 7 months ago by California State Library
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