Gold Rush Era Collections

Pages That Mention Inglewood Ill.

Josephine J. Crawford

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marvelous change from the borders of civilization to the Pacific Coast – I have had all the experience in pioneer life that I desire, and am contented to spend the remaining days allotted me, here, in San Jose – I think if I could, I would visit you and the dear sacred haunts of my childhood, but I would not wish to remain longer –

Dear Sister Alphonsine left here last Tuesday for Chicago - with the "Teacher's Excursion Party" with no bad luck will arrive in Chicago on Mon 2 o'clock P.M. June 17 – will visit brother Brayton and other friends there, before going to bro [brother] Gulian's – She would like to visit Vt [Vermont] friends but had not fully decided upon it before leaving here – Her daughter Annis does her housekeeping while she is away – She has a girl to help her, and still Keeps boarders as before Allie left – She writes me she is getting along nicely – Bro [brother] Brayton's address is D. B. Pond – Providence, Cotton Batting Mills – Cor [Corner] – Wentworth Ave, and Maple St. Inglewood Ill. (It is a suburb of Chicago) He would be pleased

Last edit 6 months ago by California State Library
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