Pages That Mention Josephine .J. Crawford
Josephine J. Crawford
This city is steadily improving. Have a new City Hall – Large Hotels and fine Business blocks will soon have $200,000 P. O. building completed – Have Electric St Rail-Road and other improvements
Since I wrote you, have been on the thresh-hold of the other life – In June after eight MD's passed their opinion upon my case – which was that I had cancer in my right breast – in advanced stage of development – and that with out immediate Skillful treatment I must Soon die – It had troubled me for two years – Finally decided to go to the Sanitarium at Crystal Springs near St Helena – Napa Co [County] – about 70 miles north of San Francisco – I there had it drawn out, & lived through the operation, came home and am now able to resume some of my duties but am not strong – My friends here consider it marvelous that I am as well as I am – Do not expect to have perfect health – but think my life may be prolonged for some-time yet.
If this reaches you, I hope if you are not able to write, that Cousin Oscar, or his wife will for you – If I could go east, there is no place I so wish to visit as your home – and my childhood friends – Some-times I visit you in my dreams and I fear it is the only way I can while in this life – but we do not know what is in store for us – I would be very, very happy to see you and dear Uncle Asahel once more in this life, but we shall all soon go to the other home – Are you and Uncle able to do any work? – I do so long to see you that I feel that I can scarcely wait until I can How is Cousin Oscar and family?
Please write about all our old friends and neighbors – We have had but a few days of hot weather this summer – greater part of the time it has been cool and pleasant – Hoping this will find you well and happy. I am as ever lovingly your niece – Remember much love to dear Uncle and all the family Your aff [affectionate] Josephine .J. Crawford –
Have not forgotten when Uncle Asahel had his leg broken -- and his black horse -- and many many things lives in my memory How he used to delight in teasing us just a little for fun -- O, the dear old Uncle the last of his family
I have rested many times since I commenced this and I think you will need to rest if you read all this at one time -- I have made many mistakes, but I feel you will excuse all -- Mr. Crawford send regards --
With much love to all I am as ever Lovingly your Josephine .J. Crawford
[written upside down on bottom of page] Dear Auntie, put this moss on white paper piece by piece, taken apart then its beauty can be seen and you can arrange it to look very pretty --
"Call us not weeds We are flowers of the Sea, For lovely and bright And gay-tinted are we, And quite independent Of Sunshine and Showers, Then call us not weeds We are ocean`s gay flowers."
highly cultivated woman – Her father lives in St Louis, Mo. Is by trade a jeweler Brayton writes his children have all married well, and a settled except the youngest Son who is still single – Gulian's daughter Ada is very sweet Singer – I so wish that I could meet you again here – that I some times feel dissatisfied that it is so I cannot do it I love and cling in memory to my dear old kindred and childhood friends – They, and the places I knew in those days live fresh and green in my memory – The pieces of Calico given me, when I was last there for an Album quilt I often look at it – 'Tis a dear treasured relic – I have Kept it bright and clean – I have bits of dresses of nearly all the old friends in it – and many of my cousins and other friends the young men gave me bits also to put in it – It has escaped fires and floods and was not taken by the Mexicans and Indians when they carried off most of our things – and all of Mr Crawford carpenter tools – Allie and I, talk of you every time we meet – I hope this will find you all in comfortable health and enjoying much of life – Dear Auntie I know when age brings pain, and feebleness we can't enjoy as in days gone-by – and then our old friends are so many of them gone, that we feel left almost alone – Soon we too will be gone Much love to all from both Allie and I and do please write if you are able – if not I wish some of Cousin Oscar's family would – Do you know anything about Cous [Cousin] Wm [William] Fuller? – Lovingly your niece
In the vicinity of San Jose it is worse, and also other places – In consequence it will be hard times for many, if not all – We had a very cold winter, more frost that any before and so late it injured the fruit in some localities – but Mr Sanders is looking fine He and bro [brother] Brayton are on a business trip as far north as Stockton – Expect them back in a few days – Brayton has improved in health greatly since coming here, and is so contented he is going to remain.
Dear Aunt Sarah – is well and smart for a person of her age – She has never had to work very hard, so is not worn out –
I have not heard from you Since I last wrote and also wrote to cousin Julia A. Proctor – Have had no word from her – Hope this will find you all in comfortable health and prospering We wish you to accept this as coming from both of us, after a little Allie will have more time to write, but has not yet got fairly settled and I make her more work too –
Expect to go back in a few days – I may continue to gain, but if not and I am not able to write Sis. Allie will – She is making her little grandson a waist – She has five grand-children – Did Oramel leave any children? Is Mrs. Proctor still in Castleton Where is Jane & daughter? Dear Jennie promised to write for you and I wish she may find it convenient to very soon – Please write me just how your all are, and all the friends we know – Did you make maple sugar this last spring How large a family have you – Alphonsine joins me in sending much love to all – We would like to see you just as you are in your present home. We well – remember the old one – Lovingly Yours