Pages That Mention G. P. McFaden
SF Milham J.E. Bonen Ed. L. Lindsley E C Griffith Wm L. Green C H Avdon C. R. Fraser L M Sutton G M Canice James Morrison G. P. McFaden J. Simpson Laurence Doyle E. C. Green S. B. White Robert Russell C P Stan A R Brown F J Niger N Chilber Mrs L. Lindsley B K Hall Chas Louch G N Collins Hugh T Miller J.P. Jones Adolph Krups W Caerms & Co Wm Rittenhoff R W McDaniel P S Haight
178 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 1/82 days. Granted. Committee on Health and Police granted further time in which to report on thr matter of sewers. Claims paid The following claims having been audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following, to wit: City Fund E. S. Osborne Clerk No. 233 $90.00 J.H. Woolery Chief of Police 234 100.00 D.L. McCowan Police 235 80.00 W. B. Thompson Police 236 80.00 James Welch Police 237 80.00 John Smart Police 238 80.00 C. H. Hanford Atty 239 75.00 T. H. Cann J.P.'s fees 240 20.70 Seattle Chronicle Printing 241 70.99 M.V. B. Stacy ground rent for Jails 242 10.00 J.H. Woolery Police buttons etc 243 15.74 Pumphrey & Lowman stationery etc 244 40.60 Stewart & Ebersold job work 245 15.50 F. H. Whitworth Surveys South 2d Street 246 59.00 E. W. Rea contract work New Engine House 247 & 248 1000.00 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Street labor89.25Prisoner's Board30Labor with horse24 No. 103 $143.25 Stephen Berry Street labor 104 61.25 Thos Rock Street labor 105 60.00 M.J. Costello Street labor 106 57.50 Luther Albee Street labor 107 55.00 Stetson & Post lumber 108 53.73 C. F. Williams hauling lumber 109 2.90 G. P. McFaden hauling lumber 110 1.00 Gas Fund Williamson & Kellogg gas lamps No 27 $27.00 Seattle Gas Light Co gas 28 227.85 J.L. Kahaley attend lights 29 36.00 Waddell & Miles repairs to gas fix lines 30 23.20
Richard Osborn Attorney No. 459 $75. R. B. Crowell Making tax roll 460 67.50 T. H. Cann S. P. S. fees 461 59.50 Pumphrey & Lowman Stationary 462 44.70 Ebersold & Co Job Work 463 33. Myra A. Carr Tax error refunded 464 10.76 Seattle Telephone Exchange use of lines 465 6.65 L. Neuman keys for City Hall 466 5. Cosper, McIntyre & Co. Brooms 467 3.5 E. S. Osborne Postage on Mayor Report 468 2.42
Road Fund Stetson & Post lumber No. 253 $476.76 Henry Sheahan Street labor $91. use of horse $39. 254 130. D. L. McCowan Boarding Prisoners 255 110. J. M. Snow Establishing grade on 5th Street, Pine north 256 78.8 James Campbell Street labor 257 63.75 Luther Absee Street labor 258 63.75 Stephen Barry Street labor 259 63.75 Thomas Rock Street labor 260 63.75 G. N. Alexander Carts & man 261 59.70 G. P. McFaden hauling lumber 262 40. Wald & Campbell Hardware 263 19.03 John Terrice Street labor 264 10. J. L. Kahaley hauling lumber 265 3. Geo. B. Adair, Trustee Nails 266 8.50
Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co. Gas No. 61 $309.85 J. L. Kahaley Attending Gas 62 40.
Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Contract Work Columbia St. Engine House No. 205 $600. Donald Macke Services as Architect 204 145. W. A. Perry Engineer No. 1 205 75. F. B. Cosper Engineer No 2 206 75. Waddell & Miles Carbolized hose & sundries 207 19.50 Geo. A. Adair [------] Nails & sundries 208 3.15 Cosper McIntyre Co [-------] 209 2.50
James Campbell labor on streets No. 345 $65. Thos Rock labor on streets No. 346 $65. Luther Albee labor on streets No. 437 $60. M. Murphy labor on streets No. 348 $52.50 Chas McDonald Ironing mud scraper No. 349 $41.50 Peter Zimme teaming on sts No. 350 $39. J. M. Snow Establishing Grades No. 351 $23.02 G. P. McFaden hauling for sts No. 352 $20.25 Seattle Lumber & Com cial Co lumber No. 353 $15.73 Seattle Gas Lt Co digging ditch No. 354 $5. W. H. Shoudy Poll tax refunded No. 355 $4. Fred Bonis Poll tax refunded No. 356 $4. Ole P. Egge Poll tax refunded No. 357 $4. Joel Miller Poll tax refunded No. 358 $4. W. H. Sheran Hauling lumber No. 359 $3.50 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co Repairs etc. No. 69 $21.24 Seattle Gas Lt Co Gas No. 70 $263.65 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Final payment Columbia St Engine House No. 271 $1457.25 Young & McKeon Plumbing same Columbia St Engine House No. 272 $253.15 P. E. Smith Engineer No 2 No. 273 $80. Hall & Paulson Furniture Co. Furniture Columbia st Engine House No. 274 $78. W. A. Peny Engineer No 1 No. 275 $75. L. M. Robbins Labor in Columbia St Engine House No. 276 $43.99 John Shirn Platform sidewalk Columbia St Engine House No. 277 $36.25 Seattle Lumber & Com cial Co Lumber for Columbia St Engine House No. 278 $34.91 Benj Agar CleaningColumbia St Engine House No. 279 $20. P. E. Smith Bedroom Furniture No 2 No. 280 $20. R. H. Calligan Coal No. 281 $19. Gordan Hardware Co Nails & hardware No. 282 $14.90 Chas McDonald repairing boom chains at Incline No. 283 $11.25 Frank McCombs Hauling Engine to Fire No. 284 $10. D. D. Martin Hauling Engine to Fire No. 285 $10. Peter Zimmer Hauling Engine to Fire No. 286 $10. Gordan Hardware nails sundries No. 287 $7.90
427 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 1/84 H. S. Butler Whitewashing Jail No. 599 $4. Cochran & Robb team numbers No. 600 $3.50 Neuman & Argens Jail keys No. 601 $2.75 Gordan Hardware Co lime & glue No. 602 $2.50 John Keenen Witness fee in JPs Court No. 603 $2.20 Waddell & Miles Candle Sticks No. 604 $0.50 Chas Lind Candles No. 605 $0.25 Road Fund G. Davies, R. Abrams & R. H. Calligan Appraisers Jackson St. Extension No. 360 $103. J. M. Snow Engineering Sewers $47.00 Engineering $151.68 No. 361 $198.68 Henry Sheahan labor $94.50 use of house $39. No. 362 $133.50 Stetson & Post Lumber No. 363 $97.84 S. Berry labor No. 364 $77.90 John Terice labor No. 365 $72.70 Thos Rock labor No. 366 $67.50 Luther Albee labor No. 367 $67.50 James Campbell labor No. 368 $67.50 M. Murphy labor No 369 $67.50 Geo. Howe labor No. 370 $37.50 J. E. Vining labor No. 371 $22.50 W. McCarty labor No. 372 $21.25 W. I. Evans labor No. 373 $20. M. Kelso labor No. 374 $20. J. Broker labor No. 375 $18.75 Gordan Hardware Co nails etc No. 376 $15.60 A. Thomas labor on streets No. 377 $15. G. P. McFaden Hauling No. 378 $13.75 Peter Zimmer labor on streets No. 379 $13. Chas McDonald Repairs to scaper +c No 380 $3.75 P. Goldin labor on streets No. 381 $2.50 M. J. Calligan labor on streets No. 382 $1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co gas No. 71 $275.90 Seattle Gas Lt Co Repairs +c No 72 $ 140.39