Pages That Mention Wall street
Seattle, Oct. 25th 1892
To the Honorable, the Board of Public Works.
Gentlemen, The undersigned citizens and taxpayers respectfully ask You Hon. Body to cause the erection of an arc-light on the corner of Front Street and Wall streets. As the sidewalk in that vicinity is neither in conformity with Front Street nor Wall street it is very inconvenient for those who patronise the stores located there, as well as the public at large. Taking in consideration that the property which would be benefited by this improvement is as high assessed as in other localities where these arc-lights have been in use for some time, we hope Your Hon. Body will see the justness of our prayer.
Watson C. Squire By H. Jaslyn Leo Kinnear E G Swartz J. R. Kinnear F. H. Harkins Alex Allen Chas H. Allmond James Leddy Charles Ward Mrs Keeran H. S. Schaefer W G Almer P. J. Sullivan G A. Hill Elija A. Driggs Wm Voigt J. Morrison W H T Barnes Dijut Elling C Landvig A. J. Kensley C. Schaefer
[margin] S. Council favorably recommended C G Herferson sec
Seattle Oct 6th / 90
To the Honorable Board of City Council. We the undersigned petition your honorable Body for a cross walk crossing Depot street from the east side of Wall street to the East side of Farm street.
J F Courady Grocer Walter Thompson Wm A Flindall T Delmot Ecks David W Phipps Charles M Lytle T W Felt H W Taylor John Davidson W Schelper H R Corson J H Brown E H Bushnell J H West H Dunn W E Bird Abbot Langhadall J B Somfels James Miller David Davies Geo Barth Jno F Grant J H Strite Geo Strite Wallace E Elwell W H Allbright John F Peterson J H Stull L B Henderson H O Thompson
33 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE And now the Ordinance Commmittee submit Ordinance No 255 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the Construction of a side walk along the east side of Front (formerly Third) Street from the south side of Wall Street to the South side of Battery Street" Thereupon after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to Wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald. Against adoption none And now the City Attorney submits Ordinance No 256 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to repeal the Ordinance No 254" thereupon after due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins, Densmore, Jennings Keenan, Keezer & McDonald. Against adoption none A Communication is secured & read from the Mayor upon the subject of China Wash Houses & their relations to fire: Thereupon said Commincation is referred to the Fire Committee And now the Council proceeds to elect a Policeman whose beat shall be the same as set forth in the petition of J M Kellock & Others hereto fore acted upon at this meeting; whereupon James Welsh receiving a majority of all the votes of said Council is duly declared elected as such Policeman for the term provided by law Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday evening February 10th 1882 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor
33 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 255 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the construction of a sidewalk along the east side of Front (formerly Third) Street from the north side of Wall Street to the south side of Battery Street". Thereupon after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote. to wit: In favor of adoption Clancey, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer and McDonald. Against adoption none. And now the City Attorney submits Ordinance No 256 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No 254." Thereupon after due consideration said Ordinance is adoptable upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption, Clancey, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer and McDonald. Against adoption none. A Communcation is recieved and read from the Mayor upon the subject of China Wash Houses and their realtions to fire: Thereupon said Communication is offered to the the Fire Committee. And now the Council proceeds to elect a Policeman whose beat shall be the same as set forth in the petition of J M Kollock & others heretofore acted upon at this meeting Whereupon James Welch receiving a majority of all the votes of siad council is duly declared elected as such Policeman for the term provided by law Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Firday evening February 10th 1882 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor
Be it remembered tajt onthis the 10th day of February 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its CouncilChambers pursuant to adjournment The following Officers are present: to wit: His Honor the Mayor L P Smith and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, John Collins, M Densmore, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Charles McDonald
150 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday October 1, 1882 at 7&1/2 o'clock PM Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved H G Struve mayor Oct 13/82 Be it remembered that on this the 13th day of October 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The Following Offocers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor H G Struve and Councilmen, John Collins, O F Cosper, Fred Gasch, G L Manning & U M Rasin Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Received From J L Kahaley et al for an amendment to Ordinance No 312 Licensing teams Referred to the Committee on Licenses & Revenue From Eliza A Driggs et al from opening Wall Street from Water to Front and Vine Street from Front to City Boundary. Referred to Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Co et al for the grading of Jackson Street from the West side of Second Street to Elliott's Bay. Referred to the Judiciary & Legislative Committee with instructions to submit an Ordinance to provide for the improvements. Reports of Committee Received From Finance approving Treasurers Report adopted From Finance recommending the adoption of an Ordinance to amend Section 3 of Ordinance No 246 Adopted From Streets and Street Improvements condemning sidewalk fronting Lot 8 in Block 37 of Boren's plat. Adopted From Streets and Street Improvements on the matter of grading a portion of Pine Street. Laid on the table From Gas Light recommending the placing of a gas light corner of Mill & Terrace Streets. Adopted & Committee instructed From Streets and Street Improvements condemning sidewalk fronting Lot 8 in Block 37 of Boren's plat. Adopted