Pages That Mention L MIller
N C Gaye et al 41 Aug 1 1890 for an arc light at the cor of Depot & Willow Sts
Committee St Lights recommend that the written petition be granted and that arc lights be used L MIller Gen W Hall R H Callugan
Filed Aug 1 1890
N P Andrews Saul & Dexter Henderson & Goetz Mohr & Birkee Ludwig & Co Louis Schaeffer Charles Rust A H Larrson C W Ruckhaber L B Barney Frederick H A J B Helliwell L Miller E H Stormfeltz T R Rud J Moreland M J Calligan Niels Peterson J L Kahaley Chas Schuster H Christensen Jane Funill Orhm Thurston W V Messler Oscar Shiller E Kuhn Ralph X Schoder H Marney & Co
Mr. President: Your Committee to whom was referred objections in the matter of the assessments for consturction of sewer on Anna Street beg leave to report that they have viewed the work and find the same to have been done in a substantial manner. They also, find that the contract price for the same has been authorized by the council to be paid. They therefore, are unable to report any redress that may be given objectors.
Adopted by Joint Session Dec 2, 1895 L Miller Chairman James Gleson} M W Lovejoy}Committee
Official List of Local Members of Engine Co No 1 S F D R H Calligan Wm Campbell Chas McDonald Robt Moran F Bird W A Perry F W Wusthoff L Miller C Craig J Quilter W Blanchard W Chisholm F Beattie James McIntyre A Murphy WmMurphy J Sullivan I Hummell I Rotherrig H A Biglow E D Corfee J Todd J Sherree J Roper S Moran H McDonald C J Maidment E Hommell F A Geiring J Caldwell G C Startup S Masel G Masel T Davis Dan Moore J H Smith A Mouley J McGough D McKinnon D McTavish O Knutson H Piper A Mehlhorn A Meister E T Huff A Ammonds D Callahan W Beattie J Slattery R E Russell W R McDonald A Davies G Gilbert M Powers J MCombs Irving Vreeland Joe Morrison C McElroy C W Ferris W R Forrest Herman Larson Wm Weie Thomas Forrest J A Bell Jas McGuire G W Bass Geo Wright A Stanley A Williamson T Bird F Steves S Foote C Meyer C E Easting
This is to certify that the above list is a true and correct list of the legal Members of Engine Co No1 SFD R H Calligan President Chas J Maidment Secretary
199 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jan 15/83 Fire Fund James Denham Work on Engine No 119 $18.00 A B Merrill Use of Team & Hauling coal 118 8.00 John Schram & Co Sundries for fire Dept 117 5.50 L Miller Engine to shop 116 2.00 Chas McDonald To purchase Coal 135 10.00 Applications for Licenses James W Smith for Retail Liquors Granted Charles Kitts for Retail Liquors Granted L Diller for Retail Liquors Granted L Diller 1 Billiard Table Granted O Fuhrmann Grocery Granted O Fuhrmann 1 Pool Table Granted Shaw & Alger Retail Liquor Granted Shaw & Alger 1 Billiard Table Granted John Collins 1 Billiard Table Granted Otto Pasqua Retail Liquor Granted Wm Busha Retail Liquor Referred to L&R Comtee Geo W Walsh Grocery Referred to License Comtee Miscellaneous The Clerk submits Estimated of the Cost of Front Street Grade, Front Street sidewalk Union Street & sidewlak all Referred to Finance Committee Ordered that the City purchase of T D Hinckly 20 by 60 feet off from the West End of Lot 2 Block 5 of Boren's plat at the price fo $2500.00 for an Engine House And that the City Attorney submit the proper Ordinance therefor Ordered that the City Attorney be & is hereby instructed to submit an Ordinance requiring all fees for landing on Inclines to be paid into Fire Fund Ordered that Washington Engine No 2 be turned over to Seattle Fire Co Not until such time as the New Engine House is ready to receive No 2 and that the Committee