Pages That Mention George F Meacham
STATE OF WASHINGTON County of King, City of Seattle. Charles A. Duke being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he filled up and signed the within statement and that the same is true to the personal knowledge of deponent.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of June 1894
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at Seattle
Charles A Duke Date June 18th 1894 Age 44 Residence 114 Albert St Occupation RR man Nativity American USA Married Yes Single
FILED Jul 2 1894 RF Stewart Clerk By Winchell Dep
We the undersigned state that we personally know the above named applicant and say of our own knowledge that he is honest, industrious and sober in his habits. We further state that we know the requisites of a good patrolman and that said applicant is in all respects well qualified to perform the duties required we unhesitatingly and unreservedly recommend him for the position he seeks and agree to vouch for his efficiency and good conduct should he be appointed.
C S Preston Wm Caldwey Terry King J Van Horn George F Meacham John Taylor J MCKinneson J Lornig Nittington L J Humes T W Gordon P D Hughes H C Gordon F A Wing A I Adams Jos W Gregory CS Webb Burns J Humphrey
Name of person nominating and vouching for applicant F A Wing
of Seattle as a whole.
Wherefore your petitioner respectfully remonstrate against the passage of said Ordinance and petition your Honorable Body that said license limits shall not be extended Respectfully Submitted A Henderson M Dudley Field W S Rasin Tos Murdack Robert Rutherford Arthur Morton S. V. Ramsey Robert Burton George Starck. George F Meacham J. T. Tate Clarence L. White Elliott W. Brown E. F. Howe Wm Geddes Geo. A. [Lonisly?] M. D. Grindorf John Stewart Huster H L Lewes Joe Pfister
A Jackson, Chairman Superintendent of Public Works G N Alexander, Superintendent Streets & Sewers J W Van Brocklin, Superintendent Bridges, Buildings, & Wharves The City of Seattle George F Meacham, Secretary Board of Public Works Seattle, Washington Dec 10, 1894
To the Honorable City Council Seattle Washington Gentlemen :Referring to a Communication from the Board of Aldermen, dated Nov 30, 1894, regarding the repair of Albert and Howell Streets from Eighth Street to Mercer Street, the Board of Public Works desires to say, that having obtained from the Corporation Counsel an opinion to the effect that the Railroad Company operating a street car line on those streets, could be required to make the necessary repairs, a notice was served by order of the Board, upon Seattle Consolidated Street Railway Company, to put the streets in a good condition for travel. The reply of the Consolidated Company to the notice is herewith submitted, also the opinion of the Corporation Counsel referred to. The Board respectfully awaits such instruction as the City Council may be plaesed to make in the matter yours very truly, George F Meacham Secretary
Office of M F Backus, Receiver Seattle Consolidated Street Railway Company 200 Pike Street P O Box No 56 Telephone 103 A Dunn, Auditor Referred by order of The Board of Public Works to The City Council George F Meacham secy Seattle Washington Dec 7, 1894 Received Dec 8 1894 Board of Public Works Seattle - Wash Board of Public Works, City Gentlemen :We beg leave to acknowledge of your favor of the 4th inst., and in reply, would say, that there is nothing in our franchise, nor anything in the way of justice that would require us to maintain a pavement throught Albert and Howell Streets. We think we are not required to pave our tracks or any streets unless the street is paved by the city, on the portion not covered by our track. We realize, however, that it is an absolute necessity for the traffic in that end of the town to have a paved roadway over those streets. We therefore make you the following proposition :You furnish us necessary plank delivered on the street, and we furnish all labor and other material, and keep the paving within our tracks on good repair. Or, we will do the work, furnishing all labor and material, provided the city will pay half the expense of same. We thing that this proposition should meet with your approval as it seems to us to be eminently fair. Attached herewith, for your convenience, plaese find your favor referred to. Encl. Yours Truly [illegible]
A Jackson, Chairman Superintendent of Public Works G N Alexander, Superintendent Streets & Sewers J W Van Brocklin, Superintendent Bridges, Buildings, & Wharves The City of Seattle George F Meacham, Secretary Board of Public Works Seattle, Washington Dec 4, 1894
To The Consolidated Street Railway Company Seattle Washington Gentlemen By order of the Board of Public Works you are hereby notified to at once repair and otherwise put in good condition for travel the space between the rails and between the tracks of the railway operated by you on Howell Street and on Albert Street in the City of Seattle. Very Respectfully George F Meacham Secretary