Pages That Mention Rollin St
Remonstrance of Mr D B Christopher et al against the granting of a Street Ry franchise to J Furth etal over Rollin St
Reports of Officers for Sept/81 1 Road Poll Tax liability 20 Rent of City Tenement 128 Rowe L S Right to lay water pipe 137-131 Rules of Order Comtee appointed 140 Rasin U M Councilman leave of absence 171 Rubbish Ordinance for 185-181 Renig L to lay pipe 227 Racing in Streets Suppression of 376 Rose St opening of 410 Registration Board of appointed 468 Rinehart W V Elected Councilman 531 Rollin St Extension 562-565-570-609-710-713-613-621-632-690 Ross Thos dismissed from Police Force 570 Rinehart Peroration on the Shortness of Life 620 Rinehart W V resignation 667-668
708 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Miscellaneous Ordered that the application of Fitzgerald for refunding ceertain taxes be referred to Finance Committee Ordered that North 7th Street from Blanchard to Battery Street be opened in accordance with the petition of S Sloane et al Ordered that the Committee on Fire and Water be authorized to negotiate for the purchace of a new Fire Alarm Bell for Engine House No 1 Ordered that the matter of Extension of Rollin St be continued until next regular meeting. Specific charges against Engineer James Dunham by Chief of the Fire Dept G Kellogg, Asst Chiefs Minick and Hunter, and L P Ferry foreman et al, -On motion the same are referred to the Board of Fire Delegates with instructions to report their findings to the Council at next regular meeting Union St Sewer The Council now proceeds to open the bids for the constructin of Union St sewer whereupon the following bids were presented: Bid of Wm H Harkins Sewer pipe per lineal foot $ 1.55 Brick per [thousand] 15.00 Iron Cover for manhole 35.00 Iron Cover for lamp holes 20.00 each Bid of Simpson and Jordan Sewer pipe per lineal foot $ 1.49 Brick per [thousand] 18.00 Iron Cover for manhole 25.00 Iron Cover for lamp holes 27.00 each On motion of Counclman Calligan the matter is laid
713 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 20 1885 G Kellogg & Co Road 1133 .60 Linseed meal for Horse J McKirman Road 1134 4.00 Road poll tax refunded non-resident J F Cochrane Fire 698 5.00 Painting sign & Bucket W B Grose Fire 699 3.00 Washing Hose A M Kallock Fire 700 3.00 Washing Hose Labrasche & Kallock Fire 701 6.00 Washing Hose G A Barnard Fire 702 2.00 Watching Engine No 2 Oct 24 O C Shorey Fire 703 3.00 Painting sign & Bucket Geo W Craig Fire 704 2.00 Painting sign & Bucket Chas Mcdonald Fire 705 8.75 Repairs on Engine No2 Haller & Paulson Fur Co. Fire 706 9.00 Furniture for Engine No 2 Schwabacher Bros & Co Fire 707 9.16 supplies for Engine No 2 G Kellogg Fire 708 10.00 Painting sign & Bucket [total] 60.91 On recommendation of the City Attorney Ordered that the City Atty be authorized to settle the case of G W Young-vs-the City of Seattle at cost of City Rollin Street Extension} On motion the matter of the Extension of Rollin Street is taken up, and by an unanimous vote of the Council the city Atty; is instructed to draw up an Ordinance repealing ordinance No 660 for the Extension of Rollin St etc. Ordered that the sum of $4.00 be refunded to T Ackerman, a non-resident of Seattle for City Road Poll Tax erroneously assessed against an paid by said Ackerman for the year 1885 and the Clerk directed to draw a warrant in favor of said Ackerman on the Road fund. Report of Fire Delegates upon the charges made against Engineer James Dunham Stating that said charges had been fully investigated by said board and said Dunham found 'not guilty', was rec'd and read, and consideration of the same continued until the next regular meeting. Ordered that the purchasing agent purchase six sets of
345 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE N Soderberg 2632 City 42.05 Salary as Clerk M A Kelly 2633 City 8.75 Medicine Neisz Whittleey & Co 2634 City 16.00 List of Owners on Rollin St William Murphy 2635 City 100.00 Chief of Police A H Manning 2636 City 90.00 Captain of Police H A Bigelow 2637 City 75.00 Police Officer O D Butterfield 2638 City 75.00 Police Officer D R Huntoon 2639 City 75.00 Police Officer W H Lord 2640 City 75.00 Police Officer J L McLellan 2641 City 75.00 Police Officer Geo Van Dyke 2642 City 75.00 Police Officer W L Bowers 2643 City 75.00 Police Officer W Jones 2644 City 75.00 Police Officer Chas Robinson 2645 City 75.00 Police Officer F A Fay 2646 City 75.00 Police Officer D Phillips 2647 City 75.00 Police Officer D H Webster 2648 City 75.00 Police Officer Geo Sheehan 2649 City 75.00 Police Officer Geo Perkins 2650 City 75.00 Police Officer James Murphy 2651 City 2.50 Police Officer E Deal 2652 City 52.50 Police Officer Lowman & Hanford 2653 City 12.00 Printing Robt Russell 2654 City 57.00 Care of Angeline J C Grass 2655 City 2.50 Ext tooth for prisoner H L Carlton 2656 City 125.00 Rebate on license H Argens 2657 City 1.45 Latch Key etc James Bogart 2658 City 60.00 Salary as Jailor James Bogart 2658 City 101.00 Feeding prisoners J A Capp 2659 City 11.00 Amt refunded on Sale of impounded horse. Geo Halt 2660 City 6.60 Witness Fees Jones E Williams 2661 City 2.20 Witness Fees Jones J M Williams 2662 City 2.20 Witness Fees Jones Albro Gardner 2663 City 55.13 Columbia St Sewer Albro Gardner 2663 City 37.25 Pike St Sewer Albro Gardner 2663 City 75.50 Rollin Street