Pages That Mention J M Colman
[David Gilmore]] James Campbell John Mcgrath WJ Casebeen Geo T Frye H.A. Frederick C.C. Cawsey J C Redward L. Diller J Lucy J M Colman Robt Emile John Noyr E N Dunckel James Parke Henry Lohre John P. Lawrence A.J. Wills James Baxter Otto Frank August Mehthorn Harms Tarckman Fred Gask Charles Tofe A. Mackinlist W C Calhoun CP Farras
To the Honorable The Mayor and Common Council of the City ofSeattle
We the undersigned property owners intersted in the advancement & progress of our fain City most respectfully petition for the Immediate Extension of the Fire limits as follows. On the East, to the Alley between Third and Fourth Sts On the West as present defined On the North to and including the North side of Pike St (120 feet north) On the South, as at present defined T R Sinis John G Suing W H Pumphrey J H McGraw A MacIntosh W J Carkeek G W Young W A Harrington J C Dixon J D Tournau Isaac Dobson J M Colman W P Boyd John Collins G H Heilbron Thomas Burke James Campbell H H McNoth J M C Atkinson E C Kilbrum Frauenthal Bros W C Hill Herman Chapin J H W Naught Fres C Sauais Lev and Bowden Correspondents Lombard Inc Co A W Engle N W Struve Howard H Lewis
109 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE 1886 James P Tighe 1992 City 2.20 Wit Fees Justice Hill's Ct J M Colman 1993 City 8.00 Coal for CouncilRooms Sunset Telephone Co 1994 City 5.90 Telephone for Nov Lowman & Hanford 1995 City 17.00 City Printing R H Thomson&Asst 1996 City 144.25 Engineering & Assts G St P Rd D C Harris 1997 City 1.00 Recording Chg of Sale Neuman & Argens 1998 City 5.50 Repairing Revolvers etc F W Woodman 1999 City 3.50 Stepa for Powder House Albro Gardner 2000 City 8.00 Engineering on Union St sewer Dr E L Smith 2001 City 75.00 Salary Health Officer Purchasing Agent for E Lake 2002 City 11.50 Supplies for Engine No 4 Purchasing Agent for E Lake 2002 City 3.90 Dating Stamp for Treasurer James P Tighe 2003 City 3.50 Medicine for Prisoners [total]1589.18 E C McClellahan 1413 Road 59.60 Labor on Streets Daniel Moore 1414 Road 59.60 Labor on Streets Thomas Rock 1415 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets Phillip Cochran 1416 Road 56.80 Labor on Streets Z Scott 1417 Road 56.80 Labor on Streets James Burke 1418 Road 54.65 Labor on Streets John Mahoney 1419 Road 45.00 Labor on Streets John Sheehan 1420 Road 20.25 Labor on Streets Charles Brown 1421 Road 51.75 Labor on Streets P Cunningham 1422 Road 54.00 Labor on Streets Oscar Young 1423 Road 57.35 Labor on Streets Stephen Berry 1424 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets Jus Cunningham 1425 Road 24.15 Labor on Streets C Beckman 1426 Road 24.15 Labor on Streets W D Goss 1427 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets Jus Keenan 1428 Road 24.15 Labor on Streets Eugene LaPort 1429 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets N Macum 1430 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets Paatrick Welch 1431 Road 6.15 Labor on Streets Hugh Tierney 1432 Road 3.35 Labor on Streets Peter Person 1433 Road 13.50 Labor on Streets William Morris 1434 Road 4.50 Labor on Streets O F Soderberg 1435 Road 10.10 Labor on Streets [total]769.85
214 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 17 1887 Also asking that the Street commissioner be instructed to make Dearborn Street passable at Eleventh Street. Referred to Street Comittee Verbal report from Committee onHelath& Policeon petitionfo W B Spencer & others to remove the Creosoting Works, Stating that Mr J M Colman has a contract with the Seattle Lake Shore and Eastern Railway which will be completed within two months when he will remove the works. From Committee on License & Revenue asking further time to report on petition of H M Peters & others to reduce liquor license. Adopted. Applications for Licenses Granted John Shepich, Thomas Anderson, Barratt and LeBlanc, & Martin Lange & Co. The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows Ayes Frink, Hinckley, Lake, Russell, & Reitze Noes none. Applications Referred Blanchard & Campbell, Beede & Sinclair, Becker & Fox andCharles F O'Hara. On motion of Councilman Frink the Finance committee is empowered to purchase Lots 9 & 12 Blk 52 A A Denny's 3rd Addition known as the North School House property for the City for the sum of $4000.00 Seventh Street Grade On motion the Council now proceeds to open and consider bids for the improvement of Seventh Street under ordinance No 829 as follows viz: Bid of W E Wilson Earthwork pr cubic yard 32&1/2 cents Sidewalks per [thousand] B M $15.00 Box Drains per [thousand] B M $15.00
586 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 27 1888 Ordered that Blocks 30, 31 & 32 of G Kinnear's addition be stricken from Geo Kinnear's assessment the same being water lots. Orderedthat W G Latimer be reduced on improvements on Lot 2 Block 20 Bell & Denny's Addn from $1000 to $750 Ordered that W H Taylor, W R Thornhill & J Schram be cited to appear and show cause why the assessed valuation of thier real estate should not be raised. Orderd that Emily Carkeek J M Colman & Jas McNaught be cited to appear before the Council and show cause why the assessed valuation of their improvemnets on realty should not be raised. Council Proceedings His Honor the Mayor returns to the CouncilOrdinance No 984 entitled "An Ordinance authorizing H W Wheeler, J A Stratton, Wm D Wood & L H Wheeler, their heirs and assigns to construct, operate and maintain a street railway in the City of Seattle" with his objections thereto in writing as follows: Seattle August 25th 1888 Gentlemen of the Council. I return herewith without my signature & Approval Ordinance No 984 passed by your honorable body Aug 17 1888 with the recommendation that the provision in Section 8 be stricken out which reads as folows: "Provided however that if the said grantees their heirs or assigns shall be hindered or prevented from building said Railway on account of the interruption or delay of grading said streets they shall have an extension of the time for the completeion of said work equal to the time that the construction of said Railway shall be impeded or prevented by any of said causes"