Pages That Mention John Haley
M Koon Member Board Alderman D Phillip Licens officer John Haley grocers Charls Robinson Constabel F. J. Hermen - Bookkeeper Klive and Rosenberg N. Chilbury Real Estate M. S. Bittencourt Mill Street Market A. T. Winsor Bookkeeper Mill St Market A. F. Hill Cigar Bus H. Hoggenmasters Merchant J. M. E. Alkansson Insurance Agent N. H. Martin agt B. D. M. Co Peter Grubb Hotel Keeper C. Johnson Queen Citty Dairy Anton Nordale Washington Keat Peter Anderson N. P. Depot S. M. Archibalo E. A. Bells Switchman J. S. M. Smart M.D. August Mehlhorn C. W. Lawton John Kalberg Contractor Jno. H. Milroy Loan Broker G. M. Haines Retired M L. Miller Drayman L .C. Andersen Howtel and Bar Aron Andesn Carpenter
Seattle, November 30th.1890.
To the Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle
We the undersigned citizens and taxpayers would most respectfully call your attention to the present high License paid by the Auctioneers of this city, viz: $400.00 per year, which is more than is exacted in any city on the Pacific Coast. The present license is beyond the reach of anyone doing a fair legitimate business. We would propose that the License be reduced to $200.00 per year, payable yearly by all Auctioneers who are citizens of the city. We would also call your attention to the necessity of making a distinction between the Auctioneer who is a citizen and the transient man. We consider it would be a benefit to the business men of the City of Seattle if no license be issued to any man who has not such recommendation as to personal character as will command him to the confidence of the business community.
:-NAMES:Chas G Mash G Aronson O S Webb Joseph Green John B Agne J Schiam C A Hughes T M Daullon John Haley D H Vail Tristen P Dyer L Turner L Kohn J B MacDougall A B Stewart C C Homes
A S Burrell C H Black Seattle Hardware Co Herman Chapin W R Thornell Griffith Davis C M Sheafer J H Glenn John Haley T H Danmen W C Hill George B Kittenger D P Waid E Stiulre R R Drummonds Geo W Goring W W Kirkwood Amos Broune J W George J D Lowman H S Yesler Z C Wiles
To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Seattle:
Gentlemen: your petitioners most respectfully represent unto your honorable body, that in our opinion the license fee of $400.00 required to be paid by auctioneers, is unreasonable high; and we most respectfully ask that said license fee be reduced to the sum of $100.00 - the amount previously required, or to some other reasonable and equitable amount.
Most Respectfully
Bickerton & Bell O W Lynch Conner Bros Standard Furn Co F J Monroe T H Dempsy J H McGraw D E Sander C R Frasch John Haley J E Chilberg Chester Clary J B Metcalfe John Leary H E Leary