Pages That Mention John Nelson
John Nelson, Farmer M.E. Titus, Farmer F. W. Markus, Contractor and Bidder J. Sampson, Farmer Richard OConnell, Farmer James Gharkey, Farmer Elsa Zengler J.E. Yates A. Washburn G.J. Cameron John H White Geo White R.A. White J.D. Iddings, Farmer William Cochrane M. McDougall P. Emerson Saul Grund Edw. VandeVauter, M.D. Fred Shute Morgan OBrien F.W. Woodauran N.H. MColough P.J. Calhand John Costello John Field O.E. Root
To The Hon the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle Gentlemen We the undersigned petitioners hereby represent unto your Honorable Body that the Lake Street Road from the City to Lake Washington is a much traveled thoroughfare; that said Road crosses Block 24 Yeslers plat; that said Block 25 is being fenced up, that the fencing of siad block makes travel along siad Road impossible, We therefore ask your Honorable Body to open said Lake Street around said Block 25 Yeslers Plat so as to connect with the Road to Lake Washington Very Respectfully C L Olds A J Waltse T A Senord John Nelson E P Boden T J Howard Nels Hanson M G Watson Wm K Johnston James Johnston E Burg N S Rythur B Sarts Chas E Adams S A Denniston C Nelson John S Hobbs C W Lumton
223 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jul 1 1887 Name No of Warrant Fund Amount Remarks P Learny 1037 Road 58.50 For Labor on Streets Ben Anderson 1038 Road 58.50 For Labor on Streets O F Soderberg 1039 Road 56.25 For Labor on Streets John Mahoney 1040 Road 45.00 For Labor on Streets Wm Morris 1041 Road 49.50 For Labor on Streets Phillip Cochrane 1042 Road 40.50 For Labor on Streets John Valine 1043 Road 33.75 For Labor on Streets M J Hill 1044 Road 36.00 For Labor on Streets Ira Carpenter 1045 Road 36.00 For Labor on Streets Antone Anderson 1046 Road 29.25 For Labor on Streets Pat Lernen 1047 Road 24.75 For Labor on Streets Wm Drake 1048 Road 21.35 For Labor on Streets John Jackson 1049 Road 21.35 For Labor on Streets P Delaney 1050 Road 20.25 For Labor on Streets O Johnson 1051 Road 20.25 For Labor on Streets Wm Clewson 1052 Road 4.50 For Labor on Streets Anthony Staganne 1053 Road 3.95 For Labor on Streets John Nelson 1054 Road 1.70 For Labor on Streets Herman Wickland 1055 Road 1.70 For Labor on Streets Henry Lohse 1056 Road 6.00 For Labor on Streets Chas McDoanld 1057 Road 31.05 For Labor on Streets Gordon Hardware Co 1058 Road 1.35 1 Brass Padlock Harrington &Smith 1059 Road 548.10 Sewer Pipe & Supplies Stetson & Post 1060 Road 289.51 Lumber WashingtonIronWorks 1061 Road 56.70 Sewer Castings J A McBeath 1062 Road 16.80 Horse Shoeing Seattle Gas Light Co 178 Gas Light 12.72 Gas for Engine House & Council Room R H Calligan 1064 Road 2.00 Use of Wagon [total][?] Seattle Gas Light Co 178 Gas Light 12.72 Gas for Engine House & Council Room Seattle Electric Light Co 179 Gas Light 221.80 Lighting treet s etc. [total]234.52 Spring Hill Water Company 53 Water 323.00 Water for June 1887 W E Wilson 1441 7th St Imp 931.98 Account Contract Albro Gardner 1442 7th St Imp 117.38 City Surveyor's Fees
Peter Brunn 2090 Road 5.05 Labor on Street Joseph Pennington 2091 Road 1.10 Labor on Street John Nelson 2092 Road 27.00 Labor on Street Henry Lohse 2093 Road 5.00 Labor on Street J A McBeath 2094 Road 45.25 Horse Shoeing Jones & Hubbell 2095 Road 101.25 Hay & Feed Chas McDonald 2096 Road 42.50 Sharpening Tools etc Schwabacher Bros & Co 2097 Road 33.85 Nails etc Gordon Hardware Co 2098 Road 7.60 Powder Fuse etc M McTeigh 2099 Road 4.50 Rep'g Harness Harrington & Smith 2100 Road 6.50 Nails etc Shoudy Perkins & Co 2101 Road 125.85 Hay Stetson & Post 2102 Road 225.64 Lumber Stetson & Post 2103 Road 270.03 Lumber Gas Seattle Electric Lt Co 193 Gas 158.00 New Lights Seattle Electric Lt Co 193 Gas 621.15 Lighting City Mch Seattle Gas Lt Co 194 Gas 33.98 Lighting City buildings Fire W A Perry 1234 Fire 82.50 Salary Engr No 1 Oscar A Drew 1235 Fire 82.50 Salary Engr No 2 W R Forrest Pur Agt 1236 Fire 32.30 Salary Engr No 2 J W Girvin & Co 1237 Fire 1099.72 Hose Geo W Hall 1238 Fire 10.00 Rent of Engine House No 4 Schwabacher B & Co 1239 Fire 1.80 Canvass etc Str Lone Fisherman 1240 Fire 18.00 Towing Engines to Blakely Allmond & Phillips 1241 Fire 4.20 Cast Washers Sunset Telephone Co 1242 Fire 13.50 Telephone Service Apl Sunset Telephone Co 1242 Fire 7.80 Wire Chas McDonald 1243 Fire 2.75 Couplings Seattle Electric Lt Co 1244 Fire 1.60 Repairs to Fire Alarm Daniel Moore 1245 Fire 2.50 Hauling Hook & L Moran Bros 1246 Fire 14.66 Pipe Etc Wm Beattie 1247 Fire 19.80 Spanners Gamble & Teachman 1248 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose Wm Lindsley 1249 Fire 4.00 Hauling Hose cart
448 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 20 1888 Fifth Street Assessment Roll Ord #905 The council now proceeds to examine and equalize the assessment Roll of the Assessment District established by Ordinance #905, for the grading and building sidewalks on both sides of Fifth Street from Depot Street to Union Street; pursuant to notice personally served upon each of said parties it is ordered that the Assessment of Bailey Gatzert as the same appears on said roll be raised on Lots 6 & 7 Block 19 A A Denny's 3rd Addn be raised from $500. each to $660.00 each. That P H Lewis be raised on the valuation of Frac Lots 1 & 2 & Lot 3 Block 7 S A Bell's 1st Addn from $100 the $500, and that John Nelson be raised on the valuation of Lot 8 Block 18 A A Denny's 3rd Addn from $500. to $660. And no one appearing to contest said roll and on objection having been made to the same, it is ordered that the same be and is hereby approved. Vine Street Assessment Roll Ord No 909 Pursuant to law and published notice the Council now proceeds to examine and euqalize the Assessment roll for the Assessment District created by Ordinance No 909 for grading and building sidewalks on both sides of Vine Street from Depot Street to the West line of Water Street and no one appearing to contest said roll and no objection being made to it On motion the same is hereby approved. Miscellaneous Ordered that the matter of Cherry Street grade be continued until the next regular meeting. Farm Street in the matter of the opening of Farm Street the Street Committee recommends that the property owners change their plats so as to conform with Farm Street as platted south of T D Hinckley Addition adopted.