City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention A. A. Denny




G. E.Bridlong 1 lot L. S. Rowe 2 lots A. A. Denny 10 Lots H & L Peterson 3 Lots H McInnis 1 Lot James F Phinney 4 Lots Lydia Parker 2 Lots C. Ulin 2 lots Louis Gilbert 1 lot H. F. Nommensen 1 lot Aug. Wieg 1 lot Fred Gasch Chm B. Co Conv. 1 bl. Beriah Bovun &wf Per Js T Bevens Agent 3 lot J W Colman 4 Lots

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




Office of City Engineer, Seattle, Washington, May 9th, 1894.

List of names of property owners on Front Street between Union Street and Yesler Avenue, Seattle, Washington. -----

West half of Block 1, A. A. Denny's Second Addition. 6 Lots, A. A. Denny, owner. -----

West half of Block 6, A. A. Denny's Second Addition,

L. Diller, Mrs. Knight, (Judge Greene Att'y), Jacob Levy, Estate of Guy C. Phinney, Young & Jacobson -----

West half of Block 13, Boren's Addition,

Amos Brown, owner, -----

West half of Block 12, Boren's Addition,

R. Holyoke, F. E. Sander, L. H. Griffith, M. R. Maddock, -----

West half of Block 9, Boren's Addition,

Gatzert and Schwabacher Bros, Geo. F. Frye, -----

West half of Block 8, Boren's Addition,

Estate of Guy C. Phinney, Harms and Dickman, Sam'l Kenney, -----

West half of Block 5, Boren's Addition,

M. & K. Gottstein, John Sullivan, Christ. Scheurman, -----

West half Block 4, Boren's Addition,

H. L. Yesler Estate, J. D. Lowman, Emerson, (see L. C. Gilman), -----

Block 1, Boren's Addition,

John Collins, -----

East half of Block "E", Denny's 4th Addition,

A. A. Denny, J. J. Post, J. W. Edwards, -----

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




W. S. Ladd, President. A. A. Denny, Vice President. John P. Hoyt, Manager. B. F. Briggs, Cashier. Capital Stock $200,000

Dexter Horton and Co. Bankers. Incorporated 1887 Seattle, W.T. Aug 2nd 1889

To the Hon Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle Gentlemen;

On my return from Snoqualmie This evening I find a notice of appointment as an appraiser on behalf of the City in three several cases, all of which I am compeled to decline oweing to the fact that I am now sojourning out of town with my family endeovring to recruit my health. very respectfully, A. A. Denny

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




Seattle, Wash. September 15th. 1892

To The Board of Public Works, City of Seattle.


We, the undersigned property owners, having property fronting on Fourteenth Street near Marion Street, would respectfully petition your Honorable Body to cause the sewer, now laid on Fourteenth Street as far South as Madison Street, to be extended on Fourteenth Street to the South line of Marion Street. We are informed by the City Engineer that the extension herein asked for is in conformity with the general sewerage plan of the City. If this petition is granted, we would request that the work be done at the earliest possible time, as the houses that are now being built upon some of the lots owned by us, will require sewer connection within the next thirty days. If this petition be not granted, it will necessitate the running of a private sewer over two hundred feet.

very respectfully.

E. A. Smith Chas. H. Stroud By Easment atty in pact. Hy [Struve?]] A. A. Denny by C. L Deitny

To City Eng. C G Heifner

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives
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