City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Grant Street


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West Seattle, Grading. Parking. Etc.


Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the under signed up to 8 p. m. November 12 1906, for the grading and parking of California avenue from the south line of Spruce street to the northerly line of Grant Street; Vashon avenue from the south line of Spruce street to the northerly line of Sunset avenue; Olympic avenue from the south line of Spruce street to the northerly line of Sunset avenue; Columbia avenue from the south line of Spruce street to the westerly line of Sunset avenue; Haller avenue from the soutth line of Spruce street to the northerly line of Sunset Avenue; Spruce street between the easterly line of California avenue and the westerly line of Haller avenue; Cedar street betweeen the east erly line of California avenue and the westerly line of Haller avenue; Grand avenue between Spruce street and California avenue; Madrona street between the eaterly line of California avenue and the westerly line of Haller ave; Laurel street between the easterly line of California avenue and the westerly line of Haller avenue; Maple street betwen the easterly line of California avenue and the westerly line of Haller avenue; Grant street between the easterly line of California avenue and the westerly line of Sunset avenue; Sunset avenue between the easterly line of Olympic avenue and the westerly line of Haller avenue as provided by Ordinance No. 157 of the City of West Seattle, creating local improvement district number 4 and in accordance with the plans and specifications now on file in my office. Copy of said plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Gardner & Gardner, civil engineers, Pacific Block, Seattle. Each bid must be accompanied by certified check payable to the order of the city treasurer for a sum not less than five (5) per cent of the bid and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by such check. Special attention of bidders is called to the state law regarding the number of hours constituting a days work as now in force. The Council of the City of West Seattle reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Proposals must be endorsed on envelopes, "Bids for California Avenue et al Grading." W G Dickenson City Clerk

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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Top the City Council of the City of West Seattle We, the undersigned, owners of lots and lands abutting on the following Streets and Avenues, in the City of West Seattle; California Avenue front line of Spruce Street to the north Grant Street; Olympic Avenue from the south line of Spruce Street to the northerly line of Sunset Avenue; Vashon Avenue from the south line of Spruce Street to the northerly line of Sunset Avenue; Columbia Avenue from the south line of Spruce Street to the northerly line of Sunset Avenue; Haller Avenue from the south line of Spruce street to the northerly line of Sunset Avenue; Spruce Street between the easterly line of California Avenue and the westerly line of Haller Avenue; Cedar Street between the easterly line of California Avenue and the westerly line of Haller Avenue; Grand Avenue between Spruce Street and California Avenue; Madrone Street between the easterly line of California Avenue and the westerly line of Haller Avenue; Laurel Street between the easterly line of California Avenue and the westerly line of Haller Avenue; Maple Street between the easterly line of California Avenue and the westerly line of Haller Avenue; Grant Streetbetween the easterly line of California Avenue and the westerly line of Sunset Avenue; Sunset Avenue between the easterly line of Olympic Avenue and the westerly line of Haller Avenue; with the front footage abutting the proposed improvement on said streets between said lines, set opposite our respective names, do hearby protest against the proposed improvement under ordinance No 156, of the City Council of the City of West Seattle; And the undersigned further protest against said proposed improvement of said streets between said lines, under said ordinance No 156 of the City Council of the City of West Seattle; And the undersigned further protest against proposed improvement of the following streets in the City of West Seattle California Avenue from the south line of Spruce Street to the north line of Grant Street; Oluympic avenue from the south line of Spruce street to the northerly line of Sunset Avenue;

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Your Petitioners, being residents and property holders of the city of Seattle and White River Valley, earnestly and respectfully petition your Hon.Body to have constructed a wooden pile bridge as a branch or extension of the Grant Street Bridge, which shall be erected as nearly as practicable along the following proposed route. Commencing at a point where Hanford Street intersects Grant Street on West side of the Grant Street Bridge so as to connect the branch with said Bridge, and thence Westerly on and along Hanford Street the full width thereof to the West side of Colfax Street and thence changing its course South on and along Colfax Street the full width thereof to a suitable termination at or near Court Street in South Seattle on the Southerly shore of Elliot Bay. Your Petitioners further petition your Hon.Body to plank Colfax Street from the termination of said Bridge on Colfax Street to the South boundary line of the City limits. Your petitioners further represent that a vast amount of travel and traffic passes over Grant Street Bridge and that near the South and thereof. Railway trains are constantly crossing the same at a point where the view is partially obstructed. That teams passing through the railway crossing being run over by passing trains of frightened thereby and

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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We, the undersigned residents and property-owners of south Seattle, petition your honorable body, for a road way, 24 feet wide, to be built on piles, adjacent to and adjoining the new Grant Street Electric Railway: commencing where the electric road leaves Grant Street Bridge, to join the land at south Seattle. The road to be about seven hundred feet long. The cost would be about the same as the re-boarding and re-plankeing of the present road, and also will escape two dangerous crossings. Newells Mill Co E W Small J W Thomton W L Haskell Laed Lulien P Lufsky Chas A Craig J Thomas F Velars H S Trowbridge H D Morton G P Owens J P Williams J M Wilson Jas Cummings S C Chambers L Jorgensen C H Brown H E Peterson Nick Friedrichs G S Campbell H N Thornton A W Parkhurst G l Burdic Dave Brooks F W Dashby

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives
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Jesse F Cochrane, chairman W V Rinehart G H Heilbron F W D Holbrook, secretary

BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Seattle, Washington Nov 9 1891 ( Grant St Repairs)

To the Hon. The City Council Seattle Wash. GentlemenThe accompanying petition is transmitted to your Hon Body with the [All mum Eudation] that in place thereof the report of the St. Commissioner noted theron be adopted and the work ordered in confomity therewith By Order of the Board FWD Holbrook secy

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives
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