Pages That Mention KING COUNTY
Your petitioners, the undersigned and owners of the property appearing opposite our respective names, such property being and lying within the hereinafter proposed "Local Improvement District", and the same being subject to assessments in proportion to the benefit derived by the improvements therein, do hereby respectfully petition your honorable body to establish a "Local Improvement District", as provided by law, for the grading and parking of Victoria Street between the eastern limits of Grand Avenue to the centre of Spring Street, in the City of West Seattle, and that such improvements be made under the five (5) year installment plan, and that the sum or assessments charged against the lots and parcels of land abutting and fronting on the street so improved within said "Local Improvement District", be paid in five (5) equal annual installements, and that fiveyear "Local Improvement Bonds" be issued against said District, as provided by law, to defray the costs thereof.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Olive Mitchell Lot 3 + 4 Block 66 Mr. Harry Cook 8-9-10-22-23-24- 69 Con Miller 4-5 69 Jack Gernrser 9-10-11 66 S. W. Argo 3-4-5 62 J. W. Wylie 12-13 66 Nat Dobbins 11 12 62 Wm Osterle 13 62 Mrs. Ida Penner 5-6 66 H. Poska 14-15-16-17. 66 W. W. French 66
FILED AUG 13 1906 City of West Seattle By......... City Clerk
State of Washington ss. County of King
Julius Bornstein and E. Lobe, Being first duly sworn, each for himself says: That he is one of the sureties on the foregoing bond, and a householder and resident of the City of Seattle, in said King County, and is worth the sum of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars over and above all debts and liabilities, exclusive of property exempt from excution, and that he is not directly or indirectlry interested in the buiness to be conduted under said license referred to in the foregoing obligation issued to the above name bounded ; that he is not an attourney or cousellor-at-law, sheriff, clerk or other officer of any court in the said State of Washington.
Subsribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of October, 1895.
M. Blauvet Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle.
Bond of Frank Goodwin Oct 30 /92
State of Washington County of King C E Brittain and L C Anderson and being first duly sworn, on oath, each for himself, says that he is a resident of said King County, and is worth the sum of one thousand Dollars over and avove all debts and liabilities, exclusive of property exempt from execution; that he is not an attorney or counsellor-at-law, sheriff, clerk, or other officer of any Court in this State. C E Brittain L C Anderson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of October 1891 Fred H Peterson City Clerk Notary Public State of Washington residing in Seattle
Application for Correction of Assessment I, Robert Abrams hereby make application to the City Council of Seattle of King County, Washington, for the following correction of an assessment on the R E Tax Roll of 1893 to-wit: To cancel the Assessment of "Lake Park Addition to Seattle" and to have assessed at price of land described as follows. Com. at point on the shore of Lake Union in King County Washington which point is 14.15 chains North and 1.22 chains east of the Soutwest Corner of Lot 3 of Sec 20 T 25 N R 4 E thence following the meanders of said Lake north 1 degree west 1.4 chains, north 29&3/4 degrees east 3.5 chains, north 14 degrees easr 0.5 chains thence East 8.52 chains thence South 5.05 chains thence west 10.10 chains to place of beginning containing 5 acres more or less" with a land valuation of $3240The plat of "Lake Park Addition to Seattle" was "vacated" May 19, 1884 and should nothave been assessed. Error is due to the failure of the Auditor (in 1884) to make proper entry on the plat records. The valuation of $3240.00 as acre property is like adjoining land. The County Commissioners have approved a similar petition subject to action by
To the Honorable Mayor and City Counsil of the City of West Seattle, King County, Washington,
Your petitioners, the undersigned, and owners of the property, appearing opposite our respective names, such property being and lying within the hereinafter proposed "Local Improvement District" and the same being subject to assessments in proportion to the benefits derived by the improvements therein, do hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to establish a "Local Improvement District", as provided by law, for the clearing, grubbing, grading and parking of the hereinafter named streets and between the points thereof herein named, in the City of West Seattle, and that such improvements be made under the five year installment plan and that the sum or assessments charged against the lots and parcels of land abutting and fronting on the streets so improved within said Local Improvement District" to be paid in five equal annual installments and that five year "Local Improvement Bonds" be issued against said District, as provided by law, to defray the cost thereof.
The improvement and permanent grade herein petitioned for and to be embraced in the "Local Improvement District" so established, your petitioner respectfully ask that the following streets be included therein and be improved in the manner hereinbefore stated, to wit:
Spruce Street from California Avenue to 120 feet past Home Street:
Pacific Avenue from N Line of Whittlesey to E Line of Grand Avenue.
*Walnut Terrace from S Line of Spruce to N Line of Cedar Cedar Streets.
Cedar Street from East Line of California Ave. to [W Line] of Prospect Ave.
To the width of _ feet & sloping the banks
Respectfully submitted,