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Pages That Mention John Spencer




To the Hon Board of Public Works Gentlemen

Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are the owners of land situated and fronting upon Lombard St between Republican and High St and upon High St between at or near Kentucky and Farm St in the City of Seattle. And your petitioners respectfully pray that you cause a suitable sewer for drainage purposes to be put in on the aforesaid streets, that is to say on High St from at or near Kentucky to Farm St and on Lombard from High St to the tunnel at the intersection of Lombard and Republican.


Milas Galliher A. S. Galliher James Ajax M. W. Leonn D. L. Denny Thos Mercer H.S. Abbot G. S. Dudley O Knox Walter Grahorn Ira W Conner John Spencer Hans Nelson Sherman Moran Mr John Goodfellow C. B. Bagley Daniel Bagley D N Ward H. H. Ames To City Eng C G Heifner sec

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




174 JOURNALS OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 17/82 -ploy at his own expense an assistant ot serve during such absence From the City Surveyor on the matter of the Madison Street Sewer. Ordered that the matter of a sewerage systen be refferred to the Comtee on Health & Police with instructions to report thereon at the next regular meeting Committee Reports Received From Gas Lights recommending the denial of the petition of M S Booth et al for a lamp post corner of Jefferson & 5th Streets Adopted petition denied And now the Council proceeds to open & consider all bids rec'd for Gas Work & furnishing lamp posts which bids are from the Washington Iron Works, John Spencer, Waddell & Miles, and J Schram & Co. Thereupon said bids are referred to the Gas Light Committee Ordinance Received From the Judiciary & Legislative submittins an Ordinance entitled "To provide for the purchase of a Hose Carriage and Hose" After the consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Collins, Gasch, McDonald, Manning Rasin, Against adoption, none. From the Judiciary & Legislative submitting an Ordinance entitles "To provide for a sidewalk on Seneca Street. After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption; Collins, Gasch, McDonald, Manning & Rasin Against adoption none Applications for Licenses Received From Smith & Fanar for a Retail Liquor & 1 Billiard Table granted Ordered that the Committee on Fire & Water supply be and they are hereby authorized to fill any vacancy that may occur in the Office of Steward of the Engine House until the next regular meeting of the Council. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday Nov 20, 1882 at 7&1/2 o'clock PM for the purpose of opening bids for Jackson Street Improvements under the Ord No 325 & to receive the report of the Fire Comtee Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Collins, acting mayor

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




176 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 20/82 of $500. Ordered that the City Attorney be & he is hereby instructed to prepare the proper bond and contract. A report is received form the Gas Comtee recommending that the Contract for Gas Work be awarded to John Spencer on his bid & that the Contract for furnishing lamp posts be awarded to the Washington Iron Works on its bid. Adopted Ordered that the Bond of John Spencer be fixed in the sum of $250. & that the Bond of Washington Iron Works be fixed in the sum of $200. Ordered that the City Atty prepare the proper contracts & bonds. Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned. Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved H G Struve mayor Dec 1/82 Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of December 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: His honor the Mayor H G Struve and Councilmen John Collins, O F Cosper, Chas F Clancy, Fred Gasch and Charles McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Received From John Leary asking for damages by reason of the grading in front of his property corner 2d & Madison Streets. Referred to the Committee of Streets and Street Improvements From Chin Guan and Charlie for an extension of time on Front Street 2d,3rd, & intersecting Streets & Union Street Grades. Referred to the Committee of Streets and Street Improvements From Geo C Thompson for the transfer of an Exhibition license. Referred to the Committee on License & Revenue From W N Bell for the right to build a temporary sidewalk. referred to the Committee of Streets and Street Improve-

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




176 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 20/82 of $500. Ordered that the City Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to prepare the proper bond and contract. A report is received from the Gas Comtee. recommending that the contract for gas work be awarded to John Spencer on his bid and that the contract for furnishing lamp posts be awarded to the Washington Iron Works on its bid. Adopted. Ordered that the bond of John Spencer be fixed in due sum of $250 and that the bond of the Washington Iron Works be fixed in the sum of $200. Ordered that the Citty Atty prepare the proper contracts and bonds. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned. Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved H G Struve Mayor Dec 1/82 Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of December 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor H. G. Struve and Councilmen John Collins, O.F. Cosper, Chas F. Clancy, Fred Gasch and Charles McDonald. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Received From John Leary asking for damages by reason of the grading in front of his property corner 2d and Madison Streets. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From Chin Guan and Charlie for an extension of time on Front Street, 2d, 3d and intersecting streets and Union Street grades. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From Geo C. Thompson for the transfer of an Exhibition license. Referred to the Committee on Licenses and Revenue. From W. N. Bell for the right to build a temporary sidewalk. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improve-

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




198 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 15/83 and claim rejected From Judiciary and Legislative reporting against the claim of W P Smith for services as Constable. Adopted and claim rejected From Licenses and Revenue against the petition Ed. L Lindsley for the changing of a license. Adopted petition denied From Licenses and Revenue approving Harbor Masters Report. Adopted From Streets and Street Improvement recommending the granting of the petition of M V B Stacy for the right construct a sidewalk on Marion Street from 3rd to the alley in Block 21 of boren's plat. Adopted Communications Rec'd From the Mayor returning Warrant No 166 drawn on Washington Street sidewalk fund under Ord No. 326 favor of A S Pinkham for $32.00 without his signature for the reason that said warrant is not a proper charge against said Fund. Recommendations are adopted. Said Warrant is ordered Cancelled & a Warrant ordered drawn on City Fund in lien thereof. Ordered that the City Attorney be & he is hereby instructed to report the liability of certain property owners to pay said claim of $32.00 Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered to be paid by Warrants drawn on the Funds and in the amounts following to wit: City Fund James P Ludlow Clerks fees DistCourt City-v-Baker No 271 $4.45 John H McGraw Sheriffs fees DistCourt City-v-Baker 272 2.30 C H Hanford Fees in Justice's Court City-v-Baker 273 8.20 A S Pinkham Services Washtn St Sidewalk 275 32.00 E W Rea Contract New City Engine House 269 1000.00 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co gas No 33 $326.50 John Spencer Repairs to Gas Laps etc 34 31.35

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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