City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Ed L Lindsley






Dec. 19/82 awarded to them upon their giving a bond with good and sufficient surities in the sum of $300.00. Ordered that the Committee on Fire and Water supply be & they are hereby instructed to negotiate for a lease of the ground upon which the present Engine House on Columbia Street stand for the period of five years Ordered that the assesor be & he is hereby instructed to Procure all necessary blanks for working the next city assessment. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned attest: E F Osborn Clerk Approved H G Strure Mayor Jan 5/83 Be it remembered that on this the 15th day of January 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present to it: His Honor the Mayor, H G Strure and Councilmen John Collins, O F Cosper, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald and G L Manning Thereupon the following proceedings are had to wit: Petitions Received From W H White et al for the repeal of Ordinance No 345 the regulation of a stand for teams etc referred to the Judiciary and Legislative Committee From Ed L Lindsley for charging a license for a one horse vehicle to 2 horse vehicle referred to license & Revenue Committee From a Clerk asking the right to attach his sign as Attorney at Law to the new city Engine etc. Granted From Robert Abrams et al for a sidewalk on the South side of Battery Street from Water Street to Front Street Referred to Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From Thomas Burke et al for the grading of the alley in

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




516 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 1/84 Benj Murphy Judge of Election No 780 $8. W W Barker Judge of Election 781 $8. A D Dawson Clerk 782 $8. Jas F Pickering Clerk 783 $8. D N Hyde Inspector of Election 784 $8. O C Shorey Judge of Election 785 $8. A Storch Judge of Election 786 $8. H J Jacobs Clerk of Election 787 $8. Abner Gardner Clerk of Election 788 $8. R Scott Inspector of Election 789 $8. D T Denny Judge of Election 790 $8. W G Latimer Judge of Election 791 $8. E Bryan Clerk of Election 792 $8. B A Starkey Clerk of Election 793 $8. H A Fredericks Desks to 2d Ward Voting place 794 $1. M J Calligan Desks to 2d Ward Voting place 795 $.50 C F Clancy Team to deliver ballot boxes 796 $2. Ed L Lindsley Desks from 2d Ward Voting place 797 $1. D H Webster Special Officer at Election 798 $3. J D Lowman Stationary 799 $20.80 C Hanford Job Work 800 $17.50 M H Wilcox & Co Brooms etc. 801 $3.10 Young & McKeon Repairs to Water Closet 802 $1.75 L P Smith & Son Dog Tags 803 $25. J S M Smart Attending upon prisoner 804 $5. Road Fund Henry Sheehan Street labor $91. use of Horse $39. No 560 $130. S Berry Street labor 561 $75. John Terrice Street labor 562 $75. Luther Albee Street labor 563 $65. S Koon Street labor 564 $26.25 Thos Rock Street labor 565 $65. W Mullins Street labor 567 $25. W Murphy Street labor 568 $25. Chas Willliams Street labor 569 $90. James Campbell Street labor 572 $65.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




647 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE H Kennily washing hose etc No 588 $ 8. John Damon washing hose etc 589 3. F B Cosper washing hose etc 590 3. A LaBrasche washing hose etc 591 3. Emery Williams washing hose etc 592 3. A LaBrasche work on Gilmore fire & washing hose 593 10. F Beattie work on Gilmore fire & washing hose 594 5. F B Cosper work on Engine no 1 at fire 595 5. Chas Goodwin work at Gilmore Fire & washing hose 596 10. Penny & Kelly labor on fire Engine 597 3. R H Calligan hauling hose & hose cart 598 1.50 Ed L Lindsley hauling hose cart 599 2.50 J Kincade hauling hose cart 600 2.50 W G Latimer Officer Election Fire Dept 601 4. Geo H Preston Officer Election Fire Dept 602 4. Chas Lind Officer Election Fire Dept 603 4. N S Snyder Officer Election Fire Dept 604 4. Robt Calligan Officer Election Fire Dept 605 4. M M Holmes Officer Election Fire Dept 606 4. The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co hose & Hose carts 607 1817.50 Dan'l McKeon freight on same 608 11.96 Hall & Paulson Furn Co chairs for Lake Union Co 609 6. Wald & Campbell axes at fire 610 6. Young & Mc Keon engine torches 611 21.

Ordered that the following claims be referred to the Board of Fire Delegates to wit: R W McDamile, Phillips & Sears, A B Merrill, E Lober & Co, Miller Bros]], Schwabacher Bros & Co & Lowan & Hanford S & P Co Ordered that all bills of the Fire Department except salaries be first presented to the Board of Fire Delegates before action by the Council Claim of the City Assessor of an allowance to King Co for abstract

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




685 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 4 1885 Bids for lighting and cleaning Gas LAmps referred to Committee on Gas Lights Custodian Powder House It appearing that a vacancy exists in the office of Custodian fo the Powder House by reason of Robert Russell failing to qualify as required by law; the Council now proceeds to file such vacancy by Electing Ed L Lindsley Custodian of the Powder house be unanimous vote, no other nominations being made. Ordered That the Finance committee be and it is hereby authorized and instructed to employ an assistant to aid the Clerk in examining and balancing the books and accounts of the Clerk and City Treasurer. Ordinance The City Attorney now submits an Ordinance entitled "An ordinance authorizing the mayor and Clerk of the City of Seattle to execute and deliver a certain deed" which after due consideration by the Council is adopted by the following vote; In favor of said ordinances J Furth R Calligan, Geo W Hall, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald and G W Young, against none. An Ordinance is submitted entitled"A special ordinance appropriating money to pay Audited Bills" which after being duly considered is adopted by the following vote viz: in favor of said ordinance R Calligan, J Furth, Geo W Hall, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald and G W Young, against none. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned attest: W A Forrest Clerk H L Yesler mayor

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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