City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Robert Abrams




Mr President Your Committee on Claims to whom was referred Application of Robert Abrams for consideration of Assessment recommend Correction to be made J A James chariman F H Little committee

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


Mr President Your Committee on Claims to whom was referred Application of Robert Abrams for consideration of Assessment Beg leave to report favorably in the same

J T Brewer chariman H F Compton J P Smieney

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


Application for Correction of Assessment I, Robert Abrams hereby make application to the City Council of Seattle of King County, Washington, for the following correction of an assessment on the R E Tax Roll of 1893 to-wit: To cancel the Assessment of "Lake Park Addition to Seattle" and to have assessed at price of land described as follows. Com. at point on the shore of Lake Union in King County Washington which point is 14.15 chains North and 1.22 chains east of the Soutwest Corner of Lot 3 of Sec 20 T 25 N R 4 E thence following the meanders of said Lake north 1 degree west 1.4 chains, north 29&3/4 degrees east 3.5 chains, north 14 degrees easr 0.5 chains thence East 8.52 chains thence South 5.05 chains thence west 10.10 chains to place of beginning containing 5 acres more or less" with a land valuation of $3240The plat of "Lake Park Addition to Seattle" was "vacated" May 19, 1884 and should nothave been assessed. Error is due to the failure of the Auditor (in 1884) to make proper entry on the plat records. The valuation of $3240.00 as acre property is like adjoining land. The County Commissioners have approved a similar petition subject to action by

Last edit over 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives




103 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE July29'82 Be it remembered that on this the 29th day of July 1882 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council chamber pursuant to adjournment the following Officers are present to wit: Councilmen John Collins, M Densmore, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan and Charles McDonald. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: By reason of the absence of His Honor the Mayor L P Smith from the City, Councilman John Collins is appointed by the Council to the position of President of the council for the meeting And now the Special Committee to whom was referred the bids of all the Contractors for the Improvements to be done under Ordinances Nos 284,288 & 289 make their report That Chin Guan & Charlie are the lowest bidders on each & every of the improvements required by said Ordinances: Thereupon the report is accepted. whereupon it appearing to the Council that Chin Guan & Charlie are the lowest responsible bidders for the Improvements under each of said Ordinances & that they have reported their surities for such work to be Henry L Yesler, Moses R Maddocks, David T Denny, Robert Krupe & Robert Abrams & the Council finding siad surities to be responsible: It is ordered that each and every of the Contracts for said improvement be& is hereby awarded to said Chin Guan & Charlie upon their said bids. The vote upon said Order isa s follows: In favoe of said order Collins,Densmore Jennings, Keenan & McDonald. Against said order, none Ordered that the said Chin Guan & Charlie be required to furnish a bond for all of said improvements in the sum of $5000.00 Ordered that the Ordinance committee be & they are hereby instructed to submit a proper Ordinance, bond and contract for said Improvements Ordered that the Street Commission be & is hereby instucted to open the Alley in Block 2 of Maynard's plat Ordered that the Council stand adjourned attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved, President of the Council

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb





Dec. 19/82 awarded to them upon their giving a bond with good and sufficient surities in the sum of $300.00. Ordered that the Committee on Fire and Water supply be & they are hereby instructed to negotiate for a lease of the ground upon which the present Engine House on Columbia Street stand for the period of five years Ordered that the assesor be & he is hereby instructed to Procure all necessary blanks for working the next city assessment. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned attest: E F Osborn Clerk Approved H G Strure Mayor Jan 5/83 Be it remembered that on this the 15th day of January 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present to it: His Honor the Mayor, H G Strure and Councilmen John Collins, O F Cosper, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald and G L Manning Thereupon the following proceedings are had to wit: Petitions Received From W H White et al for the repeal of Ordinance No 345 the regulation of a stand for teams etc referred to the Judiciary and Legislative Committee From Ed L Lindsley for charging a license for a one horse vehicle to 2 horse vehicle referred to license & Revenue Committee From a Clerk asking the right to attach his sign as Attorney at Law to the new city Engine etc. Granted From Robert Abrams et al for a sidewalk on the South side of Battery Street from Water Street to Front Street Referred to Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From Thomas Burke et al for the grading of the alley in

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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