City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Geo B Adair




To His Honor the Mayor and Common Council, of the City of Seattle, The undersigned citizens of said City, believing that it would be of very great and lasting advantage to the commercial interest, as well as to the city at large, that a steet 150 feet wide be laid out by the city for a public highway, commencing on the West Side of Commercial Street, at or near the intersection of Brunswick and Commercial Streets, thence running West to a point within 200 feet of the R.R. Avenue, thence Westerly parallel with R.R. Ave. to the City limits. And you petitioners will ever pray: A MacKintosh Abram Barker John Leary W P Boyd Geo B Adair L Surun Isaac Dobson Foklas Singerman J B MacDougall E B Burwell Geo F Raymond J K Basye Doheny P Manum W Miller Drumond & Cheasty J M Lang & Co A E Giering

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




Seattle June 27/91 To the board of Public Works We, the undersigned, property holders on Rainier Street respectfully petition your Honorable body for the improvement of Banner Street and Bradley that immediate action be taken towards [?] the construction of a sewer from the intersection of Rainier and Bradley Streets and Elliot Bay Stimson Mill Co M Burns L W Filkins S Baxter per H B John F Miller Geo Kinnear O J Carr E Calvert Geo B Adair A M Gilman L W Peirfunter C M Sheafer E J Denny by D L Denny Lots 5-6 B 15 N Seattle J A Park Lot 9 B 21 N Seattle Same Park Lot 10 B 21 N Seattle Charles Kakeldy A P Cassel J D Ryan W F Ehler John A Whalley John Dow Wm L Lindsley

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in Presence of --Wm H Parry

G B Adair(seal) T E Jones(seal)

State of Washington} } SS. County of King}

Geo B Adair & T E Jones being duly sworn each for himself on oath deposes and says: that he is one of the surities who signed and executed the within bond; that he is a bona fide resident of the State of Washington; that he is not a counselor or attorney at law' sheriff, clerk of the superior court, or any other such court and that he is worth the sum of twelve hundred dollars, over and above all his debts, liabilities and exemptions allowed by law. ]]Geo B Adair]] T E Jones Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of August, 1894 Wm H Parry City Comptroller

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


Bond of Geo B Adair for Powder License License No3 Approved Aug 30, 1894 Byron Phelps mayor Wm H Parry Comptroller

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




370 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 5/83 T C Cann J P Fees No 486 $29.60 Geo B Adair, Trustee Handcuffs etc 487 8. Seattle Telephone Exchange Line Rentals 488 6.65 Charles Blood Special Policeman Villard Reception 489 6. Wm Truitt Special Policeman Villard Reception 490 6. J L Kalaley Special Policeman Villard Reception 491 3. H G Thornton Special Policeman Villard Reception 492 3. Neuman & Argens Padlocks & Keys 493 3. Humphrey & Lowman Stationery 494 2.75 J C Gordon Witness Fees in Justice Court 495 2.20 Wm Henderson Witness Fees in Justice Court 496 2.20 E S Osborne Paid for cleaning Council Chamber 497 2. Cochrane & Roff Team Numbers 498 1.60 Joe McClaire Expressage 499 1. Road Fund Ballard & Hatfield Discharging Ballast No 267 $224. Henry Sheahan Labor $87.50Use of Horse $37.50 268 125. Stetson & Post Lumber 269 101.25 Harrington & Smith Wharfage on Ballast 270 84. Stephen Berry Labor on Streets 271 72.10 James Campbell Labor on Streets 272 62.50 John Terrice Labor on Streets 273 62.50 D L McCowan Boarding Prisoners 274 61. Luther Albee Labor on Streets 275 55. J M Snow Establishing grade on 5th Street 276 50.75 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 277 40. John Kelly Labor on Streets 278 25. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber & Rubbish 279 23.50 Richard Burns Labor on Streets 280 21.25 J W Hunt Repairs to dump cart 281 19. Geo B Adair, Trustee Nails & Hardware for Streets 282 17.50 J L Brasche Team on Streets 283 18. J Norris Team & Labor on Streets 284 18. Rolf Russell Team on Streets 285 12. W H Dilley Labor on Streets 286 10. C Ronson Labor on Streets 287 10.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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