City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention W H Pumphrey


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To the Honorable The Mayor and Common Council of the City ofSeattle

We the undersigned property owners intersted in the advancement & progress of our fain City most respectfully petition for the Immediate Extension of the Fire limits as follows. On the East, to the Alley between Third and Fourth Sts On the West as present defined On the North to and including the North side of Pike St (120 feet north) On the South, as at present defined T R Sinis John G Suing W H Pumphrey J H McGraw A MacIntosh W J Carkeek G W Young W A Harrington J C Dixon J D Tournau Isaac Dobson J M Colman W P Boyd John Collins G H Heilbron Thomas Burke James Campbell H H McNoth J M C Atkinson E C Kilbrum Frauenthal Bros W C Hill Herman Chapin J H W Naught Fres C Sauais Lev and Bowden Correspondents Lombard Inc Co A W Engle N W Struve Howard H Lewis

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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No 7 Pacific Department Manchester Fire Assistance Company of Manchester Balfour Guthrie & Co, General Agents 316 California Street S F Geo W Spencer Manager March 15th 1889 To the clerk of the City of Seattle W T /J W Buzby /O B Littell /T D Brown /H D McKnight T Penfield E W Melse /W T Pillman J T Cochran W H Pumphrey John Langston E Sheperd A F Hill /Saml McKnight C L Denny /Jas McKNight /R G Caldwell /Fred E Sander /S E Harris /L E Shay /Thos T Littell /B B Freed G D Snow]] /J C Masel /W Hatt Jos Green]] P E Barnum]] /J M Lang /N K Smythe O S Jones]] O Lynch]] Bert Grow]] /Wm M Jones /L A Steens /J G Eyler A Valbush]] Ed Grifith]] /T H Campbell /S E Davidson John W Colkett]] /H Hawthorne We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of the members of Deluge Hose No 7 regularly elected prior to March 1st 1889 J W Buzby, President C L Denny, scty

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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196 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 5/83 to said Treasurer commanding him to proceed and forthwith to collect the delinquent taxes upon said roll in the manner provided by law and pay the cause to the Tresasuer of the City of Seattle less his fees & Costs of collection and return the Warrant with his doings thereon, and the receipt of the City Treasurer for all moneys collected there by paid to the City Treasurer to the Clerk. Ordered that the Gas Committee be & they are hereby instructed to place a kerosene lamp corner 5th & Jefferson Streets Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Monday eveing January 15,1883 attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved H G Struve mayor Be it remembered that on this the 15th day of January 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor H G Struve and Councilmen John Collins, O F Cosper, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald and G L Manning Thereupon the following proceedings are had Petitions Received From A S Miller et al for Gas Lamps corner Marion & 3rd & Marion & 4th. Referred to Commmittee on Gas Lights From W H Pumphrey et al for an extension of time in the payment of taxes for Pine & 9th and Stewart 10th & Virginia Streets Sidewalks. Referred to the Committee onStreeets and Street Improvements From H V B Stacy for the right to build sidewalk from 3rd Street to alley in Block 21. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From W H White et al for an investigation as to the right of T J Small to act an policeman. Referred to Committee

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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To the Hon. City Council and Chief Fire Department for the Cityof Seattle:We the undersigned citizens of Seattle, hereby remonstrate against the removal of Engine No 2 to North Seattle, on the ground that the public interests would be much better subserved by keeping No 2 in its present quarter and providing other means for fire protetion to North Seattle.

Julius W Smith Geo Englund L T Brock Wm H Finch W D Scott Jr The A P Nealding & Co S E Aldus L Kline & Co W F Allen & Co Toklus & Jingerman S Davis John Sullivan Levy Bros John Kenney W H Pumphrey Fraumthal Bros L Wahl R Levy J Schram & Co A W Piper L Diller O W Morse James Nugent E A Thorndike Mathew A Kelly Isador Harris Chas Naher L G Smith Julius A Tiff S Kaufman M C Turner P J Lair & Co A Annunds V Chilbury W P Boyd & Co

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Fire Comtee to report out Petition of G Kellogg et al Establishing a Fire Dept by Common Council 1884

Fires and all other times a President a secretary a board of Delegates one to be selected from each fire & H & L co & we herewith submit a copy of the laws of the Portland Fire Department as a guide for you in such actions as you may deem proper G Kellogg & Co A Mackintosh J D Lowman Z C Mills G Pancin W H Pumphrey Brewster & Lane J Furst

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 16 in total