City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention J N Wallingford


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ROBERT MORAN, Mayor C. W. Ferris, City Clerk

Councilman First Ward F A Twitchell Harry White Second Ward D E Durie U R Niesz Third Ward F J Burns J N Wallingford Fourth Ward T E Jones Geo W Hall

Office of City Clerk

Seattle, Wash.,------ 18--

Certificate of Deposit No. 9719. issured by Dexter Horton and Co. Feby 13th 1889. for $1000. Deposited in accordance with the provisions of Ord. 1034 is hereby approved.

The above withdrawn and certificate of deposit. No. 12278 issured by Puget Sound Nat'l. Bank. Nov. 30th payable to the order of City Clerk, substituted and is hereby approved.

Seattle May 26th 1891.

Received of H. W. Miller City Clerk Certified check No. 12278 for $1000 00/100 deposited under Ordinance No. 1034. by order of the City Council May 25th A.D. 1891.

[?] Treas

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Office of City Clerk Robert Moran, mayor C W Ferris, city clerk Councilmen First Ward F A Twichell Harry White Second Ward D E Durie U R Niesz Third Ward F J Burns J N Wallingford Fourth Ward T E Jones Geo W Hall Seattle Wash Decr 23 1889 To the Hon the Mayor & Common Council of the City of Seattle Gentlemen Your Special Committee apppointed to make recommendations with regard to the Fire Boat, beg to report as follows. We could recommend that the time for the completion of the boat, with the exception of placing the copper sheathing on the hull be fixed at 120 working days from the signing of the Contract. The reason for making this recommendation is that the specification as it came from the Architect specifics that the sheathing after the boat has been floated down to her load line for 4 to 6 weeks. She is to be docked her bottom cleaned and graved, all seams gone over carefully and the old oakum well hawsed in. After this a fourth thread of oakum is to be put in, and

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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Office of City Clerk Robert Moran, mayor C W Ferris, city clerk Councilmen First Ward F A Twichell Harry White Second Ward D E Durie U R Niesz Third Ward F J Burns J N Wallingford Fourth Ward T E Jones Geo W Hall Seattle Wash 2 the seams well pitched and the yelow metal sheets to be laid on and properly secured by sheathing nails. This method we consider to be necessary to make a first class job, but in order to save time and that the City may get the use of the boat at as early a date as possible, we recommend that the contract be continued in force for a further period of 90 days adter the City takes possession of the boat, and that, at the end of said 90 days the City turn the boat over to the Contractor for a period of 10 days within which time the Contractor must haul the boat out and her bottom cleaned and graved an her seams gone over and caulked and pitched all as specifiec and the yellow metal sheathing put on, and the boat finally turned over

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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Office of City Clerk Robert Moran, mayor C W Ferris, city clerk Councilmen First Ward F A Twichell Harry White Second Ward D E Durie U R Niesz Third Ward F J Burns J N Wallingford Fourth Ward T E Jones Geo W Hall Seattle Wash 3 and accepted by the City. With regard to the selection of the pumps for the boat, your Committee ask further time for Consideration of the same Respectfully submitted Robert T Moran Wm Campbell T W Lake

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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30 Mar 28 1890 Petition of B B Freed for reduction of asst on tax roll of 1889 Committee recommend petition berejected U R Niesz J N Wallingford


Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 11 in total