Pages That Mention Lady Bridgewater
A cookery book with index, containing recipes for preserves, cakes, wines, and household remedies [manuscript], 1694
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The Index Red gingerbread in pg 1st Fruit Bistkett's in pg 1st White Cakes in pg 2nd The Lady Bethells Cake pg 2nd The Light Balls - in pg 3rd The Lady North: marchpane in pg 3rd The Boyle Cakes in pg 4th Queen Cakes in pg 4th Seed Cakes in pg 4th The Lady Bridgwaters Cake pg 6th Sugar Cakes in pg 5th Mackrounes in pg 5th Bisketts in pg 5th A Plum Cake in pg 7th Queen Eliz Cake in pg 8th A seed cake in pg 9th To make Cracknalls in pg 9th Red Ginger Bread An }10th Other way in pg The Lady Strouds Cake pg 11th Corren Berry Wine in pg 12th To make Meed in pg 12th Gousberry Wine in pg 13th Elderberry Wine in pg 13th Chockolate in pg 14th Poppy Brandy in pg 14th Aqua mirabolis in pg 14th Cowslip Wine in pg 15th To make meed in pg 15th || The Index To Presarve Jelly } in pg 18th of Rasp's Jelly of Rasps an other way pg 18th Jelly of curran berryes pg 18th Jelly of Sheep feet in pg 19th Jelly of Cream in pg 19th White Lesh in pg - 21st Lesh of divers colors pg 21st White Jelly in pg 20th To make a Cream } with ye dresing of Snow pg 21st Leomon Cream in pg 22nd Buttered Oringes pg 22nd Almond Butter in pg 23rd Butter'd Oringes pg 23rd White Lesh in pg 24th Sweet Water pg - 24th A Sack Posett pg 24th A Tansey - in pg 25th A Cream Cheese pg 25th French Pufs - pg 26th A Sillebub - 26 th A Crudo Puding pg 26th A Dish of Pudings pg 26th A Shakeing Pudin pg 27th A Plane Pudin pg 27th 2 Doz Rise Pudings pg 27th To Towr Apricock's pg 28th To Towr Apricocks 28th To Dry Peares pg 28th To dry Grapes pg 29th
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6 To Make ye Lady Bridgwaters Cake Take 8 lb of curron's and wash ym and Dry them very well by Rubing them and you must have 9 lb of Floure well dryed in the oven or before the fire and when it is well dryed. you must break all the lump's betwixt your fingers; yn Put in one Pound and A Halfe of fine sugar cloves nutmeggs cinamon and Ginger finely beaten According to your discretion. carraway seeds and coriander Seeds of Each one Spoonfull the yallow thin Rind of A Lemon shred small Amber greace and musk of Each 2 graines finely Powderd Putt all those into the Floure with a Little Salt then take 2 lb of Butter and Putt it into A Pann And sett it yt it may have A little heat of ye Fire but not uppon the fire to melt then take A Quart of good Creame And A Pint of good Rose water and putt ym together, then beat ye yolks of 10 eggs and five whits very well togeather in ye Beating Putt in some of ye Rose Water and Creame and when they are well bett mix all together ye Eggs and Cream. and Putt in a Pint of Sack and 3 Pints of good Ale yest strain in your yest to your cream and sack Stir them well together, then take your Butter and with your hand's break it, and work it till it is all soft and melted, then Roule in A little of your other thing's by degrees and so work it till your Butter and they are all mixed alike and then Putt in your Floure by hand fulls and stir it with your Hand till all ye Floure is in. Save 1 or 2 Handfulls after you have putt it in your Hoop you must have your oven Hott for you must Keep Stiring of it till it just goes into ye oven then Strow A Little Floure upon it and Patt it Smouth with your Hand when it is enough Ice itt and lett it Stand in ye oven till its dry