City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Hamm & Schmitz


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Mr President: Your Committee on License and Revenue to whom was referred The Applications for Liquor License of John Verbrugge J H Foster & Co Wright & Ferguson F A Dereg Hugh L Conray W H Howard & Co & John Verbrugge Report favorable and recommend the passage of the accompanying Quick Resolution Also our report favorable on the following Hamm & Schmitz Jensen & Koch Wm McArdle F H Wadleigh & Co Berkel & Hink M Levy D E Davis & J Harvey Thos R Hughes J P Sweeney Chairman M Korn Committee W A Snyder

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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656 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 16 1888 From Same Committee granting petition of Eliza Griffiths to put new fronts into buildings on Mill Street east of South 3rd Street. Adopted From Same Committee granting petition of Fredricks & Maud to put store front into buildings on South 1/2 half of Lot 7 Block 3 Maynard's Plat but that no other additions be made to building. Adopted From Same Committee rejecting petition of Hamm & Schmitz for permission to erect corrugated iron addition to building cor South 2nd and Washington Streets as the same would be a clear violation of the fire limit ordinance. Adopted From Same Committee rejecting petition of the Cedar Valley Water Company for a franchise. Adopted. From Committee onHelathand POlice rejecting petition of Louisa Thompson and others for a change of Ordinance known as Cow Limit Ordinance. From same Committee onpetitons of T J Cox in regard to cleaning vaults, ces-pols etc recommending that the same be referred to the Judiciary Committee and City Attorney for the purpose of drawing and submitting an Ordinance governing same. Adopted. From Street Committee granting petition of Thomas Webb for a crossing on Depot Street at Fifth Street adopted. From Same Committee asking the Council to Confer with it in the matter of planking Grant

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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