Pages That Mention Jensen & Koch
Mr President: Your Committee on License and Revenue to whom was referred The Applications for Liquor License of John Verbrugge J H Foster & Co Wright & Ferguson F A Dereg Hugh L Conray W H Howard & Co & John Verbrugge Report favorable and recommend the passage of the accompanying Quick Resolution Also our report favorable on the following Hamm & Schmitz Jensen & Koch Wm McArdle F H Wadleigh & Co Berkel & Hink M Levy D E Davis & J Harvey Thos R Hughes J P Sweeney Chairman M Korn Committee W A Snyder
590 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 31 1888 Be it remembered that on the 31st day of August 1888 The Common Council of the City of Seattle met in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The Following officers are present: His Hon the Mayor Robert Moran, Councilmen D E Durie, Jos Green J E Jones, Jas McCombs, J F McDonald - U R Niesz C F Reitsz and Dep Clerk C W Ferris. The following proceedings are had, to wit: Petitions etc. Petition of Adam Reis for permission to Blast on the Hill property on Jackson Street: Read and granted subject to the usual restrictions. Remonstrance of B A Anderson et al against the changing of the grade of Fifth Street at Depot Street Read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of H L Taylor for a street light at the corner of 6th and Blanchard Streets Read and granted Communication from W R Brawley asking that the license granted to Alden S Chase for selling liquor be revoked. Read and Referred to License & Revenue Com. Petition of A A Kopf for the lease of a portion of Spring Street Read and Tabled. Petition of Chas R Brown et al asking for a change of grade on Tenth Street Between Terrace & Cedar Sts Read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of Jensen & Koch for permission to change liquor license. Read and referred to license & Rev Com Remonstrance of John Graf against the Fifth St grade Read and referred to Street Committee.
596 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 7 1888 Petition of Jensen & Koch for change on liquor license from name of Jensen & Kunst to Jensen & Koch, read and granted. Petition of Thompson & O'Hara for temporary transfer of liquor license whild new building is being erected, read and referred to Committee on License & Revenue with power to act. Petition of D H Callahan &others praying that the sash and door factory on Third Street between Pike and Pine Streets]] be declared a nuisance and orderd abated, read and referred to Com on Fire & Water. Petition of A A Denny for the vacation of Third Street between Virginia & Stewart Streets and the vacation of the alleys through blocks 46 & 50 of A A Denny's Addn as petitioner desires to erect a large hotel on said blocks read and granted and on motion of Councilman Niesz a vote of thanks is tendered Mr. Denny for his public spiritedness in inaguarting such an enterprise. Petition of Alex Allen forstreet lights onVine Street from Front Street to Depot Street read and granted. Petition of Weber & McEachern for lease of foot of Pine Street read & on motion tabled. Petition of Joseph F McNaught & others for change of grade on Cherry Street from Seventh St to Ninth St read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of J W Whitehead and others for extension of street lights on Box Street as far north as