Pages That Mention Wm McArdle
Mr President: Your Committee on License and Revenue to whom was referred The Applications for Liquor License of John Verbrugge J H Foster & Co Wright & Ferguson F A Dereg Hugh L Conray W H Howard & Co & John Verbrugge Report favorable and recommend the passage of the accompanying Quick Resolution Also our report favorable on the following Hamm & Schmitz Jensen & Koch Wm McArdle F H Wadleigh & Co Berkel & Hink M Levy D E Davis & J Harvey Thos R Hughes J P Sweeney Chairman M Korn Committee W A Snyder
Seal Office of County Delegate Ancient Order of Hibernians of King County Seattle, Wash, March 9th 1893 To the Honorable Board of Police Commissioners City of Seattle Gentlemen The Ancient-Order of Hibernians have decided to Parade on the 19th of March. And have instructed me to request that your honorable body furnish them with a platoon of Police as Escort on that day. Hoping that your honorable body will see your way clear to comply with their request. Very Respectfully Wm McArdle Address County Delegate 421 Wash. St A.O.H. Seattle King Co. Wash.
Mr President: Your comittee on Fire & Water to whom was referred Petition of W P Harper et al for a two inch water main on Epler Place recommend that the same be granted. The old water main is one inch and in insufficient to supply the residents in that vicinity with water. E A Herrman chairman Geo Gilson Wm McArdle H P Rude J A James committee Date Adopted Jun 29 1898