Pages That Mention Jno Collins
335 F
Petition of Jno Collins et al for planking James Street
Motion made to plank Cherry also
Filed Sep 10 1885 [W R Forrest] Clerk
13 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 11 Be it remembered that on this eleventh day of November 1881, the Common Council of the Seattle, meets in its Chambers pusuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the acting Mayor Jno Collins, Thos Clancy, Wm A Jennings John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Chas McDonald. A petition from R C Hartranft asking the Council to remit to him the amount of license ordered collected The Finance Committee returns Treasurers Report which was ordered filed. And now the Council proceeds to an election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J H McGra as fire Warden, when R H Calligan was elected to fill said vacancy. Ordered that a warrant be drawn in favor of Chas McDonald upon the Fire Fund in the sum of $10.00 for the purpose of purchasing coal. And now that Street Committee report upon the petition of S S Rowe and others praying for the opening of Pike Street from 9th to 11th Streets and along the 11th Street to Pine Street, thereupon said petition is ordered laid on the table indefinitely. A report of the Health Officer regarding measures for the prevention of the intruduction of small pox was ordered filed. Ordered that the City of Seattle quarantine against the Cities of New Tacoma and Old Tacoma. Ordered that the health Officer be and is hereby instructed to enforse the Ordinance against the introduction of small pox. And now come the several persons herein after named and make application for the licenses hereinafter specified for the periods and from the dates herein after set out; and at the same time said applicants submit their several bonds in accordance with the
14 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordinance in relation hereto. After due examination said bonds are approved, and said applicants making due proof that they are persons of good moral character It is therefore ordered that upon their complyance with all the other provisions of said Ordinance the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to issue license to said applicants for the periods and purposes following to wit; Named Description of License Term Date of Commencement Margaret Sullivan Grocery 3 Months Novemeber 15/1881 August Hess Grocery 3 Months November 15/1881 And now the City Attorney submits Ordinance No 252, the same being an Ordinance granting the right of way to the Spring Hill Water Company to lay water pipes, within the City; and defining the rights, duties and obligations of said Company. After due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption His Honor, the acting Mayor, Jno Collins and Councilman Jennings, Keenan, Keezer, Clancy and McDonald Ordered that the matter of taking gravel out of Street by the Gas Company, be and the same is hereby referred to the Street Commissioner Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned. attest E S Osborne Clerk Approved John Collins Acting Mayor
692 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 2 1885 East at the alley sixteen (16) feet wide.Report adopted and Street committee directed to proceed with the work at once. From Surveyor of Union Streetsewer with plans and specification. Referred to Com on Sewers & Drainage Petition of Columbia and Puget Sound R R Co for permission to discharge ballast at Ocean Dock free of Ballast Charges. Referred to Committee on Harbor and Wharves. Applications for Licenses Referred Chas F O'Hara, Andreas Lunn, J McCory, Geo Meister Thomas & Morgan, James W Smith & Chas Steinwey Licenses Ordered Issued Otto Fuhrman Retail Intox for 3 Months from Sept 13 Oliver Bernard Retail Intox for 3 Months from Sept 27 E G Powers & Co Retail Intox for 3 Months from Sept 18 M & K Gottstein Wholesale Intox for 3 Months from Sept 17 A E Wayne Retail Intox for 3 Months from Oct 1st Jno Collins Retail Intox for 3 Months from Sept 25 M S Booth Retail Intox for 3 Months from Oct 1st E D Norton Retail Intox for 3 Months from Aug 12 Joseph Francisco Retail Intox for 3 Months from Oct 7 Emil Davidson Retail Intox for 3 Months from Sept 13 Benj Murphy & Co Retail Intox for 3 Months from Sept 12 Frank Wilton Retail Malt for 3 Months from Sept 13 L V Schnyder Retail Intox for 3 Months from Oct 4 Oliver A Kraus Retail Intox for 3 Months from Oct 8 The vote on granting siad licenses is as follows; viz: In favor of the same R H Calligan, J Furth, G W Hall, W A Harrington, Jno Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald and G W Young against none. Applications for licenses refused The applicatin of Jacob Haist for a license to sell Malt Liquor by retail is rejected by the following vote. In favor of rejecting same. Calligan, Furth, Hall, Harrington, Keenen, Lake, McDonald and Young against none.
92 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 1 1886 From Committee on Street Lights recommending that the petition of Thomas T Minor et al for Street Lights on Columbia Street from 4th Street to 12th Street be granted. Adopted From Same Committee recommending that the petition of John Cunningham et al for street lights at the Corner of 7th & University and 7th and Seneca Streets be granted. adopted. From Same committee recommending that the petition of W H Hughes et al for Street Lights along Front Street from Pine Street to Vine Street be granted. adopted. Licenses Referred Fred Scholpp, Thomas & Davis, Shaw & Alger, Geo W Walsh, Benj Murphy, Otto Fuhrman, Oscar Johnson Oliver Parent, A F Able & Co, J G Armstrong, Geo Meister, Chas G Steinweg, Thomas Clancy, A Wolters & Co, Harry Thompson, John McCarey, and James W Smith Licenses ordered issued John Christ Retail Malt from Dec 18th to Dec 18th 1886 Joe Francisco Retail Intox from Oct 7 to Jany 7 1887 Jno Collins Retail Intox from Sept 28 to Dec 18th 1886 E J Powers & Co Retail Intox from Sept 18 to Dec 31 1886 John Shepich Retail Malt from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 L V Snyder Retail Malt from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 Oliver Bernard Retail Intox from Sepy 27 to Jany 1 1887 Andrew Lunn Retail Intox from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 McMaster & Taylor Retail Intox from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 L Diller Retail Intox from Oct 1 to Jany 1 1887 Frank Wilton Retail Malt from Sept 13 to Dec 13th 1886 M & K Gottstein Wholesale from Sept 17 to Dec 31 1886 Schwabacher Bros & Co from Aug 9 to Dec 31 1886 The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows to wit: In favor of the same C W Coulter, J Furth, J M Frink