Pages That Mention John P Sweeney
Mr President: Your Committee on License & Revenue to whom was referred Petitions for a license to sell intoxicating liquors within the city from Wm Sutherland Hood & Prichard, Peter Reis & Co J A Roomer & Co, Schander & Leibman, N Michaelly, W Spidman, Angel Dellnock, Howard & Powers have the house to report that with regard to the petition of Wm Sutherland Schander & Leibman N Michally W Spidman Angel & Dellnock Howard & Powers We your committee report favorably and in regard to the petitions of J A Roomer & Co Hood & Pritchard Peter Reis & Co We your committee beg leave to return for further consideration Very Respectfully John P Sweeney M Korn W A Snyder
Mr President: Your committee on License and Revenue to whom was referred petitions for a liquor license within the city respectfully report favorably on the following petition viz: J F Armstrong & Co T A Dereg Schalpp J Kenneth J Wegert H H Wright & Co F W Wusthoff Frank P Heman by your committee John P Sweeney Chairman W A Snyder M Korn Report Adopted Ref for Resolution
Mr President: Your Committee on License and Revenue to whom was referred letter of John F Miller prosecuting attorney for King Co Wash. Together with a communication from Wilhelm Efer concerning the revocation of a liquor license at No 1413 Front Street beg leave to report that a hearing was held at which both parties appeared and stated what they knew concerning the place of business Therefore in my view of the fact that the committee agree that there was no evidence introduced to show that Wilhelm Efer had any knowledge of gambling having been done at his place of business. We recommend that his license be not revoked. John P Sweeney W A Snyder M Korn
Mr. President:
Your Committee on Fire & Water To whom was referred the petition of extending the fire limits report in back without recomendation W H Bogardus chairman W A Snyder committee John P Sweeney
Your Committee on Fire & Water to whom was referred The communication of Mrs Lawson asking for relief on account of her husband death in the discharge of his duty Said Mr Lawson being a member of the Fire Boat Snoqualamie recommend it be placed on file. Motion to [reject] the Petition Carried W H Bogardus Chairman John P Sweeney W A Snyder Committee