City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Wm Morris


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Seattle Aug 2nd 1884 To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle Gentlemen: We the undersigned petitioners residents of the first ward, having full confidence in the intergity, sobriety and personal courage of Mr Wm Morris of said first ward, we would respectfully recommend him as a suitable person to be employed on the police force. Lysander Smith C R Foster Jas MacDonald C McDermoth M J Carkeek J M Pearlmany John McCloskey Patrick Welsh E L Huson C P Lacey B F Ball J C Coelius H S Gooding G Rhranes L A Meyer W O Rinehard M Costopech F W Cavanaugh James Pollack E A Turner F A Keem J D Gardner A Haley N Christensen Elliott John Jefferson O S Wright George W Merton Ed Smith Watson Allen Amos Hurst

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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106 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 4/82 City Fund J M Hall Attorney No 140 41.63 E S Osborne Clerk 141 41.63 James Welch Policeman 142 80.00 W B Thompson Policeman 143 80.00 J H Woolery Chief of Police 144 100.00 D L McCowen Policeman 145 80.00 S F Coombs City Justice 146 15.55 Frank Seidel Assessor 147 187.50 James Hicks Burying Carrion 148 1.50 Wm Morris Burying Carrion 149 1.50 L Neuman Padlock & Keys 150 1.75 F W Wusthoff Hooks, Rope & Twine 151 .90 Seattle Chronicle Printing 152 77.16 Gas Fund Waddell & Miles 15 16.25 Road Fund R H Calligan StreetLabor87.00Horse Hire19.50 60 107.50 James Campbell Street Labor 61 58.00 Luther Alber Street Labor 62 58.00 Thos Rock Street Labor 63 58.00 Stetson & Post Lumber 64 20.36 John L Kahaly Hauling Lumber & Trees 65 5.25 Thos Wusthoff Nails 66 5.50 The City Attorney submits contracts with Chin Guan and Charlie for the improvements under Ordinance No 287, 288 and 289; thereupon said contracts are read bythe Clerk and the Mayor and Clerk are instructed to execute the same on behalf of the City And now comes the persons hereinafter named and make application for the licenses hereinafter named from the dates andf or the periods hereinafter specified and at the same time said applicants file their several bonds in acordance with the ordinance relative thereto After due examination said bonds are approved and The said applicants making due proof that they are persons

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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371 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 5/83 B Erison Labor on Streets No 288 $10.00 M Hestbeck Labor on Streets 289 10. G Collins Labor on Streets 290 10. David Webster Labor on Streets 291 10. J M Snow Engineering Front St Cribbing 292 8.75. Thos McNear Labor on Streets 293 8.75 D T Wheeler Giving Ownership of property Jackson St Extension 293 5. James Brennan Sharpening tools 294 4.75 Thos Norris Refunding Road Poll Tax paid 295 4. Wm Morris Labor on Streets 296 3.75 M Strong Hauling Gravel 1/2 a day 297 3. Waddell & Miles Lantern corner 4th & James 298 1.25 Gas Fund John Spencer Repaird to Gas Mains No 63 $5.20 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Construction of Columbia St Engine House No 2 No 213 $1914.50 W A Perry Engineer No 1 217 75. F B Cosper Engineer No 2 218 75. Young & McKeon Plumbing etc City Hall 219 26.92. Geo B Adair, Trustee Hardware 220 16.10 Cosper, McIntyre & Co Coal, Oil etc 221 8.85 M W Pealer Horses at Engine No 1 222 5. T W Bennett Boxing Water Pipe Columbia St 223 3. Spring Hill Water Co Water 224 3. Anthony Hohnes Repairing Heater 225 2.75 Waddell& Miles Packing & Funnel 226 .38 Spring St Sidewalk #440 J M Snow Engineering No 419 $14.75 South 3rd St Improvement #399 Strong & Harkins Contract Work Nos 421-422-542-543 $1355.03 G N Alexander Contract Work 423 655.97 J M Snow Engineering 419 29.38 James Street Improvement #387 J M Snow Engineering No 424 $38.88

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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556 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 7/84 Wm Murphy Police No 879 $80. Thos Ross Police 880 $80. W H Pinckney Police 881 $80. F L Bangs Police 882 $80. J W Van Brocklin special Police (Election) 883 $3. T W Bennett special Police (Election) 884 $3. W P Smith special Police (Election) 885 $3. L D Carrol special Police (Election) 886 $3. J A Barker special Police (Election) 887 $3. F E Egan special Police (Election) 888 $3. D T Shaw special Police (Election) 889 $3. James Warren special Police (Election) 890 $9. Chas Lind special Police (Election) 891 $9. Wm Hughes assessor 892 $187.50 G A Weed Health Officer 893 $75. James Bogart Janitor & Jailor 894 $60. S B Vrooman J P Fees 895 $43.60 T H Cann J P Fees 896 $22.05 Post-Intelligencer Pub Co printing 897 $34.20 Herald Pub Co printing 898 $12.40 Clarence Hanford Job Work 899 $6.50 J D Lowman stationary 900 $12.40 Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 901 $6.65 C F Clancy & Co Team in case of Collins-v-City 902 $8. Wm Morris special Police (Election) 903 $24. W D Wood Short Hand Reporter in Collins-v-City 904 $20. R H Thomson Witness in Collins-v-City 905 $6.20 T S Purdue Witness in Collins-v-City 906 $6.20 Fred Struve Witness in Collins-v-City 907 $6.20 Alex Ranke Witness in Collins-v-City 908 $6.20 H B Bagley Witness in Collins-v-City 909 $4.20 O Schillestad Case for Clerks Office etc 910 $31.50 J Schram & Co Police Stand 911 $5. Young & McKeon Plumbing City Hall 912 $3. E S Osborne RecordingDeed 913 $1.25 Neuman & Argens Keys for Jail 914 $1.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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662 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE The vote granting said licenses is as follows. In favor of the same Frye, Harrington, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler, Latimer, Crockett & Graham Against the same none. Claims Paid E S Osborne Registrar No 118 $164.20 David KelloggMember Board of Registration 1190 15. R H Thomson Member Board of Registration 1191 15. Wm H Hughes Member Board of Registration 1192 15. A P Spauling Officer of Election 1193 8. A Amunds Officer of Election 1194 8. Wm Morris Officer of Election 1195 8. H O Hollenbeck Officer of Election 1196 8. W F Dearborn Officer of Election 1197 8. L B Andrews Officer of Election 1198 8. O C Shorey Officer of Election 1199 8. S B Vrooman Officer of Election 1200 8. R B Partridge Officer of Election 1201 8. O P Anderson Officer of Election 1202 8. James Frankland Officer of Election 1203 8. S L McCowan Officer of Election 1204 8. Wm M Jones Officer of Election 1205 8. C L Wayland Officer of Election 1206 8. S G Benedick Officer of Election 1207 8. Chronicle Pub Co Registration Notice 1208 15. Henry Sheahan Policeman 1209 10.60 L Miller Hauling Carrion 1210 7.50 Nicholas Brown Hauling Carrion 1211 3. G Kellogg & Co paint 1212 1.75 Alfred Snyder & Co soap 1213 1. Road Fund D S Hill Labor on Streets 1030 40.50 Frank Lind Labor on Streets 1031 34.87

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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