City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Alex Meister





Petition to Extend City Limits of Seattle To the Honorable, the City Council, the Legislative Body of the said city of Seattle, hereby respectfully petition that the boundaries of the City of Seattle be altered and extended so as to include the new territory hereinafter described within the said City of Seattle after proceedings had as required by law, and that you submit to the electors of said city and to the electors residing in the said territory hereinafter described, the question whether said territory shall be annexed to said City of Seattle and become a part thereof. The said new territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Seattle is particularly described as follows to-wit: Beginning at the point in the center of Lake Washington, which is the Northeast corner of the present limits of the City of Seattle; thence Northerly along the center of Lake Washington to an intersection with the south line of Section Sixteen, in Township Twenty-five, Range Four West, W.M., produced eastwardly; thence West in the waters of Lake Washington and Union Bay along said east line produced to the intersection with the east line of said Section Sixteen, produced southerly; thence North in the waters of Union Bay along said east line produced to the shore of said Union Bay, and thence North along the east line of said Section Sixteen and of Section No Nine in said Township and Range to the quarter-section on the east line of said Section Nine; thence West along the center line of said Section Nine to the quarter-section corner in the west line thereof; thence North along the east line lines of Sections Eight and Five in said Township and Range to the north line of said Township Twenty-five North; thence West along said Township line to the quarter-section corner in the north line of Section One, in Township Twenty-five North, Range Three East, which latter point is the Northeast corner of the present corporate limits of the town (now city) of Ballard; thence South along the center line of said Section One, and Sections Twelve and Thirteen in said township Twenty-five North, Range Three East to the Southeast corner of Government Lot 2, in said Section thirteen, said last-named line being the Easterly boundry of said City of Ballard; thence West along the South boundary of said City of Ballard to the center of Salmon Bay; thence Northwesterly following the present corporate limits of the City of Ballard along the center line of Salmon Bay to deep water in Puget Sound of Admiralty Inlet; thence West to the main channel of Puget Sound or Admiralty Inlet; thence southerly along said main to a junction with the main channel from Elliott Bay; thence Easterly and Southeasterly along the main channel of Elliott Bay to the point in the center of Elliott Bay, which is the Northwest corner of the present limits of the City of Seattle; thence Northeastwardly along the present Northwestern boundry of the City of Seattle to the intersection between the shore of said Elliott Bay and the west line of Section Twenty-four, in Township Twenty-five North, Range Three East; thence North, following the present boundary of the City of Seattle along said west line of said Section twenty-four to the quarter section corner in the west line of said Section Twenty-four; thence East, following the present boundary of the City of Seattle along the center line of said Section Twenty-four, and of Sections Nineteen and Twenty in Township Twenty-five North, Range Four East to the east line of said Section twenty; thence South following the present boundary of the City of Seattle, along the east line of said Section Twenty to the Southeast corner thereof; thence East following the present boundry of the City Seattle along the North line of Sections Twenty-eight and Twenty-seven in Township Twenty-five North, Range Four East, to the shore of Lake Washington; and thence Easterly in the waters of Lake Washington following the present boundary of the City of Seattle to the present Northeast corner of the limits of the City of Seattle and place of beginning, including all waters embraced within the boundaries above described. 1 J C Killen 2 Wahan Bros 3 Alex Meister 4 N C Graves 5 A A Cook 6 N C Davies 7 Eugene Lewple 8 H M Wright 9 Lee DeVries 10 F Anthony 11 John Brown 12 J B Metcalfe 13 Chas H Barber 14 Geo McMonegle 15 L M Wood 16 Breese Frank O 17 H P Walton 18 Harry L Bostian 19 Bolton Dyer 20 J W George 21 S E Hinson 22 W E Lockard 23 M C Gormley 24 A N Graves 25 H G Thomlin 26 C M Basler 27 J M Blanchard 28 M R Maddaks 29 J D Hinckley 30 D Geo A Rerd 31 W Burritt 32 J H Dempsey 33 Rich Borndling 34 R C Crawford 35 J VanLenhupher 36 James Leddy 37 N K Owens 38 John Waceafeg 39 W M Holmes 40 R B Dearborn 41 T H Cann 42 A R Kennedy 43 Leo Kinnear 44 J S Odiardy 45 Gordon Osden 46 A P Randall 47 N K Smythe 48 John Megrath 49 D W Cross 50 Geo N T Sparling

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb





42 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jul 9 1886 R H Calligan 1345 Road 3.50 Hire of Wagon Schwabacher Bros & Co 1343 Road 39.34 Oats Seattle Gas Light Co 154 Gas 337.26 Gas Month June Thomas Emerson 155 Gas 50.40 Care of St Lamps Kollack & McDonald 874 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose No 1 Alex Meister 873 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose No 1 M M Keating 874 Fire 3.50 Glass for Engine House No1 Frank Beattie 862 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose No 1 R Kalberg 863 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose No2 Dunham & Woolery 864 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose No 3 Z C Miles 865 Fire 2.25 Sheet Iron & Copper No2 Gutta Percha & Rubber M Co 866 Fire 1150.00 1000 ft of Hose LeRoy Williamson 867 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose No 3 A M Gilman 868 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr No 1 W A Perry 869 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr No 2 Wm Beattie 870 Fire 2.50 Repairs to Hose Cart No 1 E C McClallahan 871 Fire 2.50 Hauling Engine No 2 Spring Hill Water Co 41 Water 249.75 Washing Hose No 1 Miscellaneous On motion the petition of D W Treat et al is taken from the table and it is Ordered that W I Graves & A Ammunds be permitted to be present in the room where the election is held in the First Ward; That James M Quilter & W B Jones be permitted to be present in the room where the elctonis held in the Second Ward; That D E Graiswald & Lyman Wood be present in the room where the election is held in the Third Ward; and That G Charlesworth be permitted to be present in the room where the electionis held in the Fourth Ward. On motion the Fire & Water Committee is authorized to purchase four Play pipes for the Fire Department. Ordinances An ordinance is submitted by the city Attorney entitled "An ordinance to Amend Secs 1 & 2 of Ord No 154 entitled an Ordinance to prevent animals from running at large and from wearing bells within certain limits

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




99 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 15 1886 Petition of F.E. Sander et als praying that the Council will cause to be removed the manure deposited in the Alley of Block 20 Maynards Addition by the City Livery Stable and prevent the depositing of any more refuse in said Alley. Granted and the Chief of Police requested to see that said alley is cleared & kept cleared. Petition of Alex Meister et als for the reduction of the membership of the Fire Department. Laid on the Table. Communication from J.G. Kenyon et als calling the attention of the Council to the condition of the crossing on Front Street at the intersection of Madison Street. Referred to Street Committee Petition of James Parke et als for street lights on Mill street. Referred to the Street Light Committee Petition of L. Miller et als for three (3) street lights on Jackson Street bridge at intersection of Jackson Street with South Third South Fourth and South Fifth Sts. Referred to the Committee on Street Lights. Petition of A.W. Pekir and Adam Arth on behalf of the Seattle Turn Vereiu for a sidewalk on the south side of Jefferson Street between Third and Fourth Streets. Granted. Petition of A.W. Piper and Adam Orth for street lights at the corner of Third and Jefferson St. and Fourth & Jefferson Streets. Granted. Communication from the Columbia & Puget Sound R.R.Co. proposing to lease the wharf and its extension of

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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