Pages That Mention R Scott
Petition to Extend City Limits of Seattle To the Honorable, the City Council, the Legislative Body of the said city of Seattle, hereby respectfully petition that the boundaries of the City of Seattle be altered and extended so as to include the new territory hereinafter described within the said City of Seattle after proceedings had as required by law, and that you submit to the electors of said city and to the electors residing in the said territory hereinafter described, the question whether said territory shall be annexed to said City of Seattle and become a part thereof. The said new territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Seattle is particularly described as follows to-wit: Beginning at the point in the center of Lake Washington, which is the Northeast corner of the present limits of the City of Seattle; thence Northerly along the center of Lake Washington to an intersection with the south line of Section Sixteen, in Township Twenty-five, Range Four West, W.M., produced eastwardly; thence West in the waters of Lake Washington and Union Bay along said east line produced to the intersection with the east line of said Section Sixteen, produced southerly; thence North in the waters of Union Bay along said east line produced to the shore of said Union Bay, and thence North along the east line of said Section Sixteen and of Section No Nine in said Township and Range to the quarter-section on the east line of said Section Nine; thence West along the center line of said Section Nine to the quarter-section corner in the west line thereof; thence North along the east line lines of Sections Eight and Five in said Township and Range to the north line of said Township Twenty-five North; thence West along said Township line to the quarter-section corner in the north line of Section One, in Township Twenty-five North, Range Three East, which latter point is the Northeast corner of the present corporate limits of the town (now city) of Ballard; thence South along the center line of said Section One, and Sections Twelve and Thirteen in said township Twenty-five North, Range Three East to the Southeast corner of Government Lot 2, in said Section thirteen, said last-named line being the Easterly boundry of said City of Ballard; thence West along the South boundary of said City of Ballard to the center of Salmon Bay; thence Northwesterly following the present corporate limits of the City of Ballard along the center line of Salmon Bay to deep water in Puget Sound of Admiralty Inlet; thence West to the main channel of Puget Sound or Admiralty Inlet; thence southerly along said main to a junction with the main channel from Elliott Bay; thence Easterly and Southeasterly along the main channel of Elliott Bay to the point in the center of Elliott Bay, which is the Northwest corner of the present limits of the City of Seattle; thence Northeastwardly along the present Northwestern boundry of the City of Seattle to the intersection between the shore of said Elliott Bay and the west line of Section Twenty-four, in Township Twenty-five North, Range Three East; thence North, following the present boundary of the City of Seattle along said west line of said Section twenty-four to the quarter section corner in the west line of said Section Twenty-four; thence East, following the present boundary of the City of Seattle along the center line of said Section Twenty-four, and of Sections Nineteen and Twenty in Township Twenty-five North, Range Four East to the east line of said Section twenty; thence South following the present boundary of the City of Seattle, along the east line of said Section Twenty to the Southeast corner thereof; thence East following the present boundry of the City Seattle along the North line of Sections Twenty-eight and Twenty-seven in Township Twenty-five North, Range Four East, to the shore of Lake Washington; and thence Easterly in the waters of Lake Washington following the present boundary of the City of Seattle to the present Northeast corner of the limits of the City of Seattle and place of beginning, including all waters embraced within the boundaries above described. 1 Geo F Raymond 2 R Scott 3 John Rai 4 N C McInillian 5 W P Jacobs 6Chas A Craig 7 J E Dean 8 H J Clausen 9 Jno R Hamilton 10 John Ericksson 11 R S Young 12 M Uendelsol 13 Jas S Murray 14 J Michael 15 Wm A Cox 16 Thomas B Hardin 17 D O'Hara 18 H J Regan 19 E N Deibert 20 F J Wilder 21 Geo W Fipned 22 B B Freed 23 H Brinkley 24 James Murphy 25 Geo R Kibbe 26 J N Entz 27 O C Thomford 28 W M Cowby 29 Julius Wegert 30 S B Wright 31 J C Gillespie 32 C W Lawton 33 J F DeBernean 34 R Damm 35 P D Hughes 36 W D Cower 37 W A Butler 38 J R McLaughlin 39 A Hattren 40 Sig Harris 41 W Rutherford 42 Geo G Jenkins 43 C H Lilly 44 Henry Brice 45 R Korns 46 Jos Dougan 47 P J McManus 48 T E Kolm 49 M Choit 50 C W Willett
377 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 12/83 Be it remembered that on this the 12th day of October, 1883 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor H G Struve and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, B F Day, George W Harris, Charles McDonald, U M Rasin, Otto Ranke & F W Wusthoff. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From Seattle Street Railway Co for striking out section 13 of the Ordinance for a Street Railway franchise. Adopted at the meeting of October 5, 1883; thereuopn request of the Council, the Mayor returned the said Ordinance without the same having been approved by him. Ordered that the vote by which the Orinance entitled "an Ordinance authorizing the location and laying down of tracks for Street Railways in the City of Seattle and the equipment & and operation on page 373 of this journal, be & the same is hereby reconsidered. In favor of such reconsideration, Clancy, Day, Harris, McDonald, Ranke & Wusthoff. Against the same none. From Fire Warden & Seattle Fire Co No 1 asking for a Fire Alarm Bell for Columbia Street Engine House. Referred to Fire Committee. From Fire Warden & Seattle Fire Co No1 asking for 750 feet Maltese Cross hose. Referred to Fire Committee From R Scott et al for grading Fourth Street, Union to Pine Referred to Street Committee' From C G Ludlow]] et al for the suppression pf racing in the streets on Sunday etc. Referred to Committee on Health & Police From S G Simpson for an extension of time inwhich to complete the Improvement of Main Street. Referred to Street Committe From Oregon and Trans Columbia and Columbia and [?] Railroad Company for the establishment of a [?] until [?]
516 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 1/84 Benj Murphy Judge of Election No 780 $8. W W Barker Judge of Election 781 $8. A D Dawson Clerk 782 $8. Jas F Pickering Clerk 783 $8. D N Hyde Inspector of Election 784 $8. O C Shorey Judge of Election 785 $8. A Storch Judge of Election 786 $8. H J Jacobs Clerk of Election 787 $8. Abner Gardner Clerk of Election 788 $8. R Scott Inspector of Election 789 $8. D T Denny Judge of Election 790 $8. W G Latimer Judge of Election 791 $8. E Bryan Clerk of Election 792 $8. B A Starkey Clerk of Election 793 $8. H A Fredericks Desks to 2d Ward Voting place 794 $1. M J Calligan Desks to 2d Ward Voting place 795 $.50 C F Clancy Team to deliver ballot boxes 796 $2. Ed L Lindsley Desks from 2d Ward Voting place 797 $1. D H Webster Special Officer at Election 798 $3. J D Lowman Stationary 799 $20.80 C Hanford Job Work 800 $17.50 M H Wilcox & Co Brooms etc. 801 $3.10 Young & McKeon Repairs to Water Closet 802 $1.75 L P Smith & Son Dog Tags 803 $25. J S M Smart Attending upon prisoner 804 $5. Road Fund Henry Sheehan Street labor $91. use of Horse $39. No 560 $130. S Berry Street labor 561 $75. John Terrice Street labor 562 $75. Luther Albee Street labor 563 $65. S Koon Street labor 564 $26.25 Thos Rock Street labor 565 $65. W Mullins Street labor 567 $25. W Murphy Street labor 568 $25. Chas Willliams Street labor 569 $90. James Campbell Street labor 572 $65.
584 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 2/85 is elected as Justice of the Peace for the City from Jan 5,1885 for the time provided by law. There being a vacancy in the newly created Office of City Sexton the Council proceeds to an election to fill such vacancy, Whereupon O C Shorey is elected to the office of City Sexton for the term provided by law. An ordinance to create a new cemetary is laid over until next meeting Ordered that the matter of considering an ordinance to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors be & is hereby granted further time in which to report on the Columbia Street Sewer matter Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor Jan 16/85 Be it remembered that on this the 16th day of January 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Chas F Clancy, Geo F Frye, B L Northrup, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer & W V Rinehart. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From the Trustes of Seattle Lodge No 7 IOOF for rebating certain taxes paid. Granted From Fire Co #4 for an Engine From R Scott for certain repairs of Pine Street. Referred to Street Comtee. Communications and Reports From Clerk for Registration Books Granted From Clerk showing Indebtedness
591 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 6/85 From the Atty on pending litigation Ordered filed. Resolution for fire engine A resolution is rec'd from Engine Co #4 regarding a fire Engine Referred to Comtee on Fire and Water Engine to Belltown Ordered that the Remonstrance against moving Engine Co #2 be taken from the table & be referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings Property and Grounds. Front St bulkhead The Atty makes a report on the matter of repairing bulkheads on the West Side of Front Street. Atty instructed to make further report Comtee Reports Committee Reports From Street Comtee rejecting the petition of R Levy for rebating Road Poll tax paid. Report adopted E Ellis Sidewalk From Street Comtee on the petition of R Scott recommending that Edwin Ellis be required to construct a sidewalk fronting his property Cor 3rd & Pike Streets. Report adopted Licenses Referred Applications for licenses referred O'Shea, Parent, John Shepich, Andrew Storah, S Baxter & Co, Lewis Silven, John T Lester, Boegli and Braillard, Wm Grose, ]]Schwabacher Bros & Co]], Frank P Heinen, August Wolff, Fred Gasch, Grubb & Johnson, Bernard Kurz, Wm Busha, Scholpp & Kallson, Claus & Harms, Andrew Storah, John Feigh, Margaret Sullivan, Blanchard and Smith, Andrew Hemrich, Flynn & Anderson Licenses Issued Licenses Ordered Issued John McCary for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 15, 1885 Bittner & Theiler forGrocery for 3 months from Jan 16, 1885 Small & McMaster for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 17, 1885 Bersch & Hink for Retail liquors for 3 months from Feb 1, 1885 Andrew Lumm & Co for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 26, 1885 James Miles for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 15, 1885 H Kersey for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 12, 1885 Shaw & Alger for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 9, 1885 A E Alden for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 1, 1885 [Chas F O'Hara]] for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 7, 1885 Wm Busha for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 17, 1885