City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention D T Wheeler


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Petition to Extend City Limits of Seattle To the Honorable, the City Council, the Legislative Body of the said city of Seattle, hereby respectfully petition that the boundaries of the City of Seattle be altered and extended so as to include the new territory hereinafter described within the said City of Seattle after proceedings had as required by law, and that you submit to the electors of said city and to the electors residing in the said territory hereinafter described, the question whether said territory shall be annexed to said City of Seattle and become a part thereof. The said new territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Seattle is particularly described as follows to-wit: Beginning at the point in the center of Lake Washington, which is the Northeast corner of the present limits of the City of Seattle; thence Northerly along the center of Lake Washington to an intersection with the south line of Section Sixteen, in Township Twenty-five, Range Four West, W.M., produced eastwardly; thence West in the waters of Lake Washington and Union Bay along said east line produced to the intersection with the east line of said Section Sixteen, produced southerly; thence North in the waters of Union Bay along said east line produced to the shore of said Union Bay, and thence North along the east line of said Section Sixteen and of Section No Nine in said Township and Range to the quarter-section on the east line of said Section Nine; thence West along the center line of said Section Nine to the quarter-section corner in the west line thereof; thence North along the east line lines of Sections Eight and Five in said Township and Range to the north line of said Township Twenty-five North; thence West along said Township line to the quarter-section corner in the north line of Section One, in Township Twenty-five North, Range Three East, which latter point is the Northeast corner of the present corporate limits of the town (now city) of Ballard; thence South along the center line of said Section One, and Sections Twelve and Thirteen in said township Twenty-five North, Range Three East to the Southeast corner of Government Lot 2, in said Section thirteen, said last-named line being the Easterly boundry of said City of Ballard; thence West along the South boundary of said City of Ballard to the center of Salmon Bay; thence Northwesterly following the present corporate limits of the City of Ballard along the center line of Salmon Bay to deep water in Puget Sound of Admiralty Inlet; thence West to the main channel of Puget Sound or Admiralty Inlet; thence southerly along said main to a junction with the main channel from Elliott Bay; thence Easterly and Southeasterly along the main channel of Elliott Bay to the point in the center of Elliott Bay, which is the Northwest corner of the present limits of the City of Seattle; thence Northeastwardly along the present Northwestern boundry of the City of Seattle to the intersection between the shore of said Elliott Bay and the west line of Section Twenty-four, in Township Twenty-five North, Range Three East; thence North, following the present boundary of the City of Seattle along said west line of said Section twenty-four to the quarter section corner in the west line of said Section Twenty-four; thence East, following the present boundary of the City of Seattle along the center line of said Section Twenty-four, and of Sections Nineteen and Twenty in Township Twenty-five North, Range Four East to the east line of said Section twenty; thence South following the present boundary of the City of Seattle, along the east line of said Section Twenty to the Southeast corner thereof; thence East following the present boundry of the City Seattle along the North line of Sections Twenty-eight and Twenty-seven in Township Twenty-five North, Range Four East, to the shore of Lake Washington; and thence Easterly in the waters of Lake Washington following the present boundary of the City of Seattle to the present Northeast corner of the limits of the City of Seattle and place of beginning, including all waters embraced within the boundaries above described. 1 WW Griffith 2 S H Street 3 William Frausen 4 M Addison Rinyheirn 5 Geo H Smith 6E W Young 7 A T Friend 8 J P Thompson 9 C H Brown 10 Ike Rosenthal 11 F B Seymour 12 J A Campbell 13 W J Gardner 14 O P Mooney 15 Harrison Hays 16 David J Hagerty 17 H F Sweet 18 C S Bliason 19 F C Moran 20 J B W Miller 21 F C Green 22 J H Cannon 23 Geo W clark 24 H E Pginis 25 D T Wheeler 26 J Zniswauger 27 Frauenthal Bros 28 G Davis 29 R H Smith 30 James A McWilliams 31 Austin Claiborne 32 B Evensern 33 Geo S Fisher 34 E J Crandall 35 Henry B Loomis 36 Chas Schuster 37 Daniel Bagley 38 W D Fredricks 39 W Upson 40 Oliver S Reese 41 A C Graff 42 B Karnes 43 44 Jas Y Fleenox 45 John T Yarno 46 D B Denton 47 H E Weissig 48 E B Sutton 49 Wm G Norris 50 G E M Pratt

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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371 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 5/83 B Erison Labor on Streets No 288 $10.00 M Hestbeck Labor on Streets 289 10. G Collins Labor on Streets 290 10. David Webster Labor on Streets 291 10. J M Snow Engineering Front St Cribbing 292 8.75. Thos McNear Labor on Streets 293 8.75 D T Wheeler Giving Ownership of property Jackson St Extension 293 5. James Brennan Sharpening tools 294 4.75 Thos Norris Refunding Road Poll Tax paid 295 4. Wm Morris Labor on Streets 296 3.75 M Strong Hauling Gravel 1/2 a day 297 3. Waddell & Miles Lantern corner 4th & James 298 1.25 Gas Fund John Spencer Repaird to Gas Mains No 63 $5.20 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas Construction of Columbia St Engine House No 2 No 213 $1914.50 W A Perry Engineer No 1 217 75. F B Cosper Engineer No 2 218 75. Young & McKeon Plumbing etc City Hall 219 26.92. Geo B Adair, Trustee Hardware 220 16.10 Cosper, McIntyre & Co Coal, Oil etc 221 8.85 M W Pealer Horses at Engine No 1 222 5. T W Bennett Boxing Water Pipe Columbia St 223 3. Spring Hill Water Co Water 224 3. Anthony Hohnes Repairing Heater 225 2.75 Waddell& Miles Packing & Funnel 226 .38 Spring St Sidewalk #440 J M Snow Engineering No 419 $14.75 South 3rd St Improvement #399 Strong & Harkins Contract Work Nos 421-422-542-543 $1355.03 G N Alexander Contract Work 423 655.97 J M Snow Engineering 419 29.38 James Street Improvement #387 J M Snow Engineering No 424 $38.88

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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636 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordered that the application of W F Hall for retail liquor license for 3 months from May 1, 1885 be & is hereby granted. In favor of granting the same, Harrington, Yesler & Rinehart Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Wednesday May 20, 1885 at 8o'clock pm Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor Be it remembered that on this the 20th day of May 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following Officers are present towit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer & S D Crockett Thereupon the following proceedings are had: And now the Council proceeds with the examination and equalization of the Assessment Roll for the year 1885 Ordered that the following changes be made on said roll towit: T A Wakely reduced on Mortgage $2000. D T Wheeler reduced on Mortgage $600. Harrington Smith reduced on Mortgage $2500. May Roberts reduced on Mortgage $2000. John Christ reduced on Mortgage $225. A B Young reduced on Mortgage $1000. David Kellogg reduced on Mortgage $300. Bailey Gatzert reduced on Mortgage to $75. Terry Estate reduced on Mortgage $600. L J Holgate reduced on Mortgage $1000. W P Boyd reduced on Mortgage $50. Thos T Minor reduced on Mortgage $125. Wm Copeland reduced on Mortgage to $300. J W Chew reduced on Mortgage $350. Ordered that the assessor be & is hereby instructed to make corrections in the assessments of Sarah M Renton, J W George, Henry Adams, Walter France, E S Briscoe & Lamborn

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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648 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Work paid for to D T Wheeler be & is hereby rejected Ordered that the motion to accomodate the claim of Harris & Greenus be & is hereby laid on the table And now the Council proceeds to an election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignatioin of B L Northup a Councilman from the Third Ward. Whereupon Walter Graham receiving a majority of all the votes of the members of said Common Council is duly declared elected to fill said vacancy for the term provided by law. And now the City Attorney gives an opinion as to the power of the City to appropriate moneys in aid of a 4th of July celebration The Attorney's opinion is that such an appropriation is illegal & that the council has no power to appropriate moneys for such a purpose, but that the City may appropriate moneys to clean the streets ordered that the clerk be & is hereby instructed to report such opinion to the citizens comtee for 4th of July Celebration Ordinances 2 Ordinances are submitted being entitled "a special ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" Adopted upon the following vote towit: In favor of adoption Frye, Harrington, Snyder, Sox, Yesler, Latimer & Rinehart. against adoption none. The atty submits an Ordinance entitles "An ordinance to vacate certain alleys in the City of Seattle" After due consideration said ordinance is adpoted upon the following vote towit: In favor of adoption Frye, Harrington, Snyder, Sox, Yesler, Latimer& Rinehart. against adoption none. Ordered that the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds be & are hereby instructed to negotiate with the owners of certain pieces of real estate along the line of Rollin Street Extension for the purchase of same Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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