Pages That Mention Lyons
Wesley C. Sawyer
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" A MARVEL of clear statement, compact and yet excellent arrangement of the Etymology and Syntax of the German language. It is all that can be desired. It is certainly worthy of universal adoption."- M.J. Griffin, Teacher of German, Syracuse High School, N.Y.
A Practical German Grammar. By Wesley C. Sawyer, PH.D Professor in the Wisconsin State Norman School, Oshkosh; Member of the American Philological Association, etc. 12mo, cloth, 177 pp. Retail price, $1.00
Published by S. C. Griggs & CO., Chicago.
'' It seems to me exceedingly well adapted to its purpose.''Wm. F. Warren, S. T. D., LL.D., President of Boston University.
''For a short course, it is much the best grammar that I am acquainted with.''- F. P. Jordan, Teacher of German, Battle Creek H. S.
''The plan of this grammar is happily conceived and success fully executed. I am particularly pleased with the order adopted in the work.''- R. H. Garnett, Prof. of German, Georgetown College, Ky.
"The simple directness and clearness of the work make me anxious to command the time to investigate it very fully. So far, I must confess to a very favorable estimate of it." - John S. Irwis, LL.D. Sup't of Public Schools, Fort Wayne, Ind.
''I have examined it with considerable care and like it very much, and had we not introduced another text-book one year since I should certainly have sent you an order for its introduction into our schools.'' - H. E. Robbins, Sup't of Schools, Lyons, Iowa.
''A very attractive little book. Your idea seems to me a good one, and it is certainly very happily expressed. The fonetic part, the pronunciation is especially clear and simple.''- F. A. March, LL.D. Prof. of English Language and Comparative Philology, Lafayette College, Penn.
''He has not only introduced many new features, which will at once commend themselves to practical teachers, but he has greatly con densed the grammars in common use, and relieved the student from burdening his memory with an unnecessary amount of grammatical lumber. We heartily commend it.''- Zion's Herald, Boston.