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Wesley C. Sawyer
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Sawyer's Practical German Grammar.
'' It will lead the students over the rough and stormy road of German grammar with comparative ease.''- New York School Journal.
" A very clear, compact and direct exposition of the etymology and syntax of the German language. It contains nothing but the essentials necessary to thorough knowledge of the language.''- The Interior.
''Prof. Sawyer has sought to simplify the first steps, throwing out the unnecessary details and concentrating the pupil's attention upon the normal forms without too much delay over variations and irregularities, so that a fair working knowledge of the language may be obtained in a single term of fourteen weeks. The work has been tested by practice, and the result is expressed in high commendations for its clear statement, compact arrangement and general efficiency.''- New York Home Journal.
"You have done well to make so much of the script, your rules for pronunciation appear to be eminently simply, clear, good, and likely to produce correct results. The method as to adjectives and verbs is calcu lated greatly to lessen the difficulties in those branches of the study, and I am much struck with the way in which you have condensed the whole grammar, yet at the same time have made it not less but more easy for the beginners to grast.'' - Geo. Lathrop, Concord, Mass.
''It supplies accurately a demand not heretofore adequately met my more pretentious text-books. The author introduces instructive matter not usually available in the early study of the German language, simplifies the ordinary difficult arrangement of the verbs, refers the declension of the adjectives to a single controlling principle, and reaches quickly the core of the study and without the burden of useless rules and wild deriva tions so often used to pad and fill. It will be found absolute economy of time and care to purchase the well-filled little volume.''- AppletonPost, Wis.
''Some of the most striking features of this new work may be seen in the very full and careful treatment of orthography, with original explanations and illustrations, the short course of actual translation and writing of German, the simplicity and perspicuity of the whole work. On eight pages of most beautiful print the whole declension and comparison of adjectives is taught, with exercises for practice. The brevity and simplicity with which the author treats the gender, number and declension of nouns is something almost marvelous, in view of what it is customary to find in German grammars for schools.;;- Practical Teacher, Chicago.
A SPECIMEN COPY for examination will be mailed post-paid to any teacher on receipt of 67 cents. SUPPLIES FOR FIRST INTRODUCTION, ordered direct from the publishers, will be sent, expressage prepaid, at 67 cents net per copy.
S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Publishers, Chicago.