Colonial North America: Harvard Map Collection

Pages That Mention New York

A map of the late Cayuga reservation : surveyed into lots generally of 250 acres each. G3802.C37 1795 .M3, Harvard Map Collection.

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The Gift of {Reverand} Samuel Miller, at New York 1799.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by davidweimer

Whitelaw, James, 1748-1829. [Map of northern Vermont]. G3750 1790 .W5, Harvard Map Collection.

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CANADA; Michiscoui Tongue; John Savage; Isle of Motte; Sandy pt; Lime Kills; Part of New Hampshire; Part of New York; Kanking pt; North Hero; Michicoui Bay; Hog Island; Bopquam Bay; Caring Place; Martins pt; Pleasant Isle; Content Isle; St Albans; Gordons pt; Long pt; South Hero; Wilding Isle; Fisher Bladder Isle; Cambells Point; Cogdels pt; Georgia; Milton; Stone Board r; Lake Road; Colchester; Captain Ira Allen; LAKE CHAMPLAIN; Allens pt; Colchester pt; Windmill pt; Cumberland Bay; Philomila's I; Cold Spring B; Two Sisters; Lorain Allens pt; Bow & Arrow pt; Gen Allen; Sharp Shin point; Polliers pt; Halls; 4 Brothers; Spinster pt; Sheep I; Yates I; Split Rock; West Bay; Crown pt; 5 M pt; 3 M pt; Rawly pt; Ticonderoga; North Arm; George; Bavanton Collins; Mt Independance; Burlington; Shelburne; Charlotte; Lewis Cr; L. Otter Cr; Ferrisburgh; Frasier Mill; Gage's Ferry; City; Panton; Newhaven; Newhaven River; ADDISON COUNTY; Dead Creek; Evers; General Strong; Addison; Hospital Cr; Wards Cr; paines; Bridport; Lemon Fair R; Prockly Ash Br; Shoreham; Cornwell; Esqr Talmans; Otter; Snake Mt; Weybridge; Whiting; Browns Camp; Sudbury; Orwell; Hubberton; Benson; RUTLAND; Highgate; Michiscoui River; Huntsburg; Berkshire; Richford; Montgomery; Enosburg; Hungerford; Swantown; Smithfield; Fairfield; Cedar Swamp; Fairfax; Fletcher; Cedar Swamp; Cedar Swamp; River Lamoille; Judge Fasets; Cambridge; Sterling; Half Moon pt; Knoulton; 10,000 Acres; Bakersfield; 10,000 Acres; N°5: 1076 [?]; N3°: 30597 1/4 Ac[n?]; Belvedere; Whitlow & Co.; Lower North Branch; N°4: 2115 Ac; Johnston; North Branch; Hydepark; Kellyvale; N°1: 31218 Acres; N°2: 9994 Acres; Eden; Morristown; CHITTENDEN COUNTY; Brewster R; Browns River; Essex R; Browns Branch; South Branch; Essex; Jerico; Bolton; Mansfield; Underhill; Westford; Waterbury; Stowe; Waterbury R; Thatcher Br; Worchester Mt; Worcester; Little N Branch; Middlesex; Colonel Davis; Onion River; Moretown; Mad. R; Berlin; Dog R; Duxbury; N Huntington; N Huntinton River; Cammels Rump; Williston; Governor Chittendon; Judge Lane; Hinesburgh; Starksboro; Gore; 320 Acres to Buell; Hogs Back; Monkton; Hitchcocks Mills; Bishops Mills; Gore; Pocock; Lincoln; Fayston; Waitfield; Northfield; Warren; Roxbury; Brookfield; Esquire Painter; Middlebury; Major Chipman; Middlebury R; Ripton; Goshen; Salusbury; contested Leicester River & Pond; Leicester; Brandon; Philadelphia; Brandon R; Hancock; Pitsfield; Road over the Mountains; Chittenden; Gore; Kingston; Brantre; Randolph; Rochester; Emersons; Bethel; Durke; South Branch; Pitsford; Stockdridge; Barnard; WINDSOR; Fort; Carthage; Westfield; Duncansboro; Alder Meadow; Lake Memphremagog; Derby; Salem; Coventry; Elisiana; Black River; Brownington 3920 Acres; Scamteres Lake; Navy; Westmore; Willoughbys Lake; Irasburgh; Barton; Bilymead; Glover; Sheffield; Lutlerlock; Albany; London; Minden; Craftsborough; Greensborough; Wheelock; Caspemes Lake; Hazens Block house; Wolcot; Wardwick; Walden; Saffords Gore; St. Johnsbury; Danville; Littleton; 75 Miles all on 20 Miles Rapids; John Hunt Esqr; Barnet; Stephens R; Lower Barr of 15 Mile Falls; Ryegate; Stephens F; Narrows; General Bailys; Gr Oxbow; Newbury; Salem or Moretown; Mt. Sawyer; Waits R; Halls B; Clay Bank; Fairlee; Thetford; S. Branch; Blood Br; Omnompanooshook R; Podunck P; Strafford; Norwich; Hartford; Dartmouth College; Hanover; Stoors Ferry; Connecticut River; Elmore; Woodbury; Cabot; Deweys Gore; Joes P; Mollys P; Calais; Marshfield; Peachum; Groton; Harris's Gore; 3000 Acres; St Andrew; Montpelier; Colonel Davis; North Branch; Jail Branch; Wildersburgh; Orange; Stephens Branch; Williamstown; Washington; Topsham; Corinth; Oar Bed; Turnersburgh; Vershire; Tunbridge; Royalton; Sharon; White River; Pomfret; Great Manadnuck; Canaan; Lemington; Averill; Minehead; Lewis; 10685 Acres; Warren 7868 Acres; Warner 2000 Acres; Hamilton; Whitlaw & Co. 1500 Acres; Caldersburgh; Winlock; Seamtures Lake; Farrands R; Knoulton L; Pitkins L; Random; Brunswick; Ferdinand; Maidstone; Newark; Easthaven; Granby; Gildhall; Victory; Burke; ORANGE COUNTY; Luningburg; Calbow; Granted to Dr Hopkins; Upper Barr of 15 Miles Falls; Concord; Bridge;

Last edit over 4 years ago by davidweimer

[County of Rockland]. G3803.R6A1 1799 .C6, Harvard Map Collection.

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The Gift of the Reverend Sam. Miller at New York 1799

Last edit almost 5 years ago by davidweimer

Ratzer, Bernard. A copy of the general map the most part compiled from actual surveys by order of the Commissioners appointed to settle the partition line between the provinces of New York and New Jersey in 1769 / by Bernard Ratzer. G3811.F7 1769 .R3

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Photograph of the map showing the line between New York and New Jersey, as seen by Commissioners 1769; -; The original map is in this Library, and was lent to the Regents of the

Last edit almost 5 years ago by davidweimer
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State Library; Department of Historical Records; Albany, New York; February 19, 1884; Dear Sir,; I send you herewith under separate cover the promised photographic copy of Razter's map of the N.Y. and N.J. boundary line of 1769.; [ J. Winsor ?] Esq.; Very truly yours,; B Fernow

Last edit almost 5 years ago by davidweimer
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