Pages That Mention W H DeWolf
Petition to Extend City Limits of Seattle To the Honorable, the City Council, the Legislative Body of the said city of Seattle, hereby respectfully petition that the boundaries of the City of Seattle be altered and extended so as to include the new territory hereinafter described within the said City of Seattle after proceedings had as required by law, and that you submit to the electors of said city and to the electors residing in the said territory hereinafter described, the question whether said territory shall be annexed to said City of Seattle and become a part thereof. The said new territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Seattle is particularly described as follows to-wit: Beginning at the point in the center of Lake Washington, which is the Northeast corner of the present limits of the City of Seattle; thence Northerly along the center of Lake Washington to an intersection with the south line of Section Sixteen, in Township Twenty-five, Range Four West, W.M., produced eastwardly; thence West in the waters of Lake Washington and Union Bay along said east line produced to the intersection with the east line of said Section Sixteen, produced southerly; thence North in the waters of Union Bay along said east line produced to the shore of said Union Bay, and thence North along the east line of said Section Sixteen and of Section No Nine in said Township and Range to the quarter-section on the east line of said Section Nine; thence West along the center line of said Section Nine to the quarter-section corner in the west line thereof; thence North along the east line lines of Sections Eight and Five in said Township and Range to the north line of said Township Twenty-five North; thence West along said Township line to the quarter-section corner in the north line of Section One, in Township Twenty-five North, Range Three East, which latter point is the Northeast corner of the present corporate limits of the town (now city) of Ballard; thence South along the center line of said Section One, and Sections Twelve and Thirteen in said township Twenty-five North, Range Three East to the Southeast corner of Government Lot 2, in said Section thirteen, said last-named line being the Easterly boundry of said City of Ballard; thence West along the South boundary of said City of Ballard to the center of Salmon Bay; thence Northwesterly following the present corporate limits of the City of Ballard along the center line of Salmon Bay to deep water in Puget Sound of Admiralty Inlet; thence West to the main channel of Puget Sound or Admiralty Inlet; thence southerly along said main to a junction with the main channel from Elliott Bay; thence Easterly and Southeasterly along the main channel of Elliott Bay to the point in the center of Elliott Bay, which is the Northwest corner of the present limits of the City of Seattle; thence Northeastwardly along the present Northwestern boundry of the City of Seattle to the intersection between the shore of said Elliott Bay and the west line of Section Twenty-four, in Township Twenty-five North, Range Three East; thence North, following the present boundary of the City of Seattle along said west line of said Section twenty-four to the quarter section corner in the west line of said Section Twenty-four; thence East, following the present boundary of the City of Seattle along the center line of said Section Twenty-four, and of Sections Nineteen and Twenty in Township Twenty-five North, Range Four East to the east line of said Section twenty; thence South following the present boundary of the City of Seattle, along the east line of said Section Twenty to the Southeast corner thereof; thence East following the present boundry of the City Seattle along the North line of Sections Twenty-eight and Twenty-seven in Township Twenty-five North, Range Four East, to the shore of Lake Washington; and thence Easterly in the waters of Lake Washington following the present boundary of the City of Seattle to the present Northeast corner of the limits of the City of Seattle and place of beginning, including all waters embraced within the boundaries above described. 1 S S Willard 2 John G Scurry 3 A D Hart 4 J M Sparkman 5 S I Robeson 6 John Lynch 7 A L Talmer 8 W H DeWolf 9 J M Leary 10 Jas R Hayden 11 B A Starkey 12 P McIntyre 13 J B Henderson 14 J Purth 15 John Langston 16 John Winkle 17 M J Calligan 18 W R Forrest 19 D L Knowles 20 George W Knowles 21 H E Shields 22 James E Morrison 23 C R G Davies 24 Christ B Hassen 25 S F Gastoer 26 George Nagel 27 Edwin W Craven 28 T W Gordon 29 Alfred Williams 30 David Kellogg 31 C H Kittinger 32 J E Rudolph 33 A J Young 34 35 Fred E Sanders 36 Fred Marao 37 W E Boone 38 Charles Armstrong 39 G H Heilbron 40 J S Gayle 41 J H Culley 42 J Brown 43 44 P Egge 45 Robert Westermen 46 S J Jackson 47 P M Baker 48 A Vahlhunch 49 J M Phater 50 C F Grant
748 Journal of the Proceedings of the Feb 17 1886 Office of the Mayor Seattle W T February 17th 1886, A special meeting of the Common Council of the city of Seattle is hereby called to be held at the council chamber at the hour of seven o'clock P.M. on Thursday the 18th day of February 1886 for the transaction of such business as may legally come before it H L Yesler Mayor
Feb 18 1886 Be it remembered that on this 18th day of February 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its council chamber pursuant to the cll of the mayor there being present his Honor the Mayor Henry L Yesler, and Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, G W. Hall W. A.Harrington, John Keenen; T. W. Lake, Chas McDonald, J. J. Post and G W Young; when the following proceedings were had, to wit: Ordinances An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance relating to the Police Force and defining the powers and duties and fiscally the Compensation of certain officers of the Police Department" which after consideration by the council is adopted by the following vote: In favor of the same, R H Calligan, J Furth, G W. Hall, W. A.Harrington, John Keenen; T. W. Lake, Chas McDonald, J. J. Post and G W Young, against none.
Police Officers On motion of councilman Furth the following named persons are nominated as police officers of the City of Seattle and elected by a unanimous vote of the Council Viz: Police Inspector A. E. Alden Police Officers, W H DeWolf, J Paul Lange, Peter Frissell, W M Morse, Neil Henly, C M Anderson, Saul P Short, W M
758 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 5 1886 F S Curtis retail intoxicating 12 mos from Mar 5th Chas Ross retail intoxicating 3 mos from Mar 1st Schwabacher Bros & Co wholesale intoxicating 6 mos from Feb 9th John Shepich retail intoxicating 3 mos from Feb 8th Theovte upon issuing siad licenses being as follows towit: In favor thereof Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth G W Hall, W A Harrington, T W Lake, C McDonald, J J Post and G W Young; against none The following claims against the City are presented and referred to theproper committee viz: name fund amount W R Forrest City 125.00 C H Hanford City 100.00 A Chilberg City 83.33 L Cummings City 84.00 J Bogart City 60.00 J Bogart City 27.40 Geo G Lyon City 24.30 J Blood City 2.20 Geo Behan City 2.20 Chas Hardy City 2.20 Ed Norton City 2.20 L VanDoren City 2.20 Donovan Bros City 10.50 Gordon Hardware Co City 77.50 Neuman & Agrens City 11.20 Seattle Chronicle City 27.64 Sunset Telephone Co City 5.90 Harrington & Smith City 2.40 W H Pinckney City 41.17 Jas Burke City 41.17 G W Hapgood City 5.00 D H Webster City 32.50 Wm Morse City 32.50
Wm Murphy City 65.00 F A Minick City 65.00 Lowman & Hanford S & P Co City 5.50 Turn Verim Society City 75.00 Young & McKeon City .75 W B Jackling City 40.00 Bolton Rogers City 15.12 G L Hill City 20.44 Geo A Hill City 17.40 R H Thomson City 129.25 R H Thomson City 52.25 R H Thomson City 28.50 James Welch City 45.36 Wm Morse City 23.33 W H DeWolf City 18.67 W B Jackling City 18.67 H K Struve City 15.17 D H Blackmar City 15.17 Neil Heuly City 15.17 A McRae City 15.17 G W Hapgood City 15.17 J R Davis City 15.17
J W McGee City 15.17 S P Short City 15.17 M M Holmes City 15.17 C A Craig City 15.17 W M Morse City 15.17 Bolton Rogers City 15.17 G L Hill City 10.83 D H Webster City 15.17 J W Smart City 15.17 J W Currier City 15.17 P Frizell City 15.17 J Normile City 8.67 W M Jones City 15.17 E H Hubbart City 2.17 G Jager City J Kahaley City Jas Murphy City Leo Lester City O D Butterfield City W M Jones City 49.83 J Langston City 3.00 Spring Hill Water Co Water 166.00
764 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 11 1886 Name Fund warrant# amount remarks Seattle Chronicle City 1502 21.64 Printing for Jany & Feb Sunset Telephone Co City 1503 5.90 for March Harrington & Smith City 1504 2.40 Brooms W H Pinckney City 1505 41.17 Police Officer J Burke City 1506 41.17 Police Officer G W Hapgood City 1507 5.00 Special Police Officer D H Webster City 1508 40.00 Special Police Officer W M Morse City 1509 40.00 Special Police Officer Wm Murphy City 1510 41.17 Police Officer F A Minick City 1511 41.17 Police Officer Lowman & Hanford City 1512 5.50 Printing for Police Turin Verein Society City 1513 75.00 Vacating room for soldier Young & McKeon City 1514 .75 Plumbing W B Jackling City 1515 40.00 Special Police Officer B Rogers City 1516 17.50 Special Police Officer G L Hill City 1517 22.50 Special Police Officer G A Hill City 1518 17.40 Justice Fees3 R H Thomson & Assts City 1519&20 129.25 Right of Way Beach Road R H Thomson & Assts City 1521 52.25 Union St Sewer R H Thomson & Assts City 1522 28.50 Imp of alley in Blk8Maynards James Welch City 1523 41.17 Police Officer A E Alden City 1524 23.33 Police Officer W H DeWolf City 1525 18.67 Police Captain W B Jackling City 1526 18.67 Police Captain R M Anderson City 1527 15.17 Police Officer H K Struve City 1528 15.17 Police Officer D H Blackmar City 1529 15.17 Police Officer Neil Henly City 1530 15.17 Police Officer A McRae City 1531 15.17 Police Officer G W Hapgood City 1532 15.17 Police Officer J R Davis City 1533 15.17 Police Officer J W McGee City 1534 15.17 Police Officer S P Short City 1535 15.17 Police Officer M M Holmes City 1536 15.17 Police Officer W M Morse City 1537 15.17 Police Officer
777 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 2 1886 774.53 Name Fund Warrant# Amount Remarks F Anthony City 1585 5.50 Binding Daily Chronicle W H Pumphrey & Co City 1586 52.20 Stationary Lowman & Hanford S & P Co City 1587 30.20 Stationary & Printing Gordon Hardware Co City 1588 434.30 Revolvers & Belts H E Levy City 1589 5.10 Supplies for Police Officer J Spencer City 1590 13.00 Plumbing for Police Officer Z C Miles City 1591 4.90 Supplies for Police Officer Seattle Hardware Co City 1592 5.20 Cartridges T C Kennard City 1593 10.00 Special Police Officer A E Alden City 1594&5 100.00 Inspector of Police W H DeWolf City 1596 80.00 Captain of Police W B Jackling City 1597 80.00 Captain of Police C M Anderson City 1598 21.67 Police Officer W M Morse City 1599 34.60 Police Officer H K Struve City 1600 65.00 Police Officer D H Blackman City 1601 65.00 Police Officer Neil Henly City 1602 54.15 Police Officer A McRae City 1603 65.00 Police Officer E H Hubbart City 1604 65.00 Police Officer G W Hapgood City 1605 28.26 Police Officer J R Davis City 1606 65.00 Police Officer J W McGee City 1607 65.00 Police Officer S P Short City 1608 65.00 Police Officer M M Holmes City 1609 65.00 Police Officer C A Craig City 1610 65.00 Police Officer Bolton Rogers City 1611 65.00 Police Officer D H Webster City 1612 65.00 Police Officer J W Smart City 1613 62.84 Police Officer J W Currier City 1614 54.15 Police Officer P Frissell City 1615 6.50 Police Officer L B Youngs City 1616 65.00 Police Officer D W Kennedy City 1617 51.98 Police Officer W M Jones City 1618 65.00 Police Officer 2754.33 G Kellogg & Co Road 1255 .50 Medicine J Finnegan Road 1256 4 .50 Labor on Streets R L Woolery Road 1257 2.25 Labor on Streets