City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention Clarence Hanford






From Harbor & Wharves Comtee approving the Harbor Masters report. Adopted.

From Judiciary and Legislative Comtee approving the report of the City Justice. Adopted.

From Street Committee recommending the granting of the petition of Geo. F. Frye for the moving of a building & for other purposes. Adopted

From Street Committee recommending the granting of the petition of G. N. Alexander for further time until October 10.1883 in which to complete the piling in South 3rd Street. Adopted.

From Street Committee recommending the granting of the petition of Murphy and Stewart for the postponement of the detention of the forfeiture of $250.00 until the final payment on 4th Street Improvement. Adopted

From Finance Committee approving Clerks report. Adopted From Finance Committee approving Treasurers report. Adopted From Street Committee approving Street Commissioners report and Payroll. Adopted

Applications for Licenses Ordered that licenses be issued as follows, towit: J. C. Conrad for Retail liquor for 3 months from Sept 5.1883 Otto Fuhrmann for Grocery 3 10 James Glynn & Co Retail 3 10

Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Coucil are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following towit:

City Fund Clarence Hanford Job work No. 451 $115.50 J. H. Woolery Chief of Police 452 100. E. S. Osborne Clerk 453 90. D. L. McCowan Policeman 454 80. A. H. Manning do 455 80. Charles Lind do 456 80. James Welch do 457 80. J. C. Floyd do 458 80.

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




369 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 5/83 Street. Referred to Surveyor Applications for Licenses Ordered that licenses be issued as follows: Alden & Fiske for Retail Liquor for 3 months from Oct 1/83 Geo Meister for Retail Liquor for 3 months from Oct 7/83 Kappler & Wusthoff for Retail Liquor for 3 months from Oct 2/83 Kappler & Wusthoff for 1 Billiard Table for 3 months from Oct 2/83 L Diller for Retail Liquor for 3 months from Oct 16/83 L Diller for 1 Billiard Table for 3 months from Oct 16/83 R Howard for Retail Liquor for 3 months from Oct 3/83 Smith & Farrar for 1 Pool Table for 3 months from Sept 27/83 Geo K Beede for Retail Liquor for 12 months from Oct 1/83 Bersch & Hink for 2 Pool & 1 Pigeon Hole Table for 3 months from Oct 1/83 Fortier & Co for Retail Liquor for 3 months from Oct 6/83 Dickman & Gumbert for Retail Liquor for 3 months from Oct 4/83 Joseph Francisco for Retail Liquor for 3 months from Oct 7/83 Claims Paid Thefollowing claims having been duly sudited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amount following towit: City Fund C H Metcalf Completing repairs to City Hall Nos 470-471 $595.10 Boardman & Nichols Completing painting of City Hall 472 150. J H Woolery Chief of Police 473 100. E S Osborne Clerk 474 90. D L McCowan Policeman 475 80. James Welch Policeman 476 80. Charles Lind Policeman 477 80. J C Floyd Policeman 478 80. A H Manning Policeman 479 80. Chronicle Printing 480 79.69 R Osborne Attorney 481 75. Clarence Hanford Job Work 482 68.50 John Kelly Policeman 483 58.52 [F A ?] Policeman 484 58.52 [?] [?] 485 25.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




405 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE De 7/83 J C Floyd Police 541 80. John Kelly Police 542 80. R Osborne Atty 543 75. T H Cann J P fees 544 43.40 Gottlieb Burien License Money refunded 545 31.25 Hall and Paulson Furniture Co Curtains 546 20. Snow, MunchLocating Plummers Building in King St 548 15. Clarence Hanford Job work 547 19. E S Osborn Procuring Charter etc 549 14.55. O Schillestad Team register & Repairs 550 13. Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 551 6.65 Gordon Hardware Co Lime etc for Jail 552 4.50 J M Lyon Level books 553 1.50 Road fund J M Snow Establishing Grades 320 $159.55 Henry Sheahan Labor on Sts $91Use of Horse $36. 321 127. Yesler Mill Co. Lumber 322 92.53 Stetson & Post Lumber 323 83.50 Stephan Berry Labor on Streets 324,325 75. John Tenice Labor on Streets 326,327 67.50 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 328 65. James Campbell Labor on Streets 329 65. Luther Albee Labor on Streets 330 50. M Huse Labor on Streets 331 75. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 332 22. M Murphy Labor on Streets 333 17.50 Gordon Hardware Co. Nails 334 8.50 J W Hunt Saddle etc. 335 3. J L Kahaley Hauling 336 67.50 Wald & Campbell Steel Rake 337 .90 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co repair etc. 66 $106.29 Seattle Gas Lt Co gas 67 269.05 Seattle Gas Lt Co repair etc. 68 65.08 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas On a/c Columbia St Engine House 244 $1000.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


405 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE De 7/83 J C Floyd Police 541 80. John Kelly Police 542 80. R Osborne Atty 543 75. T H Cann J P fees 544 43.40 Gottlieb Burien License Money refunded 545 31.25 Hall and Paulson Furniture Co Curtains 546 20. Snow, MunchLocating Plummers Building in King St 548 15. Clarence Hanford Job work 547 19. E S Osborn Procuring Charter etc 549 14.55. O Schillestad Team register & Repairs 550 13. Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 551 6.65 Gordon Hardware Co Lime etc for Jail 552 4.50 J M Lyon Level books 553 1.50 Road fund J M Snow Establishing Grades 320 $159.55 Henry Sheahan Labor on Sts $91Use of Horse $36. 321 127. Yesler Mill Co. Lumber 322 92.53 Stetson & Post Lumber 323 83.50 Stephan Berry Labor on Streets 324,325 75. John Tenice Labor on Streets 326,327 67.50 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 328 65. James Campbell Labor on Streets 329 65. Luther Albee Labor on Streets 330 50. M Huse Labor on Streets 331 75. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 332 22. M Murphy Labor on Streets 333 17.50 Gordon Hardware Co. Nails 334 8.50 J W Hunt Saddle etc. 335 3. J L Kahaley Hauling 336 67.50 Wald & Campbell Steel Rake 337 .90 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co repair etc. 66 $106.29 Seattle Gas Lt Co gas 67 269.05 Seattle Gas Lt Co repair etc. 68 65.08 Fire Fund Carkeek & Nicholas On a/c Columbia St Engine House 244 $1000.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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