Colonial North America: Harvard Map Collection

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Pages That Mention Canada

Carleton, Osgood, 1742-1816. The district of Main : from the latest surveys / by Osgood Carleton, delin. G3730 1793 .C3, Harvard Map Collection.

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The District of MAIN from the latest Surveys.; Osgood Carleton delin. 1793.

43; 44; 45; 46; 47; 48; 49; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; Longit East from Philadelphia. 71° 8’ W. from Greenwich; 70° 8’; 69° 8’; 68° 8’; 67° 8'; 66° 8’; 65 ° 8’; Scale of english Statute Miles. 50 100; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12; Longitude East from Washington. 73° 8’; WL. from Greenwich; 72 degrees 8 minutes.; 71° 8’; 70° 8’; 69° 8’; 68° 8’; 67° 8’; The difference of Longitude between Philadelphia and Washington is 2 Degrees

Gaspe Bay; Port Donal; Miscou Island; Coroquet; Shippigun Island; Chaleurs Bay; Madiss P.; Niposagut Bay; Tobagimea Island; Carrying Place; New Brunswick; Rishibucto Bay; Shiediac; Chignesto Bay; FUNDY BAY.; Edie Head.; Grand Passage; Petit Passage; Annapolis royal; Bay of St. Mary's; Cape St. Mary.; Cape Fourchu; Townsend Bay; Seal Island; Cape Sable.; Brazil Rock; Barrington Bay; Port Haldimand; Port Amherst; Butter's Bay.; Port Mansfield.; Cambier Hr.; Liverpool; Le Havre; Dublin; NOVA SCOTIA; Eastern Boundary of the United States; Delaval Bay; White River; High Lands being the Boundary between the United States and Canada; River St Lawrence.; Quebec; River des Loups; Chaudiere River; Amaguntic Pond.; Medasta Lake; Penobscot Lakes; St John's River; Penobscot River North Branch; [?] County; Cumberland County; Hancock County; Lincoln County; Washington County; Penobscot Mountains; Mousehed Lake.; Penobscot River West Branch; River Kennebeck; River Kennebeck East Branch; Dead River; Canaan; Hancock; Sandy River; Sebasticock River; Washington; Vassalborough; Hallowell; Pownallborough; Amoriscoggon River; Sebacook Lake; Tobago Pond; Presumscut; Falmouth River; Portland; Falmouth.; Small Point.; Townsend; Penmaquid Point; Cape Elizabeth; Saco River; Biddeford; Umbagog Lake; NEW HAMPSHIRE.; Agamenticus Mountains; York; Cape Nedoc.; Salmon River; Walls; Passataqua Harbor; Shoals Island; Portsmouth; Newbury Harbor; Cape Ann; Thatchers Island; Londoners Island; Massachusetts; Ann Harbor; Penobscot Bay.; Fox Island; Holt Island; Mount Desart Rock.; St Georges; Long Island; Mount Desart Island; Deer Island; Burnt Island; Penobscot River; Penobscot.; Sullivan.; Union; Taunton; Gouldsborough; Machias Bay.; Machias; Cobscook Bay; Campobello Island; Gr. Manaan.; Passamaquady Bay; Deer Island; Scoodic River; Scoodic River; St Andrews; River St Croix; Oak Point; Passamaquady River; Scoodic Lake

Last edit over 4 years ago by davidweimer

Whitelaw, James, 1748-1829. [Map of northern Vermont]. G3750 1790 .W5, Harvard Map Collection.

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CANADA; Michiscoui Tongue; John Savage; Isle of Motte; Sandy pt; Lime Kills; Part of New Hampshire; Part of New York; Kanking pt; North Hero; Michicoui Bay; Hog Island; Bopquam Bay; Caring Place; Martins pt; Pleasant Isle; Content Isle; St Albans; Gordons pt; Long pt; South Hero; Wilding Isle; Fisher Bladder Isle; Cambells Point; Cogdels pt; Georgia; Milton; Stone Board r; Lake Road; Colchester; Captain Ira Allen; LAKE CHAMPLAIN; Allens pt; Colchester pt; Windmill pt; Cumberland Bay; Philomila's I; Cold Spring B; Two Sisters; Lorain Allens pt; Bow & Arrow pt; Gen Allen; Sharp Shin point; Polliers pt; Halls; 4 Brothers; Spinster pt; Sheep I; Yates I; Split Rock; West Bay; Crown pt; 5 M pt; 3 M pt; Rawly pt; Ticonderoga; North Arm; George; Bavanton Collins; Mt Independance; Burlington; Shelburne; Charlotte; Lewis Cr; L. Otter Cr; Ferrisburgh; Frasier Mill; Gage's Ferry; City; Panton; Newhaven; Newhaven River; ADDISON COUNTY; Dead Creek; Evers; General Strong; Addison; Hospital Cr; Wards Cr; paines; Bridport; Lemon Fair R; Prockly Ash Br; Shoreham; Cornwell; Esqr Talmans; Otter; Snake Mt; Weybridge; Whiting; Browns Camp; Sudbury; Orwell; Hubberton; Benson; RUTLAND; Highgate; Michiscoui River; Huntsburg; Berkshire; Richford; Montgomery; Enosburg; Hungerford; Swantown; Smithfield; Fairfield; Cedar Swamp; Fairfax; Fletcher; Cedar Swamp; Cedar Swamp; River Lamoille; Judge Fasets; Cambridge; Sterling; Half Moon pt; Knoulton; 10,000 Acres; Bakersfield; 10,000 Acres; N°5: 1076 [?]; N3°: 30597 1/4 Ac[n?]; Belvedere; Whitlow & Co.; Lower North Branch; N°4: 2115 Ac; Johnston; North Branch; Hydepark; Kellyvale; N°1: 31218 Acres; N°2: 9994 Acres; Eden; Morristown; CHITTENDEN COUNTY; Brewster R; Browns River; Essex R; Browns Branch; South Branch; Essex; Jerico; Bolton; Mansfield; Underhill; Westford; Waterbury; Stowe; Waterbury R; Thatcher Br; Worchester Mt; Worcester; Little N Branch; Middlesex; Colonel Davis; Onion River; Moretown; Mad. R; Berlin; Dog R; Duxbury; N Huntington; N Huntinton River; Cammels Rump; Williston; Governor Chittendon; Judge Lane; Hinesburgh; Starksboro; Gore; 320 Acres to Buell; Hogs Back; Monkton; Hitchcocks Mills; Bishops Mills; Gore; Pocock; Lincoln; Fayston; Waitfield; Northfield; Warren; Roxbury; Brookfield; Esquire Painter; Middlebury; Major Chipman; Middlebury R; Ripton; Goshen; Salusbury; contested Leicester River & Pond; Leicester; Brandon; Philadelphia; Brandon R; Hancock; Pitsfield; Road over the Mountains; Chittenden; Gore; Kingston; Brantre; Randolph; Rochester; Emersons; Bethel; Durke; South Branch; Pitsford; Stockdridge; Barnard; WINDSOR; Fort; Carthage; Westfield; Duncansboro; Alder Meadow; Lake Memphremagog; Derby; Salem; Coventry; Elisiana; Black River; Brownington 3920 Acres; Scamteres Lake; Navy; Westmore; Willoughbys Lake; Irasburgh; Barton; Bilymead; Glover; Sheffield; Lutlerlock; Albany; London; Minden; Craftsborough; Greensborough; Wheelock; Caspemes Lake; Hazens Block house; Wolcot; Wardwick; Walden; Saffords Gore; St. Johnsbury; Danville; Littleton; 75 Miles all on 20 Miles Rapids; John Hunt Esqr; Barnet; Stephens R; Lower Barr of 15 Mile Falls; Ryegate; Stephens F; Narrows; General Bailys; Gr Oxbow; Newbury; Salem or Moretown; Mt. Sawyer; Waits R; Halls B; Clay Bank; Fairlee; Thetford; S. Branch; Blood Br; Omnompanooshook R; Podunck P; Strafford; Norwich; Hartford; Dartmouth College; Hanover; Stoors Ferry; Connecticut River; Elmore; Woodbury; Cabot; Deweys Gore; Joes P; Mollys P; Calais; Marshfield; Peachum; Groton; Harris's Gore; 3000 Acres; St Andrew; Montpelier; Colonel Davis; North Branch; Jail Branch; Wildersburgh; Orange; Stephens Branch; Williamstown; Washington; Topsham; Corinth; Oar Bed; Turnersburgh; Vershire; Tunbridge; Royalton; Sharon; White River; Pomfret; Great Manadnuck; Canaan; Lemington; Averill; Minehead; Lewis; 10685 Acres; Warren 7868 Acres; Warner 2000 Acres; Hamilton; Whitlaw & Co. 1500 Acres; Caldersburgh; Winlock; Seamtures Lake; Farrands R; Knoulton L; Pitkins L; Random; Brunswick; Ferdinand; Maidstone; Newark; Easthaven; Granby; Gildhall; Victory; Burke; ORANGE COUNTY; Luningburg; Calbow; Granted to Dr Hopkins; Upper Barr of 15 Miles Falls; Concord; Bridge;

Last edit over 4 years ago by davidweimer

Shayler, William. The world / by Wm. Shayler. G3200 1768 .S5, Harvard Map Collection.

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North Pole; 90; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; North Pole; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 10; 0; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; South Pole; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; South Pole; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 10; 0; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; Baffins Bay; Green Land; Shagatskoi; Pt of Si; [beri?];Berrin; Island discoverit in 1741; C. Chlotsokayo; Artic Circle; N. Wales; Hudsons Bay; CANADA; N. Britain; Hudsons St.; Davis St.; Newfoundland; C. Farewell; N. Scotland; N. England; N. York; BRITISH EMPIRE; Azores; WESTERN OCEAN or ATLANTIC OCEAN; Cape Verde Is; Trinidad; Barbada; Martinico; Antigua; Porto Rico; Hispaniola; Cuba; Bermuda; Georgia; Carolina; Virginia; Maryland; Gulf of Mexico; FLORIDA; MEXICO or NEW SPAIN; Mississippi R; California; C Mendocin; THE PACIFIC OCEAN; Pajara; St. Maria; Tropic of Cancer; Land seen by Mendanna; San Fransisco; Ecliptic or Zodiac; Kasbobas; Piscadores; St. Bartholemew; Gasper; Limira; Volcana; Rica de Plata; Barbados; La Mesa; Equinoctial Line; 200; 190; 180; 170; 160; 150; 140; 130; 120; 110; 90; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 10; 0; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; 100; 110; 120; 130; 140; 150; 160; C. Corientes; Roca Partida; Gallego I.; Gallapagos Is; Jamaica; Tierra Firma; Guiana; C. North; Taumago I.; Hope I.; St. Cruz; Solomons I.; Rotterdam I.; Tropic of Capricorn; Fly I.; St. Bernard; Dog I.; Lands seen by Quiras; Mendaxa; C. Blanco; Trepied I.; Davis's Land; I. Fernandez; N. Zeland; Chiloe I; Str. of Magellan; desc. by Drake; C. Horn; T. del Fuego; Faulkland I.; Megalhanie; Chili; R. de la Plata; PARAGUAY; SOUTH AMERICA; AMAZONS.; PERU; R. Amazons; BRAZIL.; C. Frio; Trinadad; C. St. Augustin; [ C. St. Rogue; Naranna; Fernanda; C. North; Antartic Circle;

Greenland; Spitsburg; FEY SEA or NORTHN OCEAN.; Nova Zembla; Iceland; Ireland; Britain; Denmark; Norway; Sweeden; Russia; EUROPE; RUSSIAN EMPIRE; Siberia; Portugal; Spain; Canaries; Madera; Marrocco; Algeria; BARBARY; Trypoli; SARRAH or the DESART; Egypt; Mediterranean Sea; Tunis; Italy; France; Germany; Turkey; Black Sea; Tartary; Hungary; Poland; Baltic Sea; Caspian; Obi; Irlith; WESTERN TARTARY; Aral L.; EASTERN TARTARY; Bokharia; Sagalian or Amur; Lena R; Sea of Kamchatc; Kamchaka; Jesso; Japan; Sea of Korea; Korea; Whang; CHINA; Kyang; Tibet; Moguls Empire; ASIA; Persia; Teappue; Ganges; Malabar; Cormandeel; Bay of Bengal; Ceylon; Borneo; Sumatra; Java; Malaysia; Avalon; Pega; Siam; Cochin; Manila; [ Cades I.; Samar; Philippines Is.; Formosa; Haynan; Socatra; C. Guardafu; Maldives; Arabian Gulf; Arabia; Syria; Euphrates; Nubia; NEGROLAND; Gambia; Senega; AFRICA; Guinea; Benin; Mokoko; Congo; S. Thom.; Malthen; Ascension; St. Helena; Poros; Nile R.; Abassinia; Ajan; Monemugi; Zanoucba; Monemotapa; Benghala; Congo; Hottentots; Madagascar; Bourbon; Romeiros; Amsterdam; Nack legast; Marseveen; Cape of Good Hope; Tristan da Cunha; Terra Australe; Meridian of London; Cape Circumsion discoverd in 1739; Puloorera; Marian Isles; Guan; New Philippines; N. Britain; Carpentaria; Spirito Sancto; Coros; New Holland; Van Demens Land

Last edit over 4 years ago by davidweimer
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