City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention M M Holmes


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We the undersigned, judges of the election for chief of the fire Department of the City of Seattle Wash Ty held at Seattle Wash Ty on Monday May 4th 1885 hereby certify that the whole number of votes cast was two hundred thirty four (234) of this number Gardner Kellogg received one hundred and forty (140) Daniel McKem received ninety four (94) dated at Seattle Wash Ty May 4th 1885 W Sahmn R A Calligan M M Holmes Chas Lind Nicholas S Snyder H & L Co No1 George H Prestin Hose Co No1 To the Secretary of the Board of Fire Delagates

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Second, the Board recommend that the following bills be paid by the City N S Snyder $4.00 Robert Calligan $4.00 W G Latimer, M M Holmes $4.00 George H Preston $4.00 Charles Lund $4.00 The bills against the Hook & Ladder Company were referred to the Finance Committee with power to report directly to the Council at the earliest opportunity Thisr, The Board recommend that the secretary of the Board be allowed a salary of $100.00 per year from the City and that said salary rate from January 1, 1885 The bills approved by the Board are herewith enclosed and marked recommended for payment all of which is respectfully submitted George H Preston Secretary Board of Delegates

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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647 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE H Kennily washing hose etc No 588 $ 8. John Damon washing hose etc 589 3. F B Cosper washing hose etc 590 3. A LaBrasche washing hose etc 591 3. Emery Williams washing hose etc 592 3. A LaBrasche work on Gilmore fire & washing hose 593 10. F Beattie work on Gilmore fire & washing hose 594 5. F B Cosper work on Engine no 1 at fire 595 5. Chas Goodwin work at Gilmore Fire & washing hose 596 10. Penny & Kelly labor on fire Engine 597 3. R H Calligan hauling hose & hose cart 598 1.50 Ed L Lindsley hauling hose cart 599 2.50 J Kincade hauling hose cart 600 2.50 W G Latimer Officer Election Fire Dept 601 4. Geo H Preston Officer Election Fire Dept 602 4. Chas Lind Officer Election Fire Dept 603 4. N S Snyder Officer Election Fire Dept 604 4. Robt Calligan Officer Election Fire Dept 605 4. M M Holmes Officer Election Fire Dept 606 4. The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co hose & Hose carts 607 1817.50 Dan'l McKeon freight on same 608 11.96 Hall & Paulson Furn Co chairs for Lake Union Co 609 6. Wald & Campbell axes at fire 610 6. Young & Mc Keon engine torches 611 21.

Ordered that the following claims be referred to the Board of Fire Delegates to wit: R W McDamile, Phillips & Sears, A B Merrill, E Lober & Co, Miller Bros]], Schwabacher Bros & Co & Lowan & Hanford S & P Co Ordered that all bills of the Fire Department except salaries be first presented to the Board of Fire Delegates before action by the Council Claim of the City Assessor of an allowance to King Co for abstract

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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749 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 18 1886 Jones, D H Beackmar, A M Gilman, Geo L Hill, J W McGee, Jas W Smart, Bolton Rogers, W M Brackett, M M Holmes, GW Hapgood, E H Hubbard, J R Davis, A McRae, C A Craig, Harry Struves, J W Currier. On motion the purchasing clerk is directed to purchase the necessary stars for the police forse and also extra keys for the City Jail. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Attest W R Forrest clerk H L Yesler mayor FEb 19 1886 Be itremembered that on this the 19th day of February 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Henry L Yesler and councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, Geo W Hall, W A Harrington, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young The folowing proceedings were had to wit: Petitions etc. Petition fo S F Haskinson et al to open Howard and Elaine Streets as defined in Ordinances 658 & 659. Referred to Street Com Communication from the First National Bank presenting claim for certain Seneca Street improvement warrants read & referred to Finance Committee A communication is read by the Mayor to the Council removing Police Officers Wm Murphy, W H Pinckney, James Burke, and James Welch and asking the advice and consent of the Council thereto. Councilman Furth moves to dismiss WM Murphy from the police force, motion lost by the following vote ayes Calligan, Furth, Harrington and Post. nos Hall, Keenen, Lake, McDonald, and Young

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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749 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 18 1886 Jones, D H Beackmar, A M Gilman, Geo L Hill, J W McGee, Jas W Smart, Bolton Rogers, W M Brackett, M M Holmes, G W Hapgood, E H Hubbard, J R Davis, A McRae, C A Craig, Harry Struves, J W Currier. On motion the purchasing clerk is directed to purchase the necessary stars for the police force and also extra keys for the City Jail. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Attest W R Forrest clerk H L Yesler mayor Feb 19 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 19th day of February 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Henry L Yesler and councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, Geo W Hall, W A Harrington, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young The folowing proceedings were had to wit: Petitions etc. Petition of S F Haskinson et al to open Howard and Elaine Streets as defined in Ordinances 658 & 659. Referred to Street Com Communication from the First National Bank presenting claim for certain Seneca Street improvement warrants read & referred to Finance Committee A communication is read by the Mayor to the Council removing Police Officers Wm Murphy, W H Pinckney, James Burke, and James Welch and asking the advice and consent of the Council thereto. Councilman Furth moves to dismiss WM Murphy from the police force, motion lost by the following vote ayes Calligan, Furth, Harrington and Post. nos Hall, Keenen, Lake, McDonald, and Young

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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